
World Environment Day|Painting the ecological picture of the Tiger Roaring Mountains and Forests with the pen of the procuratorate

author:Hunchun forest inspection

June 5 of this year

It is the 53rd World Environment Day

The Chinese theme is:

"Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China"

World Environment Day|Painting the ecological picture of the Tiger Roaring Mountains and Forests with the pen of the procuratorate

In recent years, the Hunchun Forest District Procuratorate has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, focused on the overall goal of promoting the construction of ecological civilization, gave full play to the role of ecological environmental protection procuratorial and supervisory functions, and contributed to the magnificent ecological picture of the Tiger Roaring Mountain Forest and the Leopard Leaping Qingchuan in Hunchun Forest District.

World Environment Day|Painting the ecological picture of the Tiger Roaring Mountains and Forests with the pen of the procuratorate

The picture shows an aerial photograph of a corner of the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park.

Drawing a new bond to protect the habitat of tigers and leopards

As apex predators, Siberian tigers maintain the balance of forest ecosystems by regulating the population of herbivores, and protecting one tiger is protecting 10,125 hectares of forest. In order to protect the forest ecological resources in the Hunchun forest area, in September 2022, the Hunchun Forest District Procuratorate and Hunchun Forestry Co., Ltd. jointly signed the "Opinions on the Establishment of the "Forest Chief + Procurator General" Coordination Mechanism in Hunchun Key State-owned Forest Areas" to promote the comprehensive and effective docking of the forest chief system and the procuratorial work, gather the joint efforts to protect and develop the ecological resources of the Hunchun state-owned forest area, and promote the construction of a new pattern of ecological resource protection.

World Environment Day|Painting the ecological picture of the Tiger Roaring Mountains and Forests with the pen of the procuratorate

The picture shows the Hunchun Forest District Procuratorate carrying out the chief procurator's forest patrol work and conducting on-the-spot investigation of the scene of a case of illegal occupation of forest land.

The "Opinions" clearly strengthen exploration in joint meetings, working consultations, the convergence of the "two laws", public interest litigation, clue transfer, information sharing, joint supervision, collaborative supervision, service guarantee, joint training, legal popularization and publicity, etc., focusing on the protection of woodlands, wetlands, wild animals and plants, ancient and famous trees and other ecological resources protection, ecological restoration and other aspects of deepening cooperation and cooperation, and jointly promoting the continuous improvement and high-quality development of the quality of ecological environment resources in the Hunchun Forest Area.

Draw a new pattern of judicial protection of ecological civilization

Cracking down is not the goal, protection is the original intention. In order to strive to find the optimal solution for the symbiosis of all things, at the end of 2022, Yanbian Prefecture was officially approved as the first batch of forestry carbon sink pilot areas in the country, and the Hunchun Forest District Procuratorate took the opportunity of carrying out the national carbon sink pilot work, and under the leadership of the Yanbian Forest District Branch of the Jilin Provincial Procuratorate, carried out the "three special actions" of indiscriminate deforestation litigation source management, service to state-owned forestry enterprises and service guarantee carbon sink pilot, and took this as the traction, through the integrated performance of duties, comprehensive performance and active performance in accordance with the law, to create a new ecological restoration model of "ecological inspection + carbon sink". Promote the construction of a new model of judicial protection of ecological civilization that integrates "administrative law enforcement, procuratorial supervision, judicial ecological protection, and public popularization of law", and promote the modernization of regional social governance.

World Environment Day|Painting the ecological picture of the Tiger Roaring Mountains and Forests with the pen of the procuratorate

The picture shows the carbon sink compensation forest base established by the Hunchun Forest District Procuratorate and the Forest Industry Enterprise in the Ying'an Forest Farm of the Hunchun Forestry Bureau.

In 2023, in handling a case of destruction of forest resources, the court actively guided the actor to compensate for the losses caused by the destruction of the ecology to the completion of ecological restoration and the loss of service functions by subscribing to carbon sinks, which was supported by the court. According to statistics, in the past three years, the Hunchun Forest District Procuratorate has involved 485 key protected plants, restored 66.2251 hectares of forest land, and replanted 53,820 trees in the protection of forest resources.

World Environment Day|Painting the ecological picture of the Tiger Roaring Mountains and Forests with the pen of the procuratorate

In May 2024, more than 500 trees were replanted to restore the damaged ecological environment.

Drawing "concentric circles" of ecological and environmental protection

In order to further strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, the Hunchun Forest District Procuratorate formulated the "Implementation Opinions on Serving and Guaranteeing the Construction of Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park", and formulated 15 specific measures for serving and guaranteeing the construction of Tiger and Leopard Park, so that the ecological protection work of the national park has rules to follow and evidence to follow.

World Environment Day|Painting the ecological picture of the Tiger Roaring Mountains and Forests with the pen of the procuratorate

The picture shows that the Hunchun Forest District Procuratorate held a special meeting to study and deploy services to ensure the construction of the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park.

In order to implement the requirements of the "Opinions", the Hunchun Forest District Procuratorate took the initiative to connect with the Hunchun Branch of the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park Administration, Hunchun Forestry Co., Ltd., Hunchun Siberian Tiger Protection Bureau and other party organizations, set up an ecological protection volunteer service team, and jointly carried out a special action to clear mountains and clear sets, with a total area of more than 150,000 hectares cleaned up, and a total length of nearly 600 kilometers of barbed wire and fences were removed.

World Environment Day|Painting the ecological picture of the Tiger Roaring Mountains and Forests with the pen of the procuratorate

The picture shows that on the occasion of the "International Day of Loving Birds", the Hunchunlin District Procuratorate and the Court jointly carried out legal popularization activities.

The service team also carried out themed party day activities with "Eagle Watching and Goose Appreciation Festival", "National Fish Release Day", "World Tiger Day", "9.26 Ecological Day", etc., and went deep into schools, forest farms, communities, and villages to jointly carry out law popularization activities, which attracted the hearts of the people, and through the creation of "Procuratorial Jun Xiaohu" WeChat emoji packs and procuratorial case story videos, cartoons and other new situations of law popularization, so that the awareness of protecting wild animals was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and good law popularization publicity results were achieved. The popular law cartoon ""Benefit" Heart Guard, Never Get Lost" Wandering Elf", jointly created with the Procuratorate Daily's Justice Network, was adopted by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, with 100,000+ readings, and was pushed by the Central Cyberspace Administration of the People's Republic of China.

To be responsible for the ecology is to be responsible for the people. In the next step, the Hunchunlin District Procuratorate will continue to base itself on the procuratorial and supervisory functions, actively promote the construction of ecological civilization, continue to serve and ensure the construction of the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park, and be a loyal practitioner and fighter of "rule of law + ecology", and provide more and better judicial guarantees for the comprehensive promotion of the construction of a beautiful China with a high degree of political consciousness, rule of law consciousness and procuratorial consciousness.

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