
The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

author:See the world every day

Dear travel enthusiasts! Do you feel that way? Walking to the ends of the earth, you can always hear the familiar Chinese dialect!

Recently, I saw a post on the Internet "Chinese everywhere", which caused many netizens to discuss it.

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

▼ "The owner of the only restaurant in one of the British attractions is from Shaanxi. ”

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

▼ Budapest's Chinatown feels like going back to the village.

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

▼ If you don't say it, who would have thought that this is New York.

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

▼ Toilets in the Sahara Desert with "male" and "female" written in Chinese.

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

No wonder he was ridiculed by netizens:

Developing countries = developing the world into the home of Chinese

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

What do you think? Do you think that Chinese are simply everywhere? That's right! Our footprints as Chinese have long been in all corners of the world. From the bustling Times Square in New York to the desolate Sahara Desert, from the towering Mount Everest to the deep Mariana Trench, you can hear Chinese and see Chinese faces everywhere.

But! Listen, everyone! There really is such a place in the world where the existence of "Chinese extinction" exists! Where the hell is this place? What's so special about it? Listen to me slowly~

Its name is - the Republic of Morohia! What? Haven't heard of it? Don't worry, let me unveil this mysterious kingdom for you!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

The Republic of Morohia, doesn't that sound lofty? But it's not the country you think it is. How special is this "country"? How small is it? I'll give you an idea - it's only 0.025 square kilometers in size! That's right, you heard it right, it's 0.025!

You may ask, "How can such a small place be called a country?" "Hehe, don't worry, the excitement is yet to come!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

What is even more surprising is that there is not a single Chinese in this pocket "country"! Isn't that incredible? When I first heard about it, I was confused. You know, we Chinese can open hot pot to the South Pole and bring mahjong to Mount Everest!

But in this tiny Molohia, you can't find a Chinese restaurant, not even a person who can speak Chinese! This simply breaks our inherent impression that "Chinese are everywhere"!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

Isn't it amazing? Is there a keen interest in this small maverick country? Don't worry, let's take a closer look at this peculiar "country"! Get your passports ready and embark on this incredible journey with me! ️

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

Guess where this magical Molohia is hidden? The answer may surprise you – it's in the desert of Nevada, USA! That's right, it's the Nevada known for its Las Vegas!

Imagine that in the middle of nowhere, a "country within a state" suddenly appears. Surrounded on all sides by the United States, this tiny "country" is like an oasis forgotten in the desert. But don't expect to see palm trees and springs, it's a real desert area!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

When it comes to population, you might find it hard to believe. The permanent inhabitants of Molohia - mind you, permanent residents, not tourists - there are only 35 people! Does this number sound familiar? That's right, it's about the size of an average village. But don't underestimate these 35 people, they run this small country well!

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you an important piece of information! There are also three adorable dogs in the country! They are the "national treasures" of Molohia! Imagine that in this silent desert, a few dog barks from time to time, doesn't it feel particularly lively?

Although the size of Molossia is pitifully small and the population is pitifully small, its "ambition" is not small at all! It claims to have an independent infrastructure such as a constitution, navy, bank, currency, post office, and telecommunications bureau. Doesn't that sound amazing? But don't be amazed, what I'm going to tell you about may surprise you even more!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

The small "country" of Molohia is not a player's house! It's serious about running a "country"!

Let's take a look at the structure of the mini-country. You may be wondering, how complicated can a country of 35 people be? Don't underestimate it! Molohia has its own system, parliament and court! That's right, it's the kind of separation of powers! Imagine that in this little desert, the Z Orthodégé is giving an impassioned speech, the lawmakers are hotly discussing the new bill, and the judges are seriously hearing the case... Does this picture make you laugh?

When it comes to law, Molohia has its own legal system! They even drew up a list of contraband. Guess what's on it? Dangerous goods such as Q sticks, D drugs, and B explosives are naturally prohibited, but D products are also on the list! It seems that this small country still attaches great importance to social security!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

Let's talk about the "military power" of Molohia. Don't laugh, they really have their own navy! Although we all know that Molohia is a landlocked country, we don't know how far away it is from the nearest ocean. But who says there can be no navy without the sea? Although the navy of Molohia may only have a few men, its momentum is not lost to other countries at all!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

Finally, let's talk about the economic system of Molohia. And guess what? This small country actually has its own monetary system! The currency they issue is called "Valente". While this currency may only be available in Morohia, think about it, isn't it particularly cool to own a Molohia banknote?

