
The United States succeeded in provoking, and Marcos changed his face against China again! The former president of the Philippines couldn't sit still

author:Kopko's worldview

Too suddenly! Just after the Philippines was taught a lesson in "making trouble" in the South China Sea area of the mainland, the Philippine backyard was "on fire" again, and the Philippine military and the rebels fought.

The United States succeeded in provoking, and Marcos changed his face against China again! The former president of the Philippines couldn't sit still

It is worth noting that the mainland not only successfully repelled the Philippine operation, but also conveniently collected the Philippine military's weapons, and after the incident, the United States not only did not help, but also let its own aircraft carrier withdraw ahead of schedule, and the disheartened Philippines then hurriedly apologized to China, saying that it was a misunderstanding.

The United States succeeded in provoking, and Marcos changed his face against China again! The former president of the Philippines couldn't sit still

However, for some reason, within a few days, the Philippines changed its tune again, saying that this was not a misunderstanding, and that the Philippines did not need anyone's permission to resupply beached and broken ships, and at the same time, the Philippines would continue to resupply beached and broken ships at Ren'ai Jiao.

The United States succeeded in provoking, and Marcos changed his face against China again! The former president of the Philippines couldn't sit still

Expert analysis said that with the support of the United States, the Philippines seems to be ready to go its own way, and in order to deal with this provocation, China has dispatched one of the strongest destroyers in the world today - 055 destroyers, and there are 3 destroyers as soon as they are dispatched.

The United States succeeded in provoking, and Marcos changed his face against China again! The former president of the Philippines couldn't sit still

Recently, it has been reported that many people in the Philippines are now dissatisfied with what Marcos has done in the South China Sea, and some time ago the Philippines suffered a food crisis due to climate disasters, and the problem of food and clothing for the people in their own country has not been solved, but they are all focused on "harassing" the mainland.

The United States succeeded in provoking, and Marcos changed his face against China again! The former president of the Philippines couldn't sit still

It didn't take long for an armed rebellion to break out in the Philippines, and the Philippine military and rebels suddenly fought, and many netizens said that it can be clearly seen through this incident that the Philippines has not even solved the matter of its own "backyard fire", so how can it talk about a head-to-head confrontation with the mainland? Moreover, the situation in the Philippines is still in turmoil, and with the strength of the Philippines, the consequences of constantly stirring up trouble can only be to ask for trouble.

The United States succeeded in provoking, and Marcos changed his face against China again! The former president of the Philippines couldn't sit still

Sharp-eyed netizens found that whether it was a food crisis in the Philippines or a military conflict, the United States had no intention of helping at all, but kept emphasizing to Marcos Jr. that the United States had made a defense commitment to the Philippines, which was actually encouraging the Philippines to continue to stir up trouble.

The United States succeeded in provoking, and Marcos changed his face against China again! The former president of the Philippines couldn't sit still

Taking advantage of this opportunity, former Philippine President Duert couldn't bear to look at it anymore, saying that he would come back to participate in the upcoming Philippine Senate election in 2025.

The United States succeeded in provoking, and Marcos changed his face against China again! The former president of the Philippines couldn't sit still


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