
Wang Zengqi laughed and talked about Lao She, Shen Congwen, and Wen Yiduo, how they were knowledgeable and knowledgeable in how they took the exam丨 read and listened at night

author:Literary Newspaper
Wang Zengqi laughed and talked about Lao She, Shen Congwen, and Wen Yiduo, how they were knowledgeable and knowledgeable in how they took the exam丨 read and listened at night

Literary Newspaper · Read at night at the moment

Wang Zengqi laughed and talked about Lao She, Shen Congwen, and Wen Yiduo, how they were knowledgeable and knowledgeable in how they took the exam丨 read and listened at night

Wang Zengqi

"Two or Three Things of the World" is included with the theme of "people" written by Wang Zengqi. The characters in the book have different temperaments, some are eccentric, some are paranoid, some are humorous, and some are casual, they are all a reflection of the world, and in this complex world, strange life anecdotes are written.

Tonight's night reading is selected from the chapters written by Mr. Wang Zengqi in the book, Mr. Lao She, Mr. Shen Congwen, Mr. Jin Yuelin and Mr. Wen Yiduo. Mr. writes about Mr., it is really interesting and very transparent.

Mr. Lao She

※Mr. Lao She loves to drink tea, drinks very frequently, and is very drunk. He once told me that when he went to Moscow for a meeting, he had a kettle in the hotel. But he made tea, and just took a few sips, and in a blink of an eye, the waiter poured it. "They don't know that Chinese drink tea all day long!"

※Mr. Lao She is extremely fond of Qi Baishi, and he is always full of feelings when he talks. Most of the anecdotes I know about the old man Baishi are from Mr. Lao She. Mr. Lao She talked about the original title of these four paintings, one of which is Su Manshu's poem (I forgot which sentence), asked to draw the plantain in the heart of the scroll. The old man hesitated for a long time, but finally did not answer, because he couldn't remember whether Basho's heart was left-handed or right-handed, and he couldn't draw nonsense. Mr. Lao She said: "The old man is serious. Mr. Lao She talked about one time when he wanted to make a movie about Qi Baishi's paintings, and asked him to take out a few proud paintings, but the old man said, "No! Later, after repeated persuasion and mobilization by his students, he took out a roll from the cracks in the painting case (he was a carpenter, and his painting case had his own "message"), wrapped in several layers of newspaper, with four large characters written: "This is waste paper." "When you open it, it's all amazing masterpieces – the ones that were filmed in later documentaries.

Wang Zengqi laughed and talked about Lao She, Shen Congwen, and Wen Yiduo, how they were knowledgeable and knowledgeable in how they took the exam丨 read and listened at night

Lao She

※The mustard mound of Lao She's house is the best mustard mound I have ever tasted! One year, he specially ordered two large boxes of "box dishes". The vermilion flat round lacquer box with a diameter of about three feet, which is divided into several compartments, contains only slices such as ham, preserved duck, small belly, and mouth strips, but they are all exquisite. The boiled cabbage was served, and Mr. Lao She raised his chopsticks: "Come on, come on!" That's the real goodies! ”

※Mr. Lao She is a former Beijing Municipal People's Representative. To be a representative of the people is to speak for the people. In the past, the compilation of documents of the people's congress was printed out of all the deputies' proposals. One year, Mr. Lao She's proposal was to hope that the government would solve the supply problem of sesame paste. That year, Beijing sesame paste was out of stock. Mr. Lao She said: "Beijingers can't do without sesame sauce in summer!" Soon, sesame paste was sold in oil and salt shops in Beijing, and Beijingers ate fragrant sesame sauce noodles again.

Mr. Shen Congwen

※Mr. Shen does not approve of propositional essays, and students can write whatever they want. But sometimes there are two questions in class. Mr. Shen's questions are very specific. I remember that he once gave my last class a topic: "What's in our little courtyard?", and several of my classmates wrote quite good essays on this topic, and they all published it. He once gave a question to a classmate who was one class lower than me: "Remember the air in a room"! I don't remember what problems my class had. Why did Mr. Shen come up with such a question? He believes that you must first learn car parts, and then you can learn to assemble. I think it's good to do some of these episodes first, because it can practice the basics. Nowadays, some young literature lovers often write big works as soon as they come up, and the length is very long, but the skill is not enough, and the reason is that there are fewer parts and cars.

※ Mr. Shen's lectures can be said to be unsystematic. As I said before, he mostly reads students' homework and talks about it. He thought about it, but he didn't look through a lot of reference books. Mr. Shen read a lot of books, but he never quoted scriptures, he always spoke according to his own intuition, and never said what Aristotle said, Flaubert said, Tolstoy, or Gorky.

Wang Zengqi laughed and talked about Lao She, Shen Congwen, and Wen Yiduo, how they were knowledgeable and knowledgeable in how they took the exam丨 read and listened at night

Shen Congwen

※I have almost forgotten all what Mr. Shen said in his lectures (I never take notes)! One of our classmates remembered Mr. Wen Yiduo's notes on Tang poetry in great detail, which has now been sorted out and published, and the title of the book is "Wen Yiduo on Tang Poetry", which is very academically valuable, but I don't know if he wrote down the "spirit" of Mr. Wen when he talked about Tang poetry. If I had written down Mr. Shen's incisive insights during his lectures, it would have become a book of "Shen Congwen on Creation". It's a pity that I'm not such a caring person.

