
Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

author:Phoenix Art
Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art


On April 18, 2024, the Chinese Pavilion of the 60th Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition officially opened in Venice, Italy, and the exhibition will last until November 24. With the theme of "Beauty and Beauty: Collection", the exhibition of the China National Pavilion highlights the meaning of "convergence, exchange and integration", and conveys the values of "beauty and beauty", "harmony and symbiosis" and "inclusiveness" in traditional Chinese culture.

As one of the partners of this year's China National Pavilion, Dongpeng Holdings added color to the exhibition with its high-performance, low-energy green products, and told the profound heritage of oriental culture through the collision and dialogue between materials and art. Following the 2023 Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition, Dongpeng once again stepped onto the world stage of the Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition, exploring the contemporary responsibility of the spirit of sustainability and the infinite possibilities of cultural diversity in the context of art through a global vision and in the name of materials, leaving traces of the interaction between art and architecture in the aesthetic space, and achieving a contemporary tribute to traditional Chinese culture.

The following is an interview report brought to you by "Phoenix Art".

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Chinese Pavilion at the Venice Biennale

Since ancient times, the ideal of Datong and the moderately prosperous society pursued by Chinese culture have contained the concept of symbiosis between people and between people and nature. Among them, the governance principle of "each with its own beauty, beauty together, beauty together, and the world is the same" demonstrates the rationality and order of the ancient sages.

Under the theme of "Outsiders Everywhere", this year's Venice Biennale focuses on artists who are foreigners, immigrants, expatriates, exiles and refugees, so that more people can cherish those who are "outsiders on the margins". The theme of the exhibition "Beauty and Beauty: Collection" reflects the concept of "the world needs tolerance", which conveys the "beauty and beauty", "harmony and symbiosis" and "inclusiveness" in traditional Chinese culture.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Poster of the Chinese Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition

"Beauty and Beauty" emphasizes the harmonious coexistence between different cultures, while "set" represents convergence and integration, which can represent the convergence of different identities, different races, different beliefs, different concepts, different purposes, different media, different backgrounds, different cultures and other diversity around the world, it is an invitation, a kind of absorption and acceptance, creating dialogue, communication and mutual understanding. This is also the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture.

Dongpeng has contributed to the exhibition of the China Pavilion at the Venice Biennale for two consecutive years, and has gained a deeper understanding and perception of the theme of this exhibition, and witnessed the exchange and inheritance of Chinese culture on the international stage. Over the years, the exhibitions of the China Pavilion at the Venice Biennale have vividly portrayed China's development and cultural focus issues at the level of art and architecture, which is not only a stage for artistic exchange, but also a place for cultural convergence. Dongpeng has been focusing on ceramics for 52 years, and has always been committed to promoting the innovation and development of ceramic art, and actively advocating the concept of cultural and environmental sustainability. By using sustainable materials to help the exhibition again, Dongpeng hopes to contribute to the inheritance, innovation and exchange of Chinese culture.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ China Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

Oriental wisdom with sustainable materials

Dongpeng helps the expression of Chinese culture in the world

At this year's exhibition, artist Shi Hui's "Books Are Not Books" series of works attract the attention of every viewer with their precious quality. The work skillfully deconstructs and returns to its roots, keenly capturing the two forms of cultural expression, the written word and the knotted rope, both of which stem from the artist's desire for the recording of experiences and feelings and the desire for self-expression. Calligraphy, seal carving and knotted ropes are intertwined in the work, and the movement of the brush, engraving and braiding gives the work infinite flexibility and freedom.

In Shi Hui's works, rice paper, pulp and other materials carry the characteristics of softness and toughness, just like the Chinese cultural spirit of softness on the outside and strength on the inside. This flexible beauty not only reflects the unique aesthetic pursuit of Chinese, but also demonstrates the confidence and tolerance of Chinese culture. Deeply inspired, Dongpeng chose unburned and inorganic ecological stones to create the display platform of the work "Shu Fei Shu Series II: Meditation", emphasizing the introverted and subtle oriental culture with the simple color of basalt gray, using natural elements and traditional crafts to create a quiet and indifferent space temperament, leading the audience into an artistic realm beyond the world.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Shi Hui's "Book Not Book Series II: Contemplation" work|Display platform-Dongpeng ecological stone

As a free-burning material, Dongpeng ecological stone itself strictly follows the sustainable principles of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in the production process to achieve low-carbon emission reduction in the whole industrial chain, recycle the leftovers and tailings generated by its own production, and the proportion of solid waste recycling can reach up to 70%, which is in line with the value orientation of the concept of circular economy.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art
Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Shi Hui's "Book Not Book Series II: Contemplation" work|Display platform-Dongpeng ecological stone

In the work "Meditation", Shi Hui uses rice paper, pulp, and cotton thread as the medium to weave into thick and unique white boulders; On the surface of the stones, calligraphy and the words on the pages of ancient books are intertwined, like relics of history. At the level of contemporary art, it not only reflects the heritage of the oriental spirit, but also reflects the profound pursuit of sustainability. This is exactly in line with the design concept of Dongpeng ecological stone, which jointly interprets green, low-carbon and sustainable development.

