
Don't scold him, everyone should praise him, take a video of Xiaomi SU7 driving at high speed to 230+ speed


Don't scold him, everyone should praise him, take a video of Xiaomi SU7 driving up to 230+ speed at high speed!

Don't scold him, everyone should praise him, take a video of Xiaomi SU7 driving at high speed to 230+ speed

Hey, don't scold him! Instead, we should praise him. He actually took a video of the Xiaomi SU7 driving to 230+ speeds at high speeds! Wow, that's jaw-dropping! However, while praising it, we also have to think carefully about the safety issues involved.

First of all, the speed of 230+ is insane! This is not only a violation of traffic rules, but also puts one's own life and the lives of others at extreme risk. The risks posed by high-speed driving cannot be ignored, and in the event of an accident, the consequences can be devastating. Therefore, such behavior should never be encouraged.

Secondly, it also makes us reflect on the responsibility and safety awareness of drivers. Driving is no child's play, and we should all strictly follow traffic laws to keep ourselves and others safe. The thrill of pursuing speed cannot override respect for life.

Finally, I hope that such behavior will attract everyone's attention and remind us to remain calm and cautious on the road. Safety always comes first, whether it's driving or other behavior, take into account the consequences. Let's call together, obey the traffic rules, and protect ourselves and our families!

Don't scold him, everyone should praise him, take a video of Xiaomi SU7 driving at high speed to 230+ speed

Speeding on highways is a very dangerous behavior that can result in fines and demerit points, as well as the revocation of your driver's license in severe cases. Speeding increases the likelihood of traffic accidents, endangering the lives of drivers and other road users.

The speed of the vehicle on the highway should strictly follow the traffic rules and speed limits to ensure driving safety. Obeying traffic rules is not only the responsibility of the driver, but also the shared responsibility of all road users.

Don't scold him, everyone should praise him, take a video of Xiaomi SU7 driving at high speed to 230+ speed

There can be multiple motivations for filming a vehicle driving to 230+ speeds on the highway, but whatever the motive, this behavior is irresponsible and dangerous.

Show-off and vanity: Some people may want to gain the recognition or envy of others by showcasing the high performance of their vehicle or their own driving skills. They may feel that this speeding video is a testament to their "ability" or the "strength" of the vehicle.

Advertising or publicity: Some car enthusiasts or car manufacturers may shoot such videos as a means of advertising or publicity to show the vehicle's high-speed performance. However, they should do this display in a legal and safe way, rather than illegally speeding on public roads.

Thrill-seeking and adventurous: Some people may seek to get a sense of thrill and adventure by driving at high speeds. However, this thrill-seeking behavior can have serious consequences, including traffic accidents and casualties.

Recording or testing: Some people may shoot such videos for the purpose of testing vehicle performance or recording data. However, even for these purposes, it should be done in safe venues and conditions, not on public roads.

Don't scold him, everyone should praise him, take a video of Xiaomi SU7 driving at high speed to 230+ speed

It is important to emphasize that regardless of the motivation for taking the video, speeding is illegal and dangerous. Not only does it threaten the safety of the driver itself, but it can also cause serious injury to other road users. Therefore, we should firmly oppose and condemn such irresponsible behavior, and encourage everyone to abide by traffic rules and ensure the safety of road traffic.

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