
The Israeli army killed again and bombarded the camp buildings with missiles, even sparing Hamas relatives

author:Captain Long Yan

This time, Israel needs to wipe out all Hamas forces so that there will be no resistance when Israel invades the Palestinian homeland.

It is reported that in order to completely eradicate the Hamas forces, Israel's Mossad finally obtained a lot of important information through torture of Hamas prisoners, one of which was about a secret address of Hamas leader Haniyeh in Gaza.

Since Israel learned that there were many hostages in the Gaza refugee camp, the Israeli intelligence service has intensified its monitoring of the refugee camp, and at the same time, according to some information provided by Hamas prisoners, the Israeli intelligence service has used the A1 model to conduct big data analysis, and has actually found some strongholds of the Hamas armed forces, as well as the hiding places of the Hamas armed weapons.

The Israeli army killed again and bombarded the camp buildings with missiles, even sparing Hamas relatives

For Israel, however, the biggest gain was getting a home in Haniyeh's western Gaza. Although Haniyeh is remotely commanding the Hamas militants in Qatar, he still has many relatives in Gaza, and the Shati refugee camp in western Gaza is a secret residence for the Haniyeh family.

Israel said that more than 10 relatives of Haniyeh lived in two small ordinary buildings. After receiving information, the Israeli Air Force took off warplanes in the early hours of 25 June to carry out strike missions. Following its flight over the Shati refugee camp, the Israeli Air Force launched a number of missiles, which exploded through roofs and side windows into the building.

According to a spokesman for Hamas's civil protection department, 10 relatives of Chaniyeh died on the spot, and several others were seriously injured in the explosion.

According to Israel, the dead do not deserve sympathy, and some of those who have been hit are Hamas fighters who were involved in the devastating Al-Aqsa flood operation on October 7 last year. However, judging from the truth released by Hamas, the people killed in the attack were Haniah's sister and nephew, and there were a large number of women and children, and these people were innocent, but Israel chose to kill brutally in order to fight Haniyeh and retaliate against the Hamas forces.

The Israeli army killed again and bombarded the camp buildings with missiles, even sparing Hamas relatives

According to reports, Israel has actually carried out targeted "beheading" operations against relatives of Hamas leader Haniyeh since the beginning of the year, and it is reported that on April 10, Haniyeh's three sons and grandchildren were killed in an Israeli drone attack while they were being transferred from the Shati refugee camp. So far, 60 of Haniyeh's relatives have been killed in Israeli attacks.

Haniyeh said that all the relatives who died as a result of Israeli attacks are martyrs, and their blood inspires every Hamas fighter to move forward, so that we must not compromise.

And this time, the biggest reason why Israel is so angry with Hamas is that Hamas has undermined Israel's good deeds.

It is reported that before Hamas launched the Al-Aqsa flood operation, Israel began to improve relations with countries in the Middle East. In particular, with the mediation of the United States, countries such as Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Morocco have reached a settlement. And Saudi Arabia and Israel have also begun to engage, which Iran does not want to see.

Once Israel and the Sunnis reach a cooperation, the Iranian-led resistance front will face a huge challenge. Therefore, Hamas, under the mandate of Iran, is directly at war with Israel in Gaza, and only by complicating the situation in Palestine can the process of reconciliation between Israel and the Arab countries be interrupted.

The Israeli army killed again and bombarded the camp buildings with missiles, even sparing Hamas relatives

This time, Israel has not only been fooled, but has also become embarrassed and angry, and in order to eliminate the Hamas forces, it no longer cares about the safety of civilians in Gaza, and the Israeli army has directly adopted a large-scale bombing mode. As a result, Israel is now "a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouts and beats it." Countries in the Middle East have already set off a wave of boycotting Israel, and the million-strong army on the resistance front is even more ready to move against Israel.

Israel is on the cusp, and even its Western allies have chosen to distance themselves from it. The United States announced a moratorium on aid to Israel's armed equipment, otherwise the United States would also become the executioner of Israel's massacre of civilians.

As anti-US and anti-Israeli sentiment continues to rise in the Middle East, more and more Middle Eastern armed forces are demanding to join the resistance front, and it is reported that the Afghan Taliban and Pakistani militias are constantly asking to join the war.

With Yemen's Houthi, Iraqi Shiite and Lebanese Allah already at war, Israel will face a multi-pronged attack, this time facing an unprecedented crisis.

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