
Twenty-seven arms dealers have arrived on the island of Taiwan, and the United States is vainly hoping to increase PLA casualties, and the mainland has already made an interception plan

author:History in the West

In order to block the pace of our development, the United States has done everything it can. Under the organization and promotion of the US Government, representatives of 27 US arms manufacturers visited Taiwan, and it seems that a new batch of arms sales to Taiwan will be released soon.

However, in response to these actions of the US side, we actually have a plan for interception for a long time.

Twenty-seven arms dealers have arrived on the island of Taiwan, and the United States is vainly hoping to increase PLA casualties, and the mainland has already made an interception plan

Will the United States be able to achieve its plan this time? And what is our interception plan?

Twenty-seven US arms dealers visited Taiwan in a vain attempt to increase the PLA's attrition

On June, a delegation of 27 arms manufacturers, including Raytheon, landed in Taiwan to participate in the upcoming "Taiwan U.S. Military Industry Forum."

In order to support the holding of this forum with concrete actions, the US Government has specially applied for $2.5 billion in military aid for Taiwan in Congress.

It can be seen that the United States still has not given up the idea of aggravating the regional situation on the Taiwan issue, stimulating the mainland, and slowing down the pace of Chinese mainland's development.

Twenty-seven arms dealers have arrived on the island of Taiwan, and the United States is vainly hoping to increase PLA casualties, and the mainland has already made an interception plan

It is worth noting that the current US arms sales to Taiwan show that the United States will provide military support to Taiwan in two directions.

The first is to stimulate the island's military production capacity and ensure that when war comes, the Taiwan military can rely on the island's military industry to maintain the war attrition.

To tell the truth, this move of the United States can really be described as sinister, which not only increases the difficulty of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) when it recovers Taiwan, but also makes it easy for the US military to pay much price, and can even withdraw from the whole process.

Moreover, our "Joint Sword-2024A" military exercise around the island has also made the United States realize that once the situation in the Taiwan Strait changes, we can easily surround the island of Taiwan like an iron bucket.

Twenty-seven arms dealers have arrived on the island of Taiwan, and the United States is vainly hoping to increase PLA casualties, and the mainland has already made an interception plan

The second direction is to enhance the modern combat capability of the Taiwan military. The battlefields of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict have shown that the use of unmanned equipment to carry out auxiliary operations on the battlefield has become the general trend, and the United States has also seen this trend, and understands that in order to cause greater consumption to the PLA, it is necessary to improve Taiwan's ability to use unmanned equipment for auxiliary operations.

The two companies that have increased the number of companies in the "Taiwan U.S. Military Industry Forum" this time are companies that produce and manufacture military unmanned equipment, and they have quite advanced technology and experience in unmanned boats, drones, and the application of AI in the military field.

The delegation of US military enterprises at the "Taiwan US Military Industry Forum" was led by Commander Ruud of the US Pacific Marine Corps, and the person in charge of Taiwan's defense department was responsible for receiving the Taiwan side, so this meeting had a strong political significance.

Twenty-seven arms dealers have arrived on the island of Taiwan, and the United States is vainly hoping to increase PLA casualties, and the mainland has already made an interception plan

When Mike McCaul, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, visited the island of Taiwan, he declared that he would "hedgehog" Taiwan and consume the mainland's national strength by arming Taiwan.

Of course, while the United States has achieved its own political goals, it has not forgotten to make money from Taiwan. According to the information revealed at the forum, the price of US arms sales to Taiwan has once again reached a relatively high level in history.

Moreover, the $2.5 billion US military aid to Taiwan is not gratuitous, but in fact it is a loan that Taiwan will need to repay in the future.

Twenty-seven arms dealers have arrived on the island of Taiwan, and the United States is vainly hoping to increase PLA casualties, and the mainland has already made an interception plan

As a matter of fact, although the United States has raised the price of arms sales to Taiwan very high, it still takes money and does not deliver goods almost half of the time, and since the United States began arms sales to Taiwan, tens of billions of dollars in military orders have not been delivered.

In view of the "arms delivery" of the United States, the mainland has already made an interception plan

According to the current situation in the Taiwan Strait, even if the United States is willing to deliver this batch of military equipment now, Taiwan is estimated to not be able to get it.

On May 24, the day after the liberation of the Eastern Theater of Operations began the "Joint Sword-2024A" military exercise around the island, the 2304 ship formation of the China Coast Guard carried out a comprehensive law enforcement exercise in the waters east of Taiwan Island.

Twenty-seven arms dealers have arrived on the island of Taiwan, and the United States is vainly hoping to increase PLA casualties, and the mainland has already made an interception plan

The PLA's navy and air force also made a special blockade of the open sea of Hualien, a city in the eastern part of Taiwan Island, during the exercise.

Many people speculate that this wave of PLA and the coast guard are cooperating with each other in order to target the US military delivery to Taiwan and the interception plan against the US strategy of "arming Taiwan".

This is because the waters east of Taiwan are a necessary place for the United States to send military troops to Taiwan, and as long as the Americans enter the waters east of Taiwan, they will have to face the net laid by the mainland.

Twenty-seven arms dealers have arrived on the island of Taiwan, and the United States is vainly hoping to increase PLA casualties, and the mainland has already made an interception plan

At sea, there are ships of various sizes from the China Coast Guard and the Chinese Navy, and may even run into Chinese aircraft carriers; In the air, there is also Chinese air power to intercept.

Today, the mainland coast guard has achieved regular patrols in the waters east of Taiwan, and our air forces have begun to enter Taiwan's so-called "reaction zone" on a regular basis to carry out tasks, and it is only one step away from entering Taiwan's airspace.

Even if the United States wants to arm Taiwan into a "hedgehog," it will have to worry about whether its military equipment can be sent in.

Twenty-seven arms dealers have arrived on the island of Taiwan, and the United States is vainly hoping to increase PLA casualties, and the mainland has already made an interception plan


Now we see that with the major changes in the balance of comprehensive strength between China and the United States, the United States has less and less room to play on the Taiwan card, and under the calm and orderly response of our People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Coast Guard, the US plots are going bankrupt one by one.

Without the support of the United States, the "Taiwan independence" elements will be even more vulnerable, as Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun said at the Shangri-La Dialogue:

Twenty-seven arms dealers have arrived on the island of Taiwan, and the United States is vainly hoping to increase PLA casualties, and the mainland has already made an interception plan

Any attempt to split China's sovereignty and territory will inevitably lead to its own destruction.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Take countermeasures against 12 U.S. military enterprises and 10 executives—— 2024.5.22

Arms peddling? A delegation of 27 U.S. arms dealers visited Taiwan to upgrade arms sales—— see the news on June 6, 2024

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