
"South Wall Culture" Whoever transcends is a wise man


A person's awakening, 1% depends on others to remind, and 99% depends on a thousand cuts. No one's dissuasion will make a person fully enlightened, and what can really make people wake up like a dream and see through the world is experience, loss, regret, injury and trough.

The only way to convince a person is to hit the south wall, and the only way to wake up from the pain. The only thing that can wake up a person is tribulation, and he will always be innocent without setbacks.

"South Wall Culture" Whoever transcends is a wise man

A person's true awakening must come from a trip in person, once in the darkest, most helpless, and most confused days, relying on his tenacity and perseverance, step by step out of the most embarrassing predicament.

Life has never been once and for all, sit back and enjoy it, the paper is finally shallow, never know that this matter has to be done, everything needs to hit the south wall, the pain is so painful that you can't extricate yourself, only experienced, you know the depth.

"South Wall Culture" Whoever transcends is a wise man

Life is actually an experience, tempered in life again and again, you will awaken and grow again and again, you have not experienced enough life, it is not enough to talk about life, only by experiencing enough life, you will have deeper insights.

Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions" has a saying: "The world is full of knowledge, and the practice of human feelings is the article."

All things in the world are a kind of knowledge, the exchange of human feelings, and the sophistication of human feelings, once you are proficient, you know it in your heart, and the experience summarized is also an article.

Some people seem to be sophisticated and profound, wise and transparent, and reasonable, but in fact, others must have gone through countless life experiences and encountered countless things, so that they can do things with ease, and everything is handled indifferently.

"South Wall Culture" Whoever transcends is a wise man

I used to think that it was a kind of hypocrisy to see people and talk about people, but now I know that it is also a kind of ability, and even a kind of ability.

Many things seem to be indifferent to others, but in fact, others must have experienced the most painful things, suffered countless losses, suffered injuries, and shed tears, so that they will have indifference in the future.

"South Wall Culture" Whoever transcends is a wise man

Without love, the body is light, and the wise do not fall in love. Behind every desperate love, there must have been countless hurts by love, so that in the end, the heart will stop like water and no longer have heartbeats.

There is a saying that says: "I have never been poor and difficult to be a man, I have never been innocent without going through the world, since ancient times, heroes have come out of purgatory, and they have never been rich and noble."

It is difficult for a person to grow up without experiencing poverty, and it is always very naïve for a person not to experience things in the world, all the heroes in the world are tempered, and the rich and noble life is born in the ordinary world.

"South Wall Culture" Whoever transcends is a wise man

A person's growth and enlightenment depend on hardships, experience, bumps, stumbles, and ups and downs along the way, so that they will have the brilliance of the future.

Therefore, life itself is an experience, don't be afraid of failure, failure is the mother of success, only when you have experienced, hurt, hit the south wall, you will also come to the end of the enlightenment, reborn, become a different self!

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