
Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

author:Film concentration camps

A few days ago, there was a heartbreaking piece of news -

Canadian actor Donald Sutherland has passed away at the age of 88 after years of illness.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

After seeing the news, the factory director's heart felt empty.

When I got older, I was really watching one familiar face after another leave.

For many viewers, they may not know his name, but they must have seen his works.

Donald is President Snow in The Hunger Games; It's Mr. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice.

In his career of more than 60 years, he has filmed classics such as "Pride and Prejudice" and "Road to War".

The most embarrassing thing is the Chinese movie he starred in-

"Big Arm"

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

In the film, Donald plays Taylor, an international director.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

He came to the mainland to film, and the battle for external publicity was quite big.

Taylor's Chinese agent, Lucy, specially found him a camera, recorded Taylor's filming process, and edited it into a documentary.

In this way, Youyou's work began.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

However, Taylor's work did not go well.

Because he was uninspired, he lost the motivation to continue shooting, and fell into chaos all day long.

Say cut on cut, and call it a day if you don't agree with it.

The director stopped work, and the entire crew could only accompany him.

All the actors can wait on the scene, but the producer can't wait, his butt is like hot, and he can't stand the bench.

Because it's not just time that passes, it's also white silver.

Venues, props, electricity, water, actors, none of which cost money.

The producer followed Taylor's ass every day and begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother to let him start work, Taylor's attitude was very resolute, and art could not be compromised.

Since this is the case, the investor had to take action, directly replaced Taylor, and hired another director to shoot.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

When Taylor learned about it, it was as if he had lost his soul.

He fell under Yuyu's lens.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

Despite Yuyu's timely discovery, Taylor received effective first aid and saved his life.

However, he did not wake up again, and the doctor told Lucy that the timing of her awakening was up to providence.

The boss is in a vegetative state, and Lucy is grief-stricken, at this point, her mind comes to mind the conversation between Taylor and Yuyu.

It turned out that when Taylor was learning traditional Chinese culture, he was very interested in the "joy and mourning" that You You mentioned.

And, in the video of Taylor falling, he personally offered to let You You hold a "happy funeral" for him.

Therefore, when Taylor's condition is not optimistic, Lucy finds You You and asks him to hold a Chinese funeral for the world-famous director.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

I believe that how classic this film is, there is no need for the director to introduce it too much.

It is considered one of Feng Xiaogang's best films, and it is the pinnacle of domestic comedy.

Douban 8.0 is incomparable to the "bewitching sluts" in the same industry.

The stars are shining in the film, and the highlights are very full~~~

In addition to Uncle Ge and Donald, 39-year-old Guan Zhilin is fashionable, beautiful, and has an excellent temperament, which is a beautiful landscape.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

has strength, not afraid of few scenes.

The psychopath played by Li Chengru makes people laugh once when they watch it, and it will last for a long time.

A long-shot speech of "not the best, but the most expensive" is simply a stroke of genius.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

And Fu Biao.

Obviously came to the funeral, how can you cry when you say you cry, cry so sadly, and don't forget to say the advertising words with a crying tone.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

This play-within-a-play is too eye-catching.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

Of course, compared with the actors, the most brilliant thing in this film is definitely the script.

As we all know, Feng's comedy is criticized the most because the story is not strong, and this film is no exception.

There is no design of one ring and one ring, it is more like a collection of sketches.

However, because of this, it has contributed a lot of famous lines and famous scenes, which are absurd and funny.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

Under Youyou's design, Taylor's funeral was like a grand show.

It is divided into four acts, including speaking, singing, acting, and so on.

It can be said to cover the "essence" of Chinese and Western cultures, integrating theology and Buddhism, and is a masterpiece of integration.

When Lucy informs Yuyo that Taylor has no money and that he needs to figure out how to pay for the funeral.

This made You You big, after all, he still wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

What to do? Preparations have already begun.

At this time, his smart little head was running at high speed, pulled up a good friend, and opened an advertising investment association.

Ready to sell Taylor's name and solicit major brand manufacturers.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

The scene of "investment promotion" is the funniest part that the factory director thinks.

As soon as the red palace gate of the Temple of Heaven opened, the funeral venue was covered with advertising banners, which made people laugh.


Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

Above ground.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

Displays Taylor's bed.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

Even Taylor himself was decorated with dazzling lights.

One pair of feet, one for each of the two brands.

Wearing a sports suit at the funeral can be described as full of relaxation.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

How can sports gear be without sunglasses?

The reason why a lens is missing is because Taylor is nearsighted and has to wear contact lenses hahahaha.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

The best ones are tea bags and shampoo.

One in the mouth:

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

One swing head on the front side:

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

The main thing is how hard a stone is, how hard this advertisement is.

After one operation, the protagonists of the funeral were entertained.

Yes, in fact, Taylor is out of danger for a long time, and he is recovering quite well.

However, he asked Lucy to hide it from Youyou, just to see what kind of drama Youyou would present in the end.

He's looking forward to it so much!

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

I have to say that the millennial entertainment industry is still very vibrant, challenging and creative.

The plot has tension and the lines have depth, and Feng's comedy has brought the art of language to a realm, which is worth recalling when combined with the plot.

For example, the advertiser stuffed the actress of his own company and wanted her to cry for three minutes on Taylor at the funeral.

You You quipped-

I heard that you are preparing to shoot Pan Jinlian and are choosing an actress online, I suggest you choose an actor with your true colors, and your true colors are good.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

For example, at the auction, You You refused piracy and protected intellectual property rights.

He said—

Funerals are genuine and make money by selling themselves, while piracy is making money by selling others.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

For example, the dialogue between Chinese and foreign customers is reminiscent of a diplomatic scene.

King Louis said—

Our company has foreign affairs discipline, and when we negotiate with foreign guests, both parties can only speak their own Chinese.

Taste the product carefully, whether there is a connotation of the feeling of the overflow of English in those years.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

Quoting a comment, this film is absurd, black, and TM is a prophetic time-travel film.

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

Yes, the seemingly distorted and over-the-top stories have turned into reality one by one over the years.

In the film, a group of "mentally ill" people wearing hospital gowns talk about the Internet, real estate, and business ideas, which have now come true.

The most ironic thing is that the person who filmed "Big Names" really implanted dozens of advertisements in "If You Are the Truth, Do Not Disturb 2", completing the closed loop of self-irony.

To tell the truth, the two-phase correspondence between movies and reality is the biggest "black humor"!

Alas, the entertainment industry has lost another good actor

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