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

Seeing this, do you think that Molohia is simply a miniature version of a "normal" country? That's right, that's how it feels! It's small, but it's all right! I have to say that the imagination and execution of these Molohians are really impressive!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

Well, travel enthusiasts, we have learned the basic structure of the small country of Molohia. Now, let's take a peek into everyday life here! You ready? Then come with me to experience the daily life of this "micro-country"! ️‍♀️

Imagine that you are an ordinary citizen of Morohia. When you wake up in the morning, you open the window and you're greeted by an endless desert landscape. There are no high-rise buildings, no traffic, just tranquility and expanseness.

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

You walk out of the house and get ready to go to work. However, in Molohia, going to work may not be what we think. There are no busy subways, no crowded buses, and you may not even need to leave your home to get the day's work done! After all, in this small country of only 35 people, everyone is a generalist, maybe today you are a postman, tomorrow you will be an admiral!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

When it's time for lunch, where will you go? There are no Michelin-starred restaurants in Molohia, and there are no fast food chains. Don't worry, though! Residents here may come together to enjoy a homemade delicacy. Imagine the scene of people all over the country sitting together to eat, don't you feel particularly warm?

After work, you might attend a national convention. Don't be intimidated by the word "convention", where the convention might be a few people sitting together discussing which road to build today or what vegetables to plant tomorrow.

In the evenings, you might watch TV and chat with your neighbors. However, there may not be a lot of TV shows in Molohia, so maybe you will watch American TV shows together!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

And just like that, a peaceful and unique day passed. Life may seem monotonous, but isn't it amazing to feel like everyone is an integral part of the country in this small country?

After listening to this, do you find life in Morohia both novel and interesting? Don't worry, our trip to Molohia isn't over yet! Let's take a look at what it's like to be here if you're a tourist!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

Imagine that you have just stepped into the land of Molohia. The first thing to do is to go through immigration procedures. You walk into a small building, which is the "customs" of Molohia. Don't be surprised, there may be only one person on duty here, but they are doing their job very seriously! You hand over your passport, and after careful inspection, the staff solemnly stamps your passport with the entry stamp of Molohia. Congratulations, you're probably the only visitor to make it today!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

Next, you may want to find a place to stay. However, there are no five-star hotels in Molohia for you to choose from. The accommodation here may be a small room in a local resident's home. But, come to think of it, you're living in the house of the "head of the G family"! This experience is absolutely unique!

Once settled, you begin to explore the small country. Although Molohia is small, there are many "attractions". You can visit their "National Museum", which showcases the country's history and culture. Although there may not be many exhibits, each one is full of stories and feelings.

Around noon, you may be invited to a "state dinner". Don't be intimidated by the name, it's actually a quick meal with all the residents. You will find that here, you can sit with the "head of the G family" and chat while eating, this kind of people-friendly feeling is probably difficult to experience in other countries!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

In the afternoon, you can attend a "national parliament" audit. You will be amazed to know that here, every citizen has a voice, and everyone's opinion is seriously considered. Doesn't this feeling of being directly the master make you feel new and excited?

In the evening, you may be invited to a small cultural performance. Although the performer may be the customs officer who stamps you during the day, you will definitely be touched by their enthusiasm and sincerity.

And so the day in Molohia passed. There are no grand buildings or bustling streets, but this intimate, simple and unique experience will definitely make you remember for a lifetime!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

After listening to these wonderful Molohia experiences, are you already eager to try it out and experience it for yourself? Don't worry, let me show you how to get to this amazing little country now!

From Las Vegas, you need to drive for about 3 hours. This journey may be a bit boring for you, as there are endless desert landscapes along the way. Don't be discouraged, though! This is the foreshadowing of the amazing experience that is about to come!

On the way, you may see signs that say "Republic" or "Molohia". When you see these signs, the excitement will definitely come to you immediately, right? That's right, you're not far from your destination!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

Moving on, you will see a small checkpoint. Don't be nervous, this is the "border" of Molohia! Here, you may meet a friendly "border officer". They will give you a warm welcome and may even give you a map of Morohia as a souvenir!

After the checkpoint, congratulations, you have officially entered the territory of Molohia! You may see some of the humble buildings that are the seat of the "state organs" of Molohia. It may not seem like a big deal, but it's a dream of a country!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

If you would like to spend the night here, it is advisable to contact the official authorities in Molohia in advance and they will arrange accommodation for you. Although the conditions may not be luxurious, the experience of spending the night in a "micro-country" is priceless!

It is important to note that although Molohia claims to be an independent state, it is not recognized under American law. So, you don't need any special visas. As long as you can enter the U.S. legally, you can go to Molohia!

The only country in the world where there are no "Chinese citizens": the total population of the country is only 35 people!

How's that, after hearing this, do you think it's not that difficult to go to Molohia? So what are you waiting for, hurry up and pack your bags and get ready to go! Trust me, it's going to be a trip of a lifetime!


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