
Thrilling! The safety rope fell off and the air-conditioning installer fell from the 5th floor, and the fire emergency rescue

author:Said Yifei

Today, I want to talk about not only a rescue operation, but a thrilling, tense and moving moment. On June 25th, the sun was blazing, and at 14:03 in the afternoon, the Zhangzhou Fire and Rescue Detachment received an emergency alarm call, and the information from the other end of the phone was shocking - Lianfeng Haoyuan, Longwen District, a man accidentally fell from a high altitude!

Thrilling! The safety rope fell off and the air-conditioning installer fell from the 5th floor, and the fire emergency rescue

Time is of the essence. Six heroic fire and rescue personnel from one vehicle at the first station of the special service brigade rushed to the scene of the incident like arrows off the string. At 14:10, they arrived at the scene and saw a man sitting slumped on the extension of the platform on the second floor of the residential building, with a painful face and a faint moan from his mouth from time to time.

Thrilling! The safety rope fell off and the air-conditioning installer fell from the 5th floor, and the fire emergency rescue

In the face of this sudden danger, the fire commander was calm and decisive, and he quickly organized the team to carry out the rescue. The team members are agile, and they set up two ladders, like a bridge to safety. Subsequently, the stretcher was secured with ropes, and every step was meticulously carried out to ensure that the trapped man was fully protected and secured during the transfer process.

Thrilling! The safety rope fell off and the air-conditioning installer fell from the 5th floor, and the fire emergency rescue

With the assistance of the public security police, after a tense and orderly rescue, the trapped man was finally safely transferred from the platform on the second floor to the ground. It is understood that the man is an air-conditioning installer, and when he was installing the air-conditioning unit outdoors on the 5th floor, the anchor point of the rope protection system he erected fell off, which led to the accident. Fortunately, due to the timely fire rescue, the installer only suffered a fracture and was not life-threatening.

Thrilling! The safety rope fell off and the air-conditioning installer fell from the 5th floor, and the fire emergency rescue

At this moment, let's praise these heroic fire and rescue personnel! At the same time, we should also remind everyone that in the hot summer temperature, we must strictly abide by the safety instructions when working at height, and ensure that the protective equipment is intact and effective and worn in place. At the same time, it is necessary to replenish water in time to avoid heat stroke and fatigue work. Life first, safety first!


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