
The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?


Israel is the only developed country in West Asia, but it is surrounded by enemies and the fire of Arab wrath. Israel itself is a state established by the occupiers of Palestine, and it has wantonly slaughtered the people of Stan, wantonly bombed the surrounding countries, occupied land, and made enemies everywhere.

Although it has the support of the United States, the United States is thousands of miles away from Israel, and it is impossible to cover it, although Israel is known as the little bully of the Middle East and is invincible in the Middle East, but it is a pig roasted on a fire, and the anger of the Arabs can destroy it at any time.

No matter how powerful Israel is, it is no bigger than the whole world, and no matter how brutal Israel is, it will not be able to defeat justice and truth! Israel is a wild boar roasted over a fire! If God wants to destroy it, he must first make it mad, and Israel's death and retribution are coming!

The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?
The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?

In the recent Kazakh-Israeli war, Israel committed extremely serious war crimes in Gaza, with planes bombing indiscriminately, and nearly 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza were killed by Israeli artillery fire and bombardment.

What's more, Israel is extremely arrogant and roaring at the UN General Assembly. Relying on the United States to support him, he openly defied the United Nations and angrily scolded the UN Secretary-General.

China is a great country that adheres to peace and justice, resolutely resists world hegemony, sympathizes with the tragic suffering of the Palestinian people and the Arab world, and Russia and Iran also support the Arab countries in their counterattack. As for the armed groups of various ethnic groups in Arab countries around Israel that have been bullied by Israel, such as Hamas, Allah, the Houthis, etc., they are even more in the lead, desperate and desperate, and they are united in their hatred of the enemy to destroy Israel.

This reminds us of the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, when the Japanese invaders carried out the inhumane "three-light policy" against our anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians, and it was also the enemy's occupation and massacre that aroused the people's resistance and anger, and the guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army fought the enemy side by side with the people. The Japanese devils were annoyed and angry, they couldn't tell who was the Eighth Route Army and who was the guerrillas, because our guerrillas were peasants when they picked up hoes, and guerrillas when they picked up guns and knives, so they couldn't distinguish at all and carried out indiscriminate massacres.

In the guerrilla war against the invasion of the cruel enemy and the defense of the country's national independence, we Chinese are unique.

Now, it is the turn of the Arab world to fight back, and the sixth Middle East war is about to break out, in the first five wars, Israel relied on the assistance of the United States and the West, and won the victory, the more it fights, the more it fights, the more it fights, the more powerful it becomes, and the land area has expanded from more than 10,000 square kilometers at the beginning to 25,000 square kilometers. So many Arab countries can't even win against a small Israel, and they are pressed to the ground and rubbed by Israel, in addition to backward military technology and equipment, technology and tactics are not good, and it is also related to the lack of unity within Arab countries.

This time the whole Arab world, the whole Islamic world is unprecedentedly united, and more importantly, there is a huge improvement in the tactics of Israel. The timing of the attack on Israel was also well measured.

The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?
The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?

Israel has just finished fighting Gaza, and despite domestic and foreign opposition, it is going to launch an attack on Lebanon in the north in an attempt to pull the United States into the water. The current United States did not want to wade into this muddy water, but who made Israel his godson?

The Houthi organization took the lead in blocking the Red Sea route, and all ships bound for Israel were not allowed to navigate, and all Chinese and Russian ships were allowed to sail, and China has become a symbol of peace and justice in the world, and the backbone of time stability, especially in the third world, which has high hopes for China.

The Houthis took the lead, marched forward with great triumph, and even launched a small long march in the Middle East.

Not long ago, the Houthis announced in a high-profile manner that they had beaten the US aircraft carrier, and the Americans, while avoiding the rumors, secretly drove away the aircraft carrier Eisenhower, saying that it was a change of guard, but in fact, even a fool could see that he must have been beaten and fled overnight for the sake of face.

Even aircraft carriers dare to fight, let alone those pro-American and pro-Israeli cargo ships, and during this time, the Houthis have sunk several Philippine, Indian and Israeli cargo ships in the Red Sea along the Gulf of Aden.