Dongpeng Eco-Stone adheres to the principle of green and low-carbon production, and achieves the design goal of low-carbon, environmental protection and sustainability without damaging the essence of aesthetics. This is not only a tribute to traditional culture, but also the practice of modern environmental protection concepts, hoping to arouse more people's attention to environmental sustainability and cultural sustainability.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Shi Hui's "Book Not Book Series II: Contemplation" work|Display platform-Dongpeng ecological stone

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

Practice environmental and cultural sustainability, and promote the integration and symbiosis of architecture and art

Ceramics, as a treasure of Chinese culture and a bridge for communication with the world, not only carries a profound traditional heritage, but also blooms in contemporary design. At the same time, China is the world's ceramic manufacturing center and a major ceramic producer, and its output and exports are the world's best. However, the rapid development of the ceramic industry is also accompanied by resource consumption and environmental challenges.

In the face of environmental pressure, the ceramic industry needs to consider regional environmental factors and social and cultural factors in a balanced manner, and promote the sustainable development of ceramics by improving production processes and developing new materials while respecting and protecting the local personality and characteristics of traditional ceramics. Only by achieving green transformation can the millennium kiln fire be endless.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Dongpeng Hukou ecological stone production base

Over the past 52 years, Dongpeng has always integrated social and environmental responsibility into the development of the enterprise, with the overall positioning of "low-carbon Dongpeng Green Building Pioneer", through strategic transformation, energy consumption structure, technology and management and other emission reduction strategies, to build a green manufacturing system covering the whole industrial chain and product life cycle, and was included in the first batch of green factory demonstration units by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Dongpeng integrates low-carbon development into the operation of the whole value chain, and has built a full life cycle management system covering raw material acquisition, production, R&D, sales, logistics and recycling, so as to achieve 100% utilization of manufacturing waste residue and greatly reduce the emission of pollutants such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. In the field of circular economy, Dongpeng can recycle up to 12 million tons of urban construction waste every year through the recycling of industrial waste residue, urban construction waste and mining slag, promoting waste recycling to feed back to urban construction, and creating greater value with less consumption. With the help of new technologies and new concepts, Dongpeng has continuously launched innovative green and low-carbon products such as unburned ecological stone, ecological soft porcelain, graphene intelligent warm rock slab, and prefabricated sanitary ware.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Dongpeng Hukou ecological stone production base

In today's era of global exchange and integration, it is necessary to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, maintain its vitality, and make the value of "tradition" no longer just a nostalgic complex for the past history, but a driving force for the innovation and development of contemporary art. In Dongpeng's view, building materials and art are inseparable. Deeply cultivated in the field of building materials for half a century, Dongpeng has always regarded ceramic tiles as plastic works of art to operate, closely combining the functions of art and ceramic tiles to create products and spaces that meet modern aesthetics and consumer needs. In the curation of the China National Pavilion, Dongpeng integrates green and low-carbon ecological materials, interprets the charm of traditional culture from a sustainable perspective, and enables more people to appreciate the beauty of the integration of material aesthetics and contemporary art.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲Dongpeng wall rock slab space application

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Dongpeng ecological stone space application

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Dongpeng ecological soft porcelain space application

For a long time, Dongpeng has spared no effort in the support and pursuit of art, and is committed to combining brands, products and art, integrating artistic elements into product development and space design through cooperation with top artists, and creating more personalized and diversified customized products with new ideas and techniques, so that users can experience the aesthetics of life in art.

