
Traditional Chinese medicine uncovers the secret behind waking up in the morning from a mouthful of bitterness

author:Humility and generosity

The first rays of sunlight in the morning shine into the bedroom, how many people wake up from a mouthful of bitterness? What is this indescribable bitterness? Today, let me take you to uncover the secrets behind this and see how modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine interpret this phenomenon.

In other words, waking up in the morning with a bitter mouth is not a trivial matter. Modern medicine tells us that this may be because when we sleep, the humidity in our mouth decreases, resulting in an increase in bacteria and metabolites in our mouth. It's like a room that hasn't been cleaned overnight, and the accumulation of dust and clutter is naturally not so refreshing. The pH of the mouth decreases, and some diseases, such as acid reflux and oral inflammation, may also make the mouth bitter.

Traditional Chinese medicine uncovers the secret behind waking up in the morning from a mouthful of bitterness

Traditional Chinese medicine, on the other hand, has a unique perspective on this issue. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bitter mouth may be a sign of a strong liver fire or a weak spleen and stomach. Imagine that the body is like a mountain, the liver fire is like the fire on the mountain is spreading, and the spleen and stomach are like the lack of water on the mountain. Such a physical environment is naturally easy to make people feel uncomfortable.

But don't think bitterness is a small problem, it may have something to do with bile! Bile is an important "employee" in our body that is responsible for aiding digestion. However, some TCM practitioners believe that bitterness in the mouth may be due to excessive bile secretion, or even regurgitation into the stomach.

Traditional Chinese medicine uncovers the secret behind waking up in the morning from a mouthful of bitterness

Speaking of which, do you already think that bitterness is quite serious? Don't worry, Chinese medicine also has a set of conditioning methods. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bitterness corresponds to the gold element in the five elements, and fire overcomes gold, so the bitterness enters the heart, which can easily lead to strong internal fire. In order to balance this internal fire, a TCM practitioner may help you regain balance in your body by regulating your diet, regulating your emotions, and treating you with herbal medicine.

When it comes to dietary conditioning, I think of the white porridge that Cantonese people love to drink. White porridge is a food that seems simple, but it actually contains profound wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine. It is light and easy to digest, can replenish the water and nutrients needed by the body, and also has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, moistening the lungs and relieving cough. Imagine, on a hot summer day, a bowl of refreshing white porridge in the stomach, do you feel much more comfortable?

Traditional Chinese medicine uncovers the secret behind waking up in the morning from a mouthful of bitterness

So, it's not a trivial thing to wake up in the morning with a bitter mouth. It could be that your body is signaling to you that you need to pay attention to your health. If you also have such problems, you may wish to try TCM conditioning methods, or consult a professional doctor or TCM practitioner to see what advice they have. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution, so we have to take good care of it!

In short, although the bitter mouth is uncomfortable, it is not an unsolvable problem. As long as we use our hearts to understand our bodies and find the root of the problem, we will definitely be able to find a solution. After all, health is our most valuable asset!

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