What is even more evil is that the Houthis have followed China's example and started the Long March in the Middle East, with 20,000 Houthi armed forces advancing through Saudi Arabia and marching towards Israel. This time the Saudis should be thanked, and the Saudis and the Houthis used to fight back and forth over their beliefs. This time, in the face of the overall interests of the Islamic world, the generous Saudi Arabia put aside its personal grievances, allowed the Houthi troops to cross the border, set up post stations everywhere along the way, and provided supplies. As they walked, they became more and more well-equipped, and a force of 20,000 people became a force of 50,000.

Not only that, but Somalia on the Red Sea coast also sent people to China to learn guerrilla warfare, and the entire Arab world came together to deal with a common enemy.

It seems that the Arab brothers have really learned the essence of China, and guerrilla warfare is indeed a magical method of warfare.

It seems that Israel has made enemies on all sides, harassing from all sides, Hamas and the Houthis attacking from the north, Allah attacking from southern Lebanon, and Israel has invaded 2,000 square kilometers of Lebanon's territory. Moreover, Allah has strong firepower, not only missiles, rockets, but also mortars and drones, and now I don't know where to find electromagnetic bombs, which has caused the defense system of the Iron Dome in northern Israel to fail, plunged into a sea of fire, and killed and injured residents. Israel is now in a sea of fire. Residents fled to escape the fighting.

The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?
The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?

The four countries in the Middle East are attacked from three sides, the wheel war plus the protracted war, Israel has been completely dragged down, constantly exclaiming the truce, constantly asking the United States for help, helplessly far from quenching the thirst, how crazy he was back then, how miserable he is now, you have the first year of junior high school, I have the fifteenth, the balance of war has never been tilted to one side, and the ambition and arrogance of the Israelis made him feel the real pain!

After the fiasco of the first five Middle East wars, and perhaps inspired by China's War of Resistance Against Japan, the Islamic world has now found the fatal point of Israel, and after the fiasco of the first five Middle East wars, they may have been inspired by China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

This is wheel warfare and protracted warfare. Although Israel is technologically advanced and economically prosperous, it is too small to only 25,000 square kilometers and lacks strategic depth, so it is difficult to fight for a long time without external assistance, so in order to defeat Israel, it is necessary to drag Israel down first.

Hamas is attacking on the front line, Allah is bombing from a distance, the Houthis are not only blocking the Red Sea Bab el-Mandeb Strait, Somalia has also sent troops to cooperate in the blockade of the Gulf of Aden, and now even the Iraqi militia has bombed Haifa, Israel's largest port. Israel's national economy is highly dependent on foreign trade, and the port was bombed, and Israel lost half its life.

Now it seems that Israel has really reached a precarious time, but this is all his own doing, who let him invade and massacre the Palestinian land and people.

Now that all factions are armed together, Israel is like a vicious tiger with a head and bones, beaten by wolves, hungry tigers are also afraid of wolves, and heroes are difficult to defeat with four hands. After you finish fighting, he fights again, several countries fight together, and the cooperation is quite tacit, and there is not even a little room for respite for Israel. It was decided to besiege Israel with wheel warfare and protracted warfare, dragging Israel to death.

In fact, since 1948, Israel has been subjected to the "joint anti-bandit operation" of various countries in the Middle East, but due to the disunity within the Arab countries, the backwardness of weapons and equipment, and the support of the United States and the West for Israel, in the end, Israel won.

After being beaten down five times, Palestine is about to be bullied by others, and even the holy city of Jerusalem has been lost, and the countries of the Middle East are full of anger and have learned from the pain, and everyone has learned war in the war and found one of Israel's fatal weaknesses. It is that Israel is very dependent on imports, and it is engaged in an export-oriented economy, although it has a developed culture and advanced science and technology, but it is also equal to zero without resources, and it is impossible to fight a war at all. As the so-called tiger also has a nap, as long as he bombs his port, blocks the Red Sea, and prevents supplies from coming in, then Israel will fall apart after a long time.