※Mr. Shen calls his knowledge "miscellaneous knowledge". A writer should read a little miscellaneous. The books that Mr. Shen has read often have two lines of inscriptions at the end of the book. Some write down a date, what the weather was like that day, and sometimes express a little emotion. At the end of a book, it is written: "On a certain day in a certain month, I saw a big fat woman crossing the bridge, and my heart was very sad. I've always remembered that, but I never knew what it meant. Why did the big fat woman make Mr. Shen very sad?

※Mr. Shen is extremely unparticular about life. He didn't eat seriously when he went to the city, and most of the time he ate a bowl of rice noodles at a millet noodle shop opposite No. 20 Wenlin Street. Sometimes add a tomato and beat an egg. Once I wandered around the street with him, and when I went to Yuxi Street, he asked for a plate of cold chicken at a rice noodle stall, and borrowed a gaiwan from a nearby teahouse and made a bowl of wine. He drank a little with the lid of the bowl, and the rest told me to drink alone.

Mr. Jin Yuelin

※ Mr. Shen sometimes pulls an acquaintance to tell a few classmates who love literature and writing. Mr. Kim was also dragged away on one occasion. The topic of his lecture was "Fiction and Philosophy". The title was given to him by Mr. Shen. Everyone thought that Mr. Jin would definitely tell the truth. Unexpectedly, Mr. Jin talked for a long time, but the conclusion was: novels have nothing to do with philosophy. Someone asked: What about "Dream of Red Mansions"? Mr. Jin said, "The philosophy in 'Dream of the Red Chamber' is not philosophy." As he spoke, he suddenly stopped: "I'm sorry, I have a little animal here." He put his right hand at the back of his neck, caught a flea, pinched it in his finger and looked at it, very proud.

Wang Zengqi laughed and talked about Lao She, Shen Congwen, and Wen Yiduo, how they were knowledgeable and knowledgeable in how they took the exam丨 read and listened at night

Jin Yue Hsien

※ Mr. Kim teaches logic. Logic is a compulsory course for first-year students in the Faculty of Arts stipulated by Southwest Associated University, and there are many students in the class. I didn't hear of logic in middle school, but first-year students were very interested in it. Mr. Kim sometimes has to ask questions in class, and he can't name all the students by name - the General Assembly does not have a roll call, and he sometimes announces as soon as class starts: "Today, a female student in a red sweater answers a question." So all the female students in red were a little nervous and a little excited. At that time, it became a custom for female students of the United Nations General Assembly to wear a red sweater over the blue yin Danshilin cheongsam. - Very few people wear blue sweaters and yellow sweaters. Answering questions fluently and clearly is also a thing to be in the limelight. Mr. Kim listened attentively, and when it was over, he said, "Yes!" Have a seat! ”

※ Mr. Jin is a bachelor (there are many bachelors among the professors of the United Nations University, and Mr. Yang Zhensheng once wrote a game article "Release of Widowhood", which is circulated among professors), has no children and no daughters, but lives happily. He raised a very large fighting (Yunnan out of fighting cocks). This fighting can stick its neck up and eat at the same table as Mr. King. He went around collecting large pears and pomegranates and used them to compete with the children of other professors. If he loses, he gives the pear or pomegranate to the child, and he buys it again.

Mr. Wen Yiduo

※After the General Assembly arrived in Yunnan, he first stayed in Mongolia for a year. Mr. Wen was still concentrating on his studies, locking himself in the library all day. The library is upstairs. At that time, many professors loved to name the fast, such as Mr. Zhu Ziqing's name was "Xianyu Game Zhai", Mr. Wei Jiangong's study was called "Learning is flawless", and a professor gave Mr. Wen the name of a fasting master: "Why not go to the master of the building". Because Mr. Wen never goes downstairs.

※There are not many people in the Chu resignation class. Mr. Wen lit the pipe, and those of us who could smoke also lit cigarettes (Mr. Wen's class can smoke), Mr. Wen opened his notes and began to speak: "Drinking hard and familiarizing yourself with "Lisao" can be a celebrity. "Mr. Wen's notebook is very large, one and a half feet long and nearly a foot wide, and it is written on special rough-edged manuscript paper. The characters are in block letters, and the font is slightly longer, and the strokes are meticulous. One of the characteristics of his writing is that he likes to use a bald pen. He collected all the waste pens used by others. The bald pen writes small characters on the head of the fly, which is really a kung fu.

Wang Zengqi laughed and talked about Lao She, Shen Congwen, and Wen Yiduo, how they were knowledgeable and knowledgeable in how they took the exam丨 read and listened at night

Smell a lot

※ I am quite crooked, good at nonsense, Mr. Wen admires me very much. I once ghostwrote a reading report about Li He for a classmate who was one class lower than me - Southwest Associated University generally does not take exams, and only a reading report can be given credit at the end of the semester. After reading this book report, Mr. Wen said to the classmate: "Your report is very well written, better than Wang Zengqi's!" "Actually, when I wrote Li He, I only wrote one point: other people's poems are painted on a white background, but Li He's poems are painted on a black background, so the color is particularly strong. This is also the criterion for many professors of Southwest Associated University to identify students: not afraid of new, not afraid of strange, not mediocre, not like to follow the crowd, only copy books, and have no creative ideas.

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Wang Zengqi/Author

Boji Tianjuan丨Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House

Wang Zengqi laughed and talked about Lao She, Shen Congwen, and Wen Yiduo, how they were knowledgeable and knowledgeable in how they took the exam丨 read and listened at night

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