
I can't laugh anymore! Dong Mingzhu: Xiaomi's "Air Conditioner First" is not really on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

author:Pan Hsiu Aoyama

Recently, at the "Martial Arts Conference" in the home appliance industry, a contest on the "throne" of air conditioning has quietly heated up. Gree's iron lady Dong Mingzhu has always been known for her outspokenness, and this time at her own shareholders' meeting, she was even more full of firepower, pointing directly to the "first" throne of Xiaomi air conditioning, and the moisture is comparable to the plum rainy season in the south!

I can't laugh anymore! Dong Mingzhu: Xiaomi's "Air Conditioner First" is not really on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area
I can't laugh anymore! Dong Mingzhu: Xiaomi's "Air Conditioner First" is not really on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

Dong Mingzhu's original words are like this: "Xiaomi said that it is the first air conditioner? Just listen to it, don't take it seriously. The technology behind their air conditioner is actually borrowed from someone else's east wind. As for who is the real industry boss, Miss Dong said that consumers have a rod and scale in their hearts, and voting with their feet is the most telling thing.

I can't laugh anymore! Dong Mingzhu: Xiaomi's "Air Conditioner First" is not really on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

Netizens also had a lot of discussions about this, and some said: "Whether the product is good or not, the mouth doesn't count, and the consumer has the final say when it is used." Now the replacement of household appliances is like changing clothes, cost-effective and long-lasting, which is the king. Someone else quipped: "Technology first? It depends on whether the product is really 'hard', not just listening to the shouting. ”

I can't laugh anymore! Dong Mingzhu: Xiaomi's "Air Conditioner First" is not really on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

In the rivers and lakes of household appliances, the duel between Gree and Xiaomi is like a contest between the two major schools in martial arts novels, each with its own unique knowledge and magical powers. But in the final analysis, whoever can win the hearts of consumers will have the last laugh in the fierce market competition. After all, for consumers, the product must not only be powerful, but also comfortable to use and pleasing to the eye, so as to stand out among many brands and become a real "martial arts leader".

I can't laugh anymore! Dong Mingzhu: Xiaomi's "Air Conditioner First" is not really on the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

Therefore, whether it is Gree or Xiaomi, if they want to take the lead in this "throne" battle, in addition to having excellent technical strength, they must also have product design and service concepts that are close to consumer needs. After all, in this ever-changing era, only those brands that really know how to listen to the voice of consumers and constantly innovate and upgrade can be invincible in the home appliance rivers and lakes and become real "martial arts masters".

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