
【Celebration of "July 1st" series of activities】Qiao Minghan went to Anhua Town to carry out "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

author:Anhua Town, Wudu, Longnan
【Celebration of "July 1st" series of activities】Qiao Minghan went to Anhua Town to carry out "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 29, Qiao Minghan, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, candidate for executive deputy head of the government, and leader of Bao Township, went to Anhua Town to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities, and the main leaders of the town's party and government carried out it together.

【Celebration of "July 1st" series of activities】Qiao Minghan went to Anhua Town to carry out "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

Qiao Minghan successively went to the homes of old party members and paired care objects in Huaishuxia Village and Zengjie Village, talked with them cordially, talked about family routines, talked about changes, listened to their voices, and talked about development, learned in detail about their physical conditions, family life and other specific situations, asked them about their difficulties and demands, and listened carefully to the changes in the lives of old party members and care objects. And sent them "July 1st" blessings and condolences.

【Celebration of "July 1st" series of activities】Qiao Minghan went to Anhua Town to carry out "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

At the same time, the town and village cadres should always take the warmth and well-being of the old party members, party members in difficulty, and the objects of care to heart, give more care, more care, and be conscientious and conscientious, and truly put the pairing to the ground, help and help the point, and effectively solve the practical difficulties encountered in the production and life of the objects of care. Frequent contact, more visits, accurate implementation of safeguard policies, take the initiative to provide services, effectively close the relationship between the party and the masses, and effectively do practical things for them and solve problems.

【Celebration of "July 1st" series of activities】Qiao Minghan went to Anhua Town to carry out "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

▎ Producer: Wang Honglai Review: Yang Xiaolei

Editor-in-charge: Li Chenglong Editor: Wang Tingting

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