In 2018, in order to create an ideal home in line with young consumers, Dongpeng pulled art into the category of "daily availability", sponsored the Wavelength art exhibition that swept the magic capital, and played cross-border cooperation with British pop artist Philip Colbert to launch Dongpeng's first artistic cross-border pop tiles - "Omelette Fan" and "Popcorn Style", transforming the world's well-known imagery into a friendly artistic language and becoming a bridge between art and life. Tiles, which may always be cold and uninteresting in the minds of the public. However, Dongpeng hopes to jump out of the inherent concept, turn ceramic tiles into the carrier of art into the home, and create more possibilities for consumers to create more home styles through cross-border cooperation between materials and art.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ 东鹏 x Philip Colbert 跨界合作

In 2023, the exhibition of the China Pavilion at the 18th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition will be themed "Renewal and Symbiosis", and Dongpeng, as the official special acknowledgement unit of the China National Pavilion, will provide green innovative materials and solutions for the exhibition, and show the public the new form of urban habitat space design. The material is the first touch of the building, which is influenced by the culture and technology of the times, and at the same time conveys the future expectations, tastes and aesthetics of a city. Based on the design concept of "renewal and symbiosis" of the curatorial team of the China Pavilion, the Dongpeng team presents the expression of Shanghai's urban and rural construction in the past 40 years through the integration of environmentally friendly materials and design styles.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Outdoor installation of the China Pavilion at the 18th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition | Landscape columns: Dongpeng ecological soft porcelain; Ground: Dongpeng landscape bricks

On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, Dongpeng has built DP LAB (Dongpeng Innovation Lab) around sustainable art, design and materials research, and will continue to explore and link excellent artistic creativity and talent resources through the DP LAB platform, and carry out sustainable practices of materials and culture across disciplines in the fields of architecture and art. Dongpeng also looks forward to more cooperation with diverse and cutting-edge artists and designers, and incubates more innovative forces through diversified channels such as cross-border co-creation, school-enterprise cooperation, and artist residencies, so as to jointly create more high-quality works and projects.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

Build a global channel layout

Promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and foreign countries

With a strong sense of responsibility and mission, Dongpeng has built a global channel layout through global cooperation and exchanges and diversified cross-borders, actively helped Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges and mutual learning, and better demonstrated the charm of Chinese brands to the world. In the context of the current brand globalization development, Dongpeng will enhance the influence of Chinese ceramic tile brands in the world from the following aspects:

First of all, build a unique brand culture and strategy, and practice the development concept of long-termism. Through a long-term and stable business strategy, it will lay a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the brand, so as to win the trust and recognition of global consumers and ensure the long-term and steady development of Chinese brands in the international market.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Dongpeng super factory automatic production line

Secondly, increase R&D investment, optimize production processes, and enhance the international competitiveness of product design, quality and service. The high-end strategy has become an effective way for Chinese brands to enhance their global influence, and more and more Chinese companies are focusing on product innovation and high-quality services, and meeting the diversified needs of the international market through technological upgrading and product iteration.

In addition, adhere to the strategy of "global thinking and localized operation". Faced with the multicultural compatibility of overseas markets, Dongpeng will deeply understand the cultural background and consumer needs of the target market, formulate localized marketing strategies, and establish close ties with local consumers to ensure the long-term success of the brand in the international market.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art
Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Dongpeng overseas famous landmark project

Finally, actively participate in international exchanges and cooperation, use international talents as a bridge and link, and strengthen cooperation with upstream and downstream partners in the global industrial chain. Dongpeng will promote the continuous innovation of the industry in terms of products, services and management by improving the company's global resource allocation capabilities, and jointly build a close and efficient industrial ecosystem.

In today's world, various cultures, ideas, and technologies are constantly exchanging and colliding, and it is worth accepting and appreciating these diversity with an open mind. Standing at the new beginning of the next 50 years, Dongpeng will continue to take "integrating science and technology and art to create a better human settlement" as its own responsibility, based on the long-term development of human settlements civilization, adhere to the innovative exploration of environmental sustainability and cultural sustainability, and inject unique Chinese design inspiration and cultural vitality into the construction of global human settlements.

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Dongpeng headquarters building

Dongpeng: Interpreting the beauty of traditional culture with materials - Phoenix Art

▲ Poster of the Chinese Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition

The China Pavilion of the 60th Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition is hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, organized by China International Culture Group Co., Ltd., co-organized by China International Art Exhibition Co., Ltd., and supported by Zhejiang University.

