
In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

author:Doctor's Miscellaneous

In summer, many friends will feel tired and sleepy, unable to eat, this symptom may be because of the "wet cold" occurs, summer rain is more, the air humidity is high, we will discharge the water in the body through sweat, poor perspiration will form the phenomenon of "external heat and internal dampness". This condition is related to the consumption of raw and cold foods, which can increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, causing moisture to accumulate in the body, causing symptoms of dampness and cold.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

You may not think that watermelon and mung beans may be the main culprit of causing dampness and cold, the concept of traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that "summer does not want to be poor and cold", this sentence means that excessive consumption of raw and cold food will consume our yang energy, easy to give birth to damp and cold gas, mung beans and watermelon although the heat is refreshing, but excessive consumption is easy to breed dampness.

In summer, if you want to get rid of dampness and cold, spend the dog days healthily, and eat more foods that strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

1. Why is it easy to get damp and cold in summer?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dampness is the "root of all diseases", which may be an exaggeration, but it can also allow us to appreciate the effects of dampness on the body. Moisture generally does not appear alone, moisture will be combined with the six evil spirits, moisture and the "cold" of the six evil spirits will form damp cold, there are many symptoms of dampness and cold in the body, most of the people who are damp and cold suffer from spleen deficiency, the spleen has the effect of regulating internal dampness, once the spleen has problems, it is easy to produce dampness, and damp cold is mainly manifested as loss of appetite, sticky tongue, abdominal distension and loose stools, many people obviously have poor appetite in summer, which may be related to the body dampness and cold, and the summer itself is also prone to dampness and cold.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

The climate is humid in summer, the temperature is high and the humidity is relatively high in summer, especially in the southern region, there is often high temperature and rainy weather, this humid environment is easy to lead to the retention of moisture in the human body, and the dampness evil attacks outside, so that our body's yang energy is blocked, which will make us more susceptible to dampness and cold.

Summer eating habits are also easy to lead to damp cold, hot weather, making it easier for us to like to eat some raw and cold food, such as iced drinks, ice cream, etc., but these foods will reduce the body's yang energy, making the body more likely to accumulate moisture, which will lead to the occurrence of dampness and cold.

And in summer, we also like to eat refreshing food, watermelon and mung beans are refreshing food, but excessive consumption will also reduce the body's yang energy, and some people like to eat ice watermelon and ice mung bean soup, which will increase the risk of dampness and cold.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

In summer, the temperature difference between day and night is also relatively large, but in summer, we are easy to wear thin clothes, and wearing thin clothes when the night is cool is easy to cause the body surface to be cold, this situation will also damage the yang energy in the body, and the dampness evil is easy to invade, causing dampness and cold.

In summer, we have less activity, we prefer to stay in the air-conditioned room, less activity and less sweating, the air-conditioned room is cooler, this situation will lock the moisture in the body, and the temperature difference between the air-conditioned room and the outside is more likely to cause dampness and cold into the body.

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In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

In summer, the days become longer, but the days are hotter, and many people tend to go out in the evening, which makes it easier for us to stay up late, and staying up late for a long time will lead to a lack of yang energy in the human body, making it easier for moisture in the body to gather, thus making us more susceptible to dampness and cold.

In summer, when the temperature is high, simple activities will cause us to fatigue, and if we are overworked, it will also cause damage to the yang energy in the body, which will easily cause us to suffer from dampness and cold. In the summer to prevent dampness and cold, we need to pay attention to adjust our eating habits, although watermelon and mung beans are cool and relieve the heat, but not too much food, and we should eat more food to dispel dampness and cold.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

2. Eat more of these 3 kinds of vegetables in summer, which can dispel dampness and cold, and suffer less in dog days

First: loofah

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the sexual taste of loofah is attributed to sweetness, cold, lungs and stomach. The sweet taste has the effect of moistening the lungs, while the cold has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, and the loofah is rich in a variety of nutrients, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

The vitamin C and vitamin B components in the loofah can enhance the body's immunity, help resist the invasion of moisture and cold, and the loofah belongs to the melon category, its water content is mostly more than 90%, the body loses more water in summer, and the consumption of loofah can help us effectively replenish water.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

The loofah also contains active ingredients such as loofah saponins and loofah polysaccharides, which have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and these ingredients help to promote the discharge of moisture from the body and reduce the impact of moisture on the human body.

In traditional Chinese medicine, loofah is considered to be a kind of medicine and food homologous for clearing heat and diuresis, detoxifying and dehumidifying. The seeds, fruits and flowers of the loofah can be used as medicine to treat damp heat diseases, and eating more loofahs in summer can play a therapeutic role in food therapy to help regulate the dampness and cold in the body.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

Second: tomatoes

Eating more tomatoes can also dispel dampness and cold, tomatoes have a sour, sweet, slightly cold, return to the liver and stomach meridians, and have the effect of quenching thirst and strengthening the stomach and eliminating food. It is easy to lose appetite after the summer heat and damp cold, but this phenomenon can be effectively alleviated by eating tomatoes, and tomatoes are slightly cold foods, which can help us clear away heat and relieve heat.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

Tomatoes are also rich in a variety of nutrients, including vitamins, lycopene, potassium, magnesium, iron, etc., which play an important role in regulating the body's metabolism, enhancing immunity, and promoting blood circulation.

