
From a puppet to an angel, how Tatsuhiko Shibusawa constructs the wonderful world of "Dream Universe".

author:The Knights of Brass
From a puppet to an angel, how Tatsuhiko Shibusawa constructs the wonderful world of "Dream Universe".


In the vast literary starry sky, Japanese writer Ryuhiko Shibusawa depicts a universe that is both mysterious and imaginative for us with his unique cultural perspective and profound philosophical reflections.

His collection of essays, The Universe of Dreams, is a fantastical work that is not only the culmination of Shibusawa's personal style, but also an in-depth exploration of human nature, social culture, and the mysteries of nature.

From a puppet to an angel, how Tatsuhiko Shibusawa constructs the wonderful world of "Dream Universe".

Shibusawa Tatsuhiko is a famous Japanese cultural scholar and writer, whose literary works are full of love for different cultures and rebellion against traditional aesthetics.

His writing style is unique, and he is good at skillfully blending fantasy and reality, ancient and modern, East and West, forming a unique aesthetic view.

As one of his masterpieces, "Dream Universe" covers various interesting topics such as puppets, monsters, and angels.

From a puppet to an angel, how Tatsuhiko Shibusawa constructs the wonderful world of "Dream Universe".

The author threads the needle through these seemingly unrelated themes, skillfully connecting them to form a cosmic system that is both independent and interconnected.

Let's talk about the book.

From a puppet to an angel, how Tatsuhiko Shibusawa constructs the wonderful world of "Dream Universe".

1. The interweaving of fantasy and reality

In "Dream Universe", Shibusawa Tatsuhiko moves freely between fantasy and reality. With his rich imagination and keen observation, he transports us into a world that is both real and unreal.

In this world, dolls, monsters, angels, etc., are no longer simple fictional characters, but have become mediums for exploring the mysteries of human nature, social culture, and nature.

This interweaving of fantasy and reality makes the whole work full of mystery and appeal.

From a puppet to an angel, how Tatsuhiko Shibusawa constructs the wonderful world of "Dream Universe".

2. The transformation and transcendence of man

Another important theme in the book is the metamorphosis and transcendence of man. Through his depictions of strange creatures such as intriguing dolls, strange monsters, and hermaphrodites, Shibusawa Ryuhiko explores the so-called eternal dream of "transcending the limitations of being human."

These images are not only the product of the author's imagination, but also a reflection of the deep desire of human beings to transcend themselves and pursue freedom.

Through the depiction of these images, Shibusawa Ryuhiko gives us a glimpse of the human desire to explore the unknown world and the desire for self-transcendence.

From a puppet to an angel, how Tatsuhiko Shibusawa constructs the wonderful world of "Dream Universe".

3. Image thinking and physical expression

In terms of methodology or the morality of expression, Shibusawa Tatsuhiko sees metaphysics as "something to be done by a servant", and he emphasizes thinking with images and expressing spirituality with the body.

In "Dream Cosmology", he concretizes the originally abstract issues of eroticism, sexology, and apocalypse, through the depiction of figures such as puppets and monsters, making these abstract concepts vivid and interesting.

This way of figurative thinking and physical expression not only makes the work more attractive, but also gives us a deeper understanding of the meaning behind these abstract concepts.

From a puppet to an angel, how Tatsuhiko Shibusawa constructs the wonderful world of "Dream Universe".


"The Universe of Dreams" is a work full of fantasy and deep philosophy. With its unique writing style and profound thematic ideas, it opens up a universe that is both mysterious and imaginative for us. In this universe, we can not only feel the author's deep insight into the mysteries of human nature, social culture and nature, but also experience a spiritual power that transcends reality and pursues freedom.

From a puppet to an angel, how Tatsuhiko Shibusawa constructs the wonderful world of "Dream Universe".

As Yukio Mishima said, "Without this man, Japan would be such a lonely country." "With his exceptional talent and unique perspective, Shibusawa Tatsuhiko has left us a timeless literary treasure.

As one of his masterpieces, "The Universe of Dreams" is worth reading and thinking about repeatedly. It is not only the culmination of Shibusawa's personal style, but also an in-depth exploration of human nature, social culture and the mysteries of nature.

From a puppet to an angel, how Tatsuhiko Shibusawa constructs the wonderful world of "Dream Universe".


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