
With a deviation of 17 kilometers, Chang'e-6 is 46 times worse than India! It takes more effort to catch up with this technology

author:Xu Dashuai talks about history and the present

1. The controversy over Chang'e-6

Chang'e-6 landed on the far side of the moon safely, which is really a remarkable achievement, and people can see at a glance how great our China's space technology is.

However, the landing place of Chang'e-6 was a little different from the original plan, and it was almost 17 kilometers away.

Compared with India's Chandrayaan-3, there is a 46-fold gap, which also makes some foreign media begin to wonder whether China's aerospace landing technology is not good enough.

With a deviation of 17 kilometers, Chang'e-6 is 46 times worse than India! It takes more effort to catch up with this technology

2. Technical challenges and scientific value

Regarding the deviation of the Chang'e-6 landing site, we have to understand that this is not an accident.

The far side of the moon is like an unknown labyrinth, with potholes, which can pose a big problem for the landing of Chang'e-6.

With a deviation of 17 kilometers, Chang'e-6 is 46 times worse than India! It takes more effort to catch up with this technology

But then again, the significance of Chang'e-6's landing this time is much greater than simply landing on time! It is an important milestone in the history of China's aerospace industry.

The scientific instruments on it can delve into the geological structure, mineral resources and so on on the far side of the moon, providing us with a lot of valuable data about the far side of the moon and helping us better explore this unknown territory.

With a deviation of 17 kilometers, Chang'e-6 is 46 times worse than India! It takes more effort to catch up with this technology

3. Choices and challenges of China's aerospace industry

While pursuing precise landing, China's aerospace industry actually pays more attention to the depth of scientific exploration and the quality of mission completion.

From Chang'e-3 to Chang'e-6, our country has gone farther and farther on the road to the moon, and has successfully landed on the moon four times, which is really good!

With a deviation of 17 kilometers, Chang'e-6 is 46 times worse than India! It takes more effort to catch up with this technology

In this process, China's aerospace industry is not unable to solve the problem of landing deviations, but they have chosen a more difficult path and want to make more scientific discoveries.

Compared with India's Chandrayaan-3, China's space industry may not pay as much attention to the accuracy of landing, but they pay more attention to the steady progress of technology and the successful completion of the mission.

With a deviation of 17 kilometers, Chang'e-6 is 46 times worse than India! It takes more effort to catch up with this technology

This choice not only reflects the courage and determination of China's aerospace industry, but also shows their deep love and unremitting pursuit of scientific exploration.

With a deviation of 17 kilometers, Chang'e-6 is 46 times worse than India! It takes more effort to catch up with this technology

Fourth, technological breakthroughs and future prospects

There was a slight deviation in the landing of Chang'e-6, but this did not stump our Chinese aerospace.

They're busy making technological breakthroughs! I heard that Chang'e-7 will use a better navigation and tracking and control system, and the descent route has also been optimized, so that it can land more accurately.

With a deviation of 17 kilometers, Chang'e-6 is 46 times worse than India! It takes more effort to catch up with this technology

This great technological progress not only makes our space landing better, but also provides a stronger backing for human exploration of the moon and other planets.

Moreover, China's aerospace industry has more ambitious plans, and in the next few years, they will continue to promote manned lunar landings and other deep space exploration missions.

With a deviation of 17 kilometers, Chang'e-6 is 46 times worse than India! It takes more effort to catch up with this technology


The controversy over the accuracy of Chang'e-6's landing actually gives us a good opportunity to reflect and explore.

While pursuing more accurate landings, we also have to think about whether scientific exploration and mission completion are more important.

China's aerospace industry has come a long way on the road to the moon and has made so many proud achievements.

With a deviation of 17 kilometers, Chang'e-6 is 46 times worse than India! It takes more effort to catch up with this technology

Even when they were challenged by the landing deviation, they did not stop, but instead tried to find ways to improve the technology and pursue better results.

In the future, China's aerospace industry will continue to carry out manned lunar landings and other deep space exploration missions, taking us to more unknown places in the universe.

Let's wait and see how much glory China's aerospace can create in the future!


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