Therefore, the countries of the Middle East unite to fight together, drag Israel to the middle line of the war for an infinite period of time, cut off external supplies, continue to consume the original supplies in Israel, close the door and fight the dogs, so that Israel's internal problems arise first, and the countries of the Middle East can win without a fight.

The success of the war involved both strategic and tactical aspects, and the strategic success resulted in a great victory, so much so that the United States was frightened into retreat.

The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?
The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?

Guerrilla warfare is an effective tactic for the weak to confront the strong, seizing the weak points of the Israeli army, blocking ports and supplies, and constantly bombing Israeli territory in turn. The entire Arab world is united in its hatred of the enemy.

First of all, the hand-to-hand combat between Hamas and Israel, which really dragged Israel into the war, Israel bombed schools, hospitals, refugee camps, women and children, the elderly, the weak, women and children in Gaza, and he took them all in his eyes, as long as the Israeli warplanes flew by, they could be instantly razed to the ground and ignite the flames of war, which was a naked act of genocide. It has seriously breached the bottom line of humanity and triggered the wrath of all mankind. Even some developed countries in Europe have deep sympathy for the Palestinian people and recognize the Palestinian State.

The Houthis took the lead in raising the flag of righteousness, stood up to uphold justice, avenged the Palestinian people, attacked Israel with various drones and missiles, and then blockaded the Red Sea.

You are short of supplies, right, okay, then seal the Red Sea where you transport supplies, it is amazing, Russia and Egypt are acting in the Mediterranean, blocking the western passage, properly closing the door and beating dogs, snakes and seven inches, this will really mess up Israel.

Allah in southern Lebanon is an old rival that has been fighting Israel for half a century, and I don't know where to get the electromagnetic pulse cannon, which directly destroyed the Israeli air defense system and launched all-round air strikes on the northern part of Israel. Now Israel is called the heavens and the earth, and how mad he was at the beginning, how miserable he is now. Iraqi militias also attacked the port of Haifa with cruise missiles, completely disillusioning Israel.

Having learned to fight in the midst of war and learned to swim in the midst of swimming, Israel could never have imagined how this group of Arab countries, which had been violently beaten by itself in those years, had suddenly opened up and risen by more than one level in terms of strategy and tactics.

If it continues to be consumed for a long time, Israel will definitely be finished, and there will be chaos within itself, a large number of people have fled abroad for refuge, the domestic crowd is constantly protesting, the country is small, and resources are scarce, if it were not for the help of the United States, Israel would have been cold a long time ago. In addition to occupying the Middle East's major transportation arteries and planting a wedge to control the world's oil resources, the United States also wants to use Israel to dominate the world, and Israel wants to use the United States to dominate the Middle East. They have acted in collusion and colluded to brutalize the people of the Middle East, undermine world peace, and commit numerous crimes.

The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?
The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?

As long as the countries of the Middle East grasp the weakness of Israel's inability to fight a protracted war and a war of wheels, Israel will immediately lose, and will be defeated by the enemy all around, drawing its sword and looking around in a daze, wanting to cross the Yellow River and the ice and river, and Israel's arrogance and dehumanizing massacre will eventually bring about its own devastating fate.

However, if the United States and Israel are finished, and if the world becomes the Islamic world, will we move towards civilization and prosperity, peace and stability? The strength of Israel and the United States is mainly due to the system, the reason for the full exploitation of talents, and the strict teachings of Islam, which prays five times a day, are quite traditional and conservative, and are also important factors hindering economic development. Therefore, the Islamic world itself also needs to keep pace with the times, innovate and strive to be strong, unite as one, and open up the wisdom of the people, so that it can truly be invincible and not let the shame repeat!

Although the United States has promised to help Israel this time, its domestic economy is facing collapse, and it is beyond the reach of its own military force all over the world, and the United States does not want to help Israel, but Israel is bent on finding trouble and is bent on pulling the United States into the water. If the United States really gets caught up in this war, if Israel and the United States lose this time, then it means that the era of American oil hegemony is over, and the world will start a new era.

The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?
The sixth war in the Middle East is on the verge of breaking out, will Israel be destroyed this time?

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