
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!

author:Little London, Inner Mongolia

The recruitment of young actors in Little London's art children's micro-film was launched

"If a child does not have the opportunity to learn acting from an early age, it will be difficult for him to become a charismatic social character in the future. Allowing children to participate in drama performances is not to cultivate lovers of literature and art, but to give children a social skill. - Yu Qiuyu

Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!

1. Crew shooting

The first children's costume micro-film was officially launched

Each "Little Drama Click"

can experience the filming process,

Enjoy the life of movies, promote traditional Chinese culture,

Children aged 4-16 are welcome to sign up for the election

Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!

The crew visits the class

Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!

Premiere Ceremony

Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!

Second, the three characteristics of the activity

(1) You don't have to go far away. The children participate in auditions, training, shoot films locally and hold film premieres at local cinemas at their own training schools.

(2) It does not affect the normal schooling of children. All activities are held on weekends and holidays.

(3) Rich content, more sense of acquisition, and good sense of experience. The whole event is composed of five parts: audition, training, shooting, red carpet show, and premiere, and you can experience the whole experience of film and television actors.

After the event, the film will be broadcast on a major video site. It can be downloaded and saved.

3. Premiere Ceremony

Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!
Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!

Fourth, answer questions

1. Can my child participate if he has not learned to act?

Of course, zero-based students can participate, whether your child is learning eloquence, hosting, art, dance or sports, as long as the child has the intention, optimistic and generous dare to express themselves, you can participate, this shooting activity is to better exercise their ability, so that children dare to express themselves.

2. What are the benefits of participating in this activity?

Allowing children to participate in film and television performances is not to cultivate stars, but to give children a social skill. Through comprehensive training such as role-playing, voice, stage, shape, and sketch exercises, children are cultivated in artistic expression and language expression skills. Shooting with different themes leaves a precious memory of children's childhood.

3. Where is the filming location? Where is the premiere?

The professional crew came to Hohhot, and the filming will be filmed in the local urban area (the specific location is not determined for the time being), and the opening ceremony and premiere will be held locally.

4. When will I shoot? How is it arranged, and do I need to be accompanied by a parent?

The filming time is about late July, the specific time is to be determined, and the premiere time is about October. will be notified in advance. The start-up ceremony + film shooting + theater premiere must be accompanied by parents throughout the process.

5. Can I choose a role if I participate? Is it divided into a protagonist and a supporting role? How many young actors are there in each play?

First, the role is selected by the shooting team according to comprehensive factors such as the child's situation, male and female height, etc., and individuals cannot choose which role;

second, there is no distinction between the protagonist and the supporting role, there is no trick, the flat design, and each child's role is almost the same;

Third, there are about 15 young actors in each play.

6. How much does it cost? Is there any secondary consumption?

The crew of "Little Boy" and "Twinkling Red Star" is 888/person, including the cost of filming and the premiere of the movie theater, and there is no secondary consumption.

1. Participated in the filming of the red series of dramas with the theme of "Little Boy" and "Shining Red Star" (online drama) 888 A child,

2. 2 hours of drama performance training for the director group

3. Send a set of original videos to participate in the performance, and upload them on Youku, Tencent, and iQiyi all over the network

4. Send the crew unique stills shooting and tidbits

5. Unique opening and ending design

6. Send a set of honorary certificates for participating in the performance;

7. Often, around 20 minutes

8. Serve the Tao Included in 888 No secondary consumption

9. Grand premiere, walk the red carpet signature wall, and watch the movie in the theater

Little London Art Children's Micro Film Recruitment Launched!

In order to better present the shooting effect, you need to participate in 2 group learning and rehearsals before shooting. Please arrange your time wisely

The specific shooting time is expected: July 27-July 31 (one of the days) The estimated shooting time of each scene: half a day

Fill in the information below to register

Beginner, cheerful and generous, clear and fluent language, good image and temperament (please consult the campus teacher for details)

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