
Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

author:Idyllic chatter

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Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

Zhang Lan unveiled the inside story of marriage

In an unexpected live broadcast, Zhang Lan suddenly revealed the secrets of Da S's marriage, which caused an uproar on the Internet. She claimed that Da S had plans to remarry before her marriage with Wang Xiaofei officially ended. This revelation not only stunned the audience, but also caused the public to question and discuss Da S's marital status. Zhang Lan's words were sharp, pointing directly at Da S's infidelity in marriage. She revealed that Da S and Wang Xiaofei's marriage had already cracked, and Da S started a new relationship with Gu Junye before the relationship officially ended. The revelation quickly fermented on social media and became a hot topic, sparking a lot of discussion and speculation.

Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

A secret trip ten years ago

Echoing Zhang Lan's revelations is Gu Junye's self-exposure in an interview. He mentioned that he had traveled with Big S ten years ago, and this past experience has now been recalled, making the public more interested in their relationship. Gu Junye described the details of this trip, revealing the intimate interaction at the time, which led to more speculation and associations about their relationship. Gu Junye's self-exposure further aroused public curiosity and discussion. Many people began to question whether Da S's marital status and her relationship with Gu Junye had long exceeded the boundaries of friendship. The revelation of this trip undoubtedly made the image of Big S have an unprecedented impact.

Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

Social media

With the revelations of Zhang Lan and Gu Junye, discussions about Big S on social media platforms are in full swing. Zhang Lan's revelations in the live broadcast, as well as Gu Junye's self-exposed travel experience, sparked heated discussions among netizens. On major platforms, the number of discussion posts about Big S has increased rapidly, and related topics have frequently appeared on the hot search list, becoming a hot topic for the public after dinner. Some netizens continued to revisit Zhang Lan's live broadcast content through screenshots, video clips, etc., and conducted in-depth analysis and discussion of her remarks. The comment section on social media has almost become a battlefield, with voices for and against Big S rising one after another, and the debate is fierce. Everyone has their own opinions, and behind each comment, there is a collision of different values and morals.

Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

Voices of moral criticism

Some netizens thought that Da S was unfaithful in her marriage and accused her of immoral behavior. In the eyes of these netizens, marriage is sacred, and both husband and wife should remain faithful. Big S started a new relationship before the marriage ended, which was disrespectful to the marriage and caused harm to Wang Xiaofei. Such behavior not only violates the moral bottom line of marriage, but also has a negative impact on society. Among these critical voices, there are many people who have had similar experiences, and they have a deep sense of pain about the betrayal in their marriage, so they are particularly angry at Big S's behavior. They believe that no matter what problems arise in the marriage, it is a blasphemy against the institution of marriage that a new relationship should not be started before the marriage relationship is officially ended.

Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

The right to pursue happiness

However, another part of netizens has a different opinion. They believe that Big S has the right to pursue happiness, and even when there are problems in her marriage, she should have the freedom to choose a new life. This view holds that problems in a marriage should be attributed to both parties, not to the fault of one party. Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness, especially if the marriage is already in name only. These proponents argue that marriage itself is a relationship in which both parties run together, and that there is nothing wrong with choosing to end the relationship and start over when one of the partners can no longer continue to give. They believe that Big S's choice is her freedom and rights as an individual, and society should not kidnap her morally.

Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

Discussion of women's autonomy

In this discussion, women's autonomy became an important topic. Some netizens who support Big S believe that women should not just be passive bearers in marriage, they also have the right to pursue their own happiness and life. Big S's behavior can be seen as a challenge to the traditional concept of marriage, and it is also a declaration of women's autonomy. This view has resonated widely, especially among some groups of women. They believe that Big S's behavior reflects modern women's control over their own lives and their pursuit of happiness, which is worthy of recognition. They hope that through this event, more people can realize the initiative and independence of women in marriage.

Double standards in marriage

In this discussion, some netizens raised the issue of double standards in marriage. They argue that in many cases, society does not have the same standards for how men and women behave in marriage. Men cheating in marriage are often seen as forgivable, while women are subject to greater moral criticism. This double standard was once again manifested in the incident of Big S. Many of the voices criticizing Big S are based on the "traditional role" that women should have in marriage, while they often choose to turn a blind eye to men's behavior in similar situations. This kind of unequal moral standard has also become a hot topic among netizens.

Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

The clash of different voices

The media also quickly followed up and reported on the incident, and various voices were intertwined. Some people think that Zhang Lan's revelations are to attract attention, and deliberately expose Big S's privacy to attract attention. And Gu Junye's self-exposure is considered hype, intending to take this opportunity to increase his exposure. However, there are also media outlets that take a different view, believing that this is an important moment to reveal the truth. Da S's marital status and her relationship with Gu Junye have become the focus of public attention, and the media has the responsibility to expose the facts and let the public know the truth. Different media reports and commentaries have made the discussion of this matter more lively and complicated.

Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

Moral dilemma

The turmoil has sparked deep reflection on marriage and fidelity. Conventional wisdom holds that marriage is sacrosanct and that husband and wife should remain faithful to each other. However, in modern society, the definition and values of marriage are changing. More and more people believe that personal happiness and freedom should come first, even if it means breaking the bonds of marriage. In the incident of Big S, is her behavior an infidelity to her marriage or a pursuit of personal happiness? This is a question worth pondering. In the discussion, the public not only examined Big S's behavior, but also reflected on their own views on marriage and loyalty.

Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago
Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

Reflection and controversy

In this controversy, we see a clash of values. On the one hand, it is the traditional devotion to marriage, and on the other hand, it is the pursuit of personal happiness. Big S's choice undoubtedly touched this contradiction and became a hot topic of public discussion. The impact of this incident on the people involved is profound. Whether it is Da S, Wang Xiaofei or Gu Junye, their lives have changed because of this. And for each of us, it is also an opportunity for reflection. Should the definition of marriage be more tolerant and flexible? Can the pursuit of personal happiness transcend the shackles of marriage? These questions deserve our deep consideration and discussion.

Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

A never-ending discussion

The story of Big S and Gu Junye, Zhang Lan's revelations, and the public's reaction are all intertwined in this turmoil, forming a complex discussion. This is not only a test of marriage and fidelity, but also a discussion of personal happiness and freedom. This controversy will not go away over time, and it will continue to stir people up for thought about marriage, fidelity, and happiness. In modern society, we need to re-examine these values and find a balance so that everyone can go further in the pursuit of happiness.

Zhang Lan said that Da S wanted to get married before the divorce, and Gu Junye revealed that he traveled with Da S ten years ago

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