Exhibition time: April 20-November 24, 2024 (preview time: April 17-19, 2024)

Exhibition location: Arsenale and Virgin Garden, Venice, Italy

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Chinese Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition

Organizer: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China

Organizer: China International Culture Group

Co-organizer: China International Art Exhibition Co., Ltd

Academic Support: Zhejiang University

Curators: Wang Xiaosong, Jiang Jun

Exhibition project: "Chinese Painting of the Past Dynasties" project team

Participating Artists: Che Jianquan, Jiao Xingtao, Qiu Zhenzhong, Shi Hui, Wang Shaoqiang, Wang Zhenghong, Zhu Jinshi (in alphabetical order)

Academic Committee: Chen Wei, Han Xu, Hang Kan, He Huanhuan, Miao Zhe, Sun Zhouxing, Wu Fei, Xu Tianjin, Yin Jinan, Zhao Dingxin, Zhao Feng (in alphabetical order of surname)

Curatorial execution: Wang Jingchao, Wang Dan, Huang Xue, Zhou Jie, Lou Zhe, Zhou Yi, Zhang Yan, Zeng Chaowei, Zhang Li, Yu Shanshan

Exhibition Assistants: Wang Peng, Wu Jieshu, Liu Juncong, Qiu Tao, Miao Chenhui, Zhang Sunzhe, Xiang Yunfang, Liu Mengzi, Deng Wanxin

"The Great Series of Chinese Paintings" project team: Chen Xiaojiao, Tang Tan, Huang Xue, Zhou Jie, Wang Jingchao, Lou Zhe, Zhang Yan, Zhou Yi, Zhang Sunzhe, Qiu Tao, Li Ziru, Lin Lishuo, Wang Huize, Xu Yao, Bai Weijie, Xu Mofei, Zhang Baoshun, Yao Peiwen, Wang Aihua, Chen Lifang, Wang Peng, Deng Qianyi, Zhong Yuxin, He Ziyi, Bao Yang

Artist Assistants: Chen Ying, Cui Mengqian, Ding Wei, Gao Xueyi, Guo Yu, Ke Shilong, Liang Haiying, Lin Shumi, Liu Yong, Miao Chenhui, Qi Fei, Qin Yufen, Qiu Xin, Shen Li, Wang Shanlu, Xu Ying, Zhang Xian (in alphabetical order)

Technical guidance: Jin Hanghang, Yu Xuefeng, Li Chenghua

Visual Design: He Ming, Zhang Xu, Zhou Haichuan

Space design: Zhu Xiaoming, Ye Jianwei

Performance Performances: Ma Yiao, Xu Ying, Huang Yiyao, Lu Jiakang, Jiang Yutong, He Yuxuan, Qu Tongchun, Lin Shumi, Chang Dejun (video production), Wang Mujie (video production)

古诗词音乐会:毕宝仪、杨阳、都珊珊、Alessia Camarin、Stepan Polishchuk、北村香织、宗宏琳

Support: Shanxi Xinghuacun Fenjiu International Trade Co., Ltd., Dahua Group Tianwu Culture Co., Ltd., Guangdong Dongpeng Holding Co., Ltd., Zhejiang University Architectural Design and Research Institute, Silk Road Vision Technology Co., Ltd., Leyard Optoelectronics Group, Guangzhou Lifeng Culture Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Unilumin Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Terui Art Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., Xiaomi Italy, Yaying, Guangdong Dongsheng Holding Group, Xiaolu

Special thanks to: Ma Chao, Li Mingwei

Supported by: Southern University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang Conservatory of Music, School of Art and Archaeology, Zhejiang University, Museum of Art and Archaeology, Zhejiang University Library, Shenzhen Association of Arts and Sciences, Institute of Contemporary Art and Design, Zhejiang University, ING, Jaxin Wein & Spirituosen GmbH

Chief Strategic Partner: Phoenix Art

Strategic cooperative media: Xiaohongshu, ARTnews, 99 Art Network

Special thanks to Xinhua News Agency, China Daily, Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Group, Phoenix TV, Art China, China Art Daily, China Art Daily, The Paper, Bazaar Art, Artron Art Network, Art Headlines, Zaiyi app, F Fashion Zhi

Photographic agency: Yishi Culture Media

Press Office: Zhou Yi, Wang Dan

展览落地:We Exhibit Srl

Special support: Tang Sheng, Wu Hongliang, Pang Maokun, Wang Yuyang, Shen Tianshu, Zeng Chenggang, He Guiyan, Yan Lei, Yu Ke, Zhang Dandan, Luo Jiajia, Guo Yuanping, Lv Hongrong Windy, Fu Sen, Guo Sinan, Zhang Kuiyi, Xu Tianyu, Li Mohan, Shen Yue, Liu Hongjian

(Phoenix Art Venice Report Editor/Yu Peihua DBK Editor-in-Charge/DBK)

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