
A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

author:Greenhouse nets

It is not uncommon to see all kinds of small advertisements posted on telephone poles and street lamps on the streets of Metro Vancouver, even if it is an all-Chinese advertisement, after all, the proportion of Chinese in Metro Vancouver is so high, especially in Vancouver and Richmond.

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

These advertisements are varied, and some of them belong to the recruitment category, such as hiring housekeepers, hiring drivers, recruiting workers, and so on. Have you ever thought that these could be scams and pig slaughter?

Recently, on local social media, someone took a special photo of these job advertisements on the streets of Richmond, which sparked heated discussions:

Take this recruitment of housekeepers as an example, although housekeepers and nannies do earn a lot of money in Greater Vancouver, just looking at the content of the advertisement makes people suspicious:

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

Not much, the trial period income is as high as $6000 per month, and then it goes up? Is there such a good thing in the world?

Here's a little bit of a bizarre ad:

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

Middle-aged and elderly fitting models? Have you ever seen this kind of profession in Metro Vancouver?

And this, it's almost the same as the first ad shown, except that it has changed from a housekeeper to a chef's aunt:

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

and "Tea Packaging":

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

Cellar keepers who earn up to 35 per hour:

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

The most common is, of course, hiring a babysitter:

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

Just looking at the advertisement, can you tell the real from the fake?

Victim statement: High-end pig killing plate!

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

To be honest, these ads don't look "fake at first glance", so why can netizens recognize them? There are victims who have stated the process, which is typical of high-end pig killing plates:

When you contact the recruiter, the recruiter says that the income can only be paid through an online currency, which is very valuable and has great potential for future value-added, which means that you have both income and a lot of potential income;

And the recruiter doesn't tell you about online money payments at first, but only when you're about to work, and asks you to invest in their currency, saying that it's revealing an important insider story to you, and you can't miss the opportunity.

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

If the applicant refuses, then the recruiter will immediately cancel the "job" of the TA, saying that the TA "does not know what to do and does not make money", and then gives the so-called job to someone else to do and starts to "hunt" the next victim.

The passive pig killing plate is more intelligent than the active type

Some netizens who are well versed in the routine of killing pigs reminded that the previous pig-killing plates were active pig-killing plates, such as pretending to send the wrong information to find the wrong person, and then taking the initiative to chat with you.

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

However, this kind of "passive pig slaughter" is absolutely impossible to prevent - let others take the initiative to send you messages and calls, from which you can identify who is easy to deceive and which people can continue to "socialize".

In this era of economic downturn, this kind of recruitment-type pig killing plate also cleverly uses the psychology of people who want to find a job, and offers a lot of prices, in short, two words: smart.

Cleverly set up occupations and age groups, because it's easy to "catch a fish"

Why are the age groups for these recruitment efforts generally middle-aged and elderly? And the professions are all very low threshold, or even no threshold? The reason is very simple: it is easy to "catch a fish".

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

Middle-aged and elderly people are already relatively idle and feel that they can have a high-paying and not too difficult job, why not give it a try? Middle-aged and elderly people are already weak in dealing with fraud, especially in Canada, thinking that their compatriots are at least credible, and what they say must be justified.

Another witness replied: "To make you feel more trusted, this kind of scammer pretending to be a recruiter will initially say that your job is still being done by someone and that you need to wait for the job to finish and then you can connect it." "During this process, the recruiter will talk to you frequently, chatting with you and getting closer to each other.

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

In fact, the same is true in China, involving middle-aged and elderly Internet currency fraud incidents emerge in an endless stream, some of which are directly deceived and bankrupt, while scammers cleverly disguise themselves and escape.

How to identify? Income, position, and communication style!

There are more and more advertisements on the streets of Richmond, and there is no guarantee that more people will fall for them. So how do you identify it? First of all, the salary mentioned above: the basic industry often pays 35 per hour, and the nanny housekeeper especially emphasizes "not much" but gives 6000+, which is obviously tempting to take the bait.

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

Because you don't open such a high salary, only open something similar to the market price, not many people will be willing to contact; Next is the position: middle-aged and elderly fitting models, tea sorting, these positions are extremely niche, it is very confusing to look at, and most of them are not credible.

The most important thing is the way of communication! A number of victims said: "Recruiters may be concerned about WeChat real name or other reasons, and must let you contact through WhatsApp, which is commonly used by locals" - Isn't WeChat the most convenient way to communicate with Chinese people?

The villagers have "intensified"

In the comment area, another American netizen said: "This is not exclusive to Richmond, there are also in the United States, such as New York is the hardest hit area!" ”

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

This makes people even more speechless: the villagers are pitting the villagers, and it seems that they have become more and more intense...... Who says that Chinese immigrants are good people? The scenacity of deception is terrifying. Of course, there are many Chinese scammers who do not actually live overseas, but are scamming remotely in China or other cities.

The most common is to disguise themselves as tax officials, disguise themselves as embassy staff, ask for bank accounts to pay "arrears" for tax evasion or other reasons, and the harassing phone calls are never stopped, and the success rate of this scam is not low.

A number of Chinese have been recruited! A new scam emerges in Canada: Chinese job advertisements are in danger!

Nowadays, even Chinese job advertisements are no longer credible, and the affected people are not only those Chinese who really want to apply for Chinese jobs, but also those real recruiters who obviously post real advertisements, but people dare not believe it, because they have been "pitted" by the pig plate.

If you want to find a job in Chinese, try to go to formal platforms, such as local large Chinese portals, forums, at least some screening mechanisms, rather than credulity street advertisements.

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