
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them

author:Good Learning, Sail Vgx
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them
Finally, someone sorted out the names and ages of the commanders who rebuilt the New Fourth Army in 1941 and collected them

Memories and reconstructions of the pier

On the banks of the Yangtze River, ancient wharves loom in the morning mist. The morning light shines through the clouds and shines on the bluestone pier, reflecting the boats and busy figures coming and going. It's a hub for goods and a meeting point for information, with a different story unfolding every day.

On this pier, there was a young man named Li Wen, who was tall and had a resolute gaze. Li Wen was a soldier of the New Fourth Army who had fought bravely on the battlefield, but after the war, he chose to stay at the docks and rebuild his home with his own hands.

Early one morning, Li Wen was busy on the docks as usual. Suddenly, an old man walked up to him with a yellowed newspaper in his hand. The old man's name is Chen Bo, an old resident on the dock, and a friend of Li Wen.

"Xiao Li, look at this." Chen Bo handed over the newspaper and pointed to a report on it.

Li Wen took the newspaper and saw that it was impressively written: "The name and age of the chief officer of the reconstruction of the New Fourth Army have been sorted out and announced." His heart moved, and he read it carefully. The report detailed the names, ages, and backgrounds of the commanders of the New Fourth Army after the reconstruction, and each name carries a heavy history.

Li Wen looked at these names, and an inexplicable feeling surged in his heart. He thought of those comrades-in-arms who had fought side by side, and remembered their bravery and steadfastness in the war. These names are the testimony of their common memory and the eternal pride of their hearts.

"Uncle Chen, do you know the story of these chief officers?" Li Wen raised his head and asked curiously.

Chen Bo nodded, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes: "Of course I know." When I was young, I also joined the New Fourth Army. Those commanders are our comrades-in-arms and leaders. They have made tremendous sacrifices and efforts for the cause of the liberation of the country and the nation. ”

Li Wen listened to Uncle Chen's narration, and his heart was even more emotional. He imagined the figures of those officers in the flames of war, and imagined the hardships and sweat they had paid for their beliefs and ideals. He felt as if he was also infected by this power, and his heart was full of passion and motivation.

"Uncle Chen, I also want to do something for the New Fourth Army." Li Wen said suddenly.

Uncle Chen looked at him, and a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes: "Okay, Xiao Li." You have the vigor and energy of a young person, and you are exactly what we need. The New Fourth Army needs talents like you to continue to inherit and carry forward our spirit. ”

Li Wen nodded, his heart full of determination. He began to take an active part in various affairs on the dock and practiced the spirit of the New Fourth Army with his actions. He helped residents solve their life difficulties, organized volunteer teams to participate in community service, and actively participated in cultural construction activities on the pier. His efforts and dedication have won wide praise and respect from the residents.

Over time, Levine became a leader on the docks. He led the residents to work together to make the pier more prosperous and beautiful. They built new terminal facilities and improved transportation and logistics; They have carried out a variety of cultural activities to enrich the spiritual life of the residents; They also actively participate in social welfare undertakings and make positive contributions to the harmony and stability of society.

In the process, Li Wen profoundly realized the strength and value of the spirit of the New Fourth Army. He understands that only by sticking to his beliefs and ideals can he overcome all difficulties and challenges. Only by uniting as one and making concerted efforts can we achieve the great rejuvenation of the country and the