In summer, the human body is susceptible to the invasion of moisture and cold, the rich nutrients contained in tomatoes can help us resist external dampness, tomatoes are also rich in fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, help discharge excess moisture and cold in the body, and help improve the physique of heavy humidity and cold.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

Third: onions

Onions are rich in nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, cellulose, sulfide, etc. Among them, sulfide is a unique component of onion, these substances have certain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, while other nutrients help to enhance the body's immunity and help the body resist the invasion of dampness and cold from the outside world.

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, onion has a pungent and warm taste, has the effect of dissipating cold in temperature, dispels dampness and dissolves phlegm, summer is the season of dampness and heat, the human body is susceptible to the invasion of moisture, resulting in physical discomfort, and the pungent and warm nature of onion can help dispel moisture in the body, promote metabolism, and help improve the discomfort symptoms caused by moisture.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

The cellulose contained in onions can speed up the body's metabolism, which can help remove excess water and moisture from the body, and help regulate the moisture balance in the body. Eating more onions in summer can help reduce the distress of dampness in the body and improve the discomfort caused by dampness and heat.

By consuming these 3 foods, it can help regulate the moisture balance in the body, enhance immunity, improve the uncomfortable symptoms caused by dampness and heat, and prevent common summer diseases. In addition to paying attention to dispelling dampness and cold, there are some precautions we need to know about dog days.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

3. What are the precautions for surviving the dog days?

The dog days of summer are the hottest times of the year, and the hot and humid weather can easily make people feel exhausted. In addition to dispelling dampness and cold, there are many precautions that can help us survive the summer.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

Diet is very important, dog days with high temperature and high humidity, the human body is prone to thirst, loss of appetite and other conditions, we need to pay attention to the light and diversified diet, eat more light and easy to digest food, such as vegetables and fruits, clear soup, etc., to avoid greasy and spicy food intake.

Drinking plenty of water can help the body flush out excess moisture and maintain the body's water balance.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

Reasonable work and rest are also key, in the dog days we need to pay attention to reasonable arrangement of work and rest time, avoid going out at noon and afternoon when the sun is the strongest, you can choose to do a moderate amount of outdoor exercise in the early morning and evening to keep the body active.

Get enough sleep at night to give your body enough rest to better adapt to the hot weather.

Hot weather can easily lead to heat stroke and heat colds, outdoor activities need to take some measures to prevent heat stroke and cool down, you can choose to wear breathable and light clothing, you can wear a sun hat, sunglasses and sunscreen to protect the skin from UV rays.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

We also need to keep the indoor air fresh, as it tends to become hot and humid due to the hot weather, which is prone to bacteria and mold.

We need to pay attention to keeping the indoor air fresh, we can often open the windows for ventilation to let the fresh air circulate and reduce the accumulation of indoor moisture, or we can use air purifiers or plants to purify the indoor air, improve the indoor air quality, and maintain the comfort of the indoor environment.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

We also need to pay attention to psychological adjustment, hot and humid weather can easily make people feel irritable and tired.

We need to pay attention to psychological adjustment, keep a happy mood and relaxed, you can choose some relaxation methods that suit you to relieve stress and fatigue, and you can also do some fun activities with family and friends to enhance mutual emotional communication and keep your mood happy and relaxed.

In addition to dispelling dampness and cold, it is very important to have a good diet, reasonable work and rest, heatstroke prevention and cooling, keeping indoor air fresh and psychological adjustment.

In summer, you should eat less mung beans and watermelon, and eat more of these 3 types of vegetables to get rid of the wet and cold, and suffer less in the sky

Chilled watermelon and chilled mung bean soup are good partners in summer, but greed may lead to dampness and cold, summer is a season of dampness and cold, if you want to spend the summer in peace and comfort, we should go to the damp cold in time, through simple dietary adjustments can help us get rid of dampness and cold, it is recommended to eat more loofah, tomato and onion on dog days, these three foods, they can effectively get rid of dampness and cold.

In addition to paying attention to diet in summer, we should also pay attention to our lifestyle, do not stay in an air-conditioned house for a long time, pay attention to heatstroke and sun protection, exercise moderately, and arrange our work and rest reasonably, so that we can spend the summer healthy and comfortable through these methods.

Literature References:

1. Zhang Xu, Liu Zaiguang, Guo Chenwei, et al.Epidemiological investigation of the characteristics of patients with dampness and cold in summer in Guangzhou in 2015[J].Henan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2015,35(10):1452-1454.

2. Xiao Shengxing, Zhou Jiafeng, He Yangsheng. Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2012, 27(8): 2209-2211.

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