
25fall Popular Science: What are the concepts of conditional and unconditional admission to study in the UK?

author:Huiying studied at ISSIUK

UK university applications are generally opened a year in advance, and currently during the Christmas holidays, applications have been open for a few months, and some students have already received the school's offer letter.

Does getting an offer mean that you can directly enroll? Many students and parents will ask: What is a "conitional offer"? Today, I will talk to you about the types of offers and what students should do after getting the offer.

What is con and uncon

英国大学的录取通知书(Offer)一般分为两种类型:有条件式录取(Conitional offer,简称con)和无条件式录取(Unconitional offer,简称uncon)。 有条件式录取(Conitional offer)是指学校认可同学的综合实力并决定下发(预)录取通知,但提出了几个同学需要满足的条件。

Schools also give students a time limit to complete these conditions. After receiving a con offer, what are the general steps for students?

收到con offer → 满足学校提出的conition条件 → 提交材料向学校换取uncon offer → 决策是不是要接受这份offer(查看是否需要交纳押金占位)→换取CAS(Confirmation of Acceptance for Stuies,用于申请英国签证)→ 拿到签证之后顺利入学。

The reason why schools issue con offers is usually because of the large number of applicants and the small number of admission places, and the conition conditions put forward by the school are the necessary qualities that they think new students need to achieve, including grades, language, etc. Some of the students who did not meet the requirements were screened out, leaving the better students who met the standards.

Getting an Unconitional offer means that the school has issued an official acceptance letter. The operation steps also directly omit the first few links?

收到uncon offer → 决策是不是要接受这份offer(查看是否需要交纳押金占位)→ 换取CAS(Confirmation of Acceptance for Stuies,用于申请英国签证)→拿到签证之后顺利入学。

Receiving an uncon offer means that the choice is in the hands of the applicant. Students can also consider it comprehensively after receiving several offers to see which one to accept in the final decision (provided that they see the deposit DDL clearly) What should I do if I get a con Receiving an uncon offer is less worrying than a con offer.

But if you get the con, you don't have to worry too much about Huiying's study abroad advice, as long as you put in a little effort, you will have a chance to enter your dream school.

The following conditions may be included for everyone to be consumed?

1. Supplementary materials

If the student has not graduated from the bachelor's degree, the school usually requires a graduation certificate and a degree certificate in exchange for UNCON. The school may also ask students to provide additional materials, such as portfolios, copies of personal data, etc. The CON in terms of application materials is relatively easy to meet.

2. Grades

Many students apply for a master's degree in the final year of their undergraduate program, and it is feasible to submit them with the grades of their previous freshman and sophomore years, but please note that the school may accept everyone's final undergraduate grades.

In case 1, the score required by the school is equal to or lower than the score at the time of application, indicating that the school hopes that the student will maintain this score and strive for successful admission.

In case 2, the score required by the school is higher than the score at the time of application, indicating that the school has a higher standard, and the final score is sufficient to be eligible for admission. Therefore, the advice to everyone is that the pursuit of grades should be put first at all stages of the undergraduate, strive for high scores in the freshman and sophomore years, and not relax in the juniors and seniors.

3. Letters of recommendation

Recommendation letter is an important application material, which is generally divided into academic recommendation letter and internship recommendation letter, etc., and different schools have different requirements for recommendation letters. Some top universities in the UK need to attach a letter of recommendation when submitting the application, and the processing will only start when the materials are collected;

In addition, there are many universities that can process the recommendation letter first in the absence of a recommendation letter, and the recommendation letter will appear as a Conition condition in the student's offer. In addition to the academic recommendation letter issued by the tutor for students, students can also submit internship recommendation letters when applying for some majors, which is more helpful for applying for majors with strong application. For example, the following student Z is applying for a finance major at Bayesian Business School, and one of the conditions for the conservancy is a letter of recommendation, and the student will supplement an internship recommendation letter later.

4. Language scores

Being con language score (IELTS is usually IELTS for UK applications) is a common situation encountered by domestic undergraduate students and some Chinese-English 2+2 students. For most majors in most colleges and universities, failure to meet the language score standard (or not accompanied by language score application) will not affect the submission of the application, and will not affect the school's processing and issuance of offers.

25fall Popular Science: What are the concepts of conditional and unconditional admission to study in the UK?

Some schools make exceptions, such as the University of Manchester. Finally, if you get a qualified language score, you can submit your transcript to the school in exchange for UNCON; In the end, if you can't get a passing result, you can apply for a language class (Pre-Sessional English course); Offers from other schools (with lower language requirements) may also be considered. P.S. The above are some common con conditions, and there may be others in the actual application, so pay attention to the specific problems and analyze them on a case-by-case basis.

What should I do if I can't reach the con?

As mentioned earlier, students can apply for Pre-Sessional English courses at UK universities. However, it is important to note that language classes also require language scores to apply. In addition, some language classes start very early, coupled with the visa application process, students who want to apply must prepare as soon as possible.

There is also the general requirement for IELTS to apply for English Chinese classes is UKVI, and the UKVI IELTS seats have been very tight over the years, and it is necessary to plan in advance to grab a seat. Students who get the official admission notice of the language class + the admission notice of the master's course (only the language score has con), can apply for CAS and continue to apply for a visa.

5. For other cases

Other conditions that cannot be met include failing to meet the requirements of the CON grades, failure to give the materials on time, etc., students can send an email to the admitted university argue, that is, "self-help". Content suggestions include: explain the reasons for not meeting the conditions of Conition, your desire for this offer, and you can attach some other supporting materials that reflect your own shining points.

In short, add more information so that admissions officers can see your passion for the program and more advantages that can make up for the shortcomings of this condition. The final decision rests with the school, and the success of the argue varies from person to person. If you can't get the final uncon offer, you will have to consider other school offers or reapply.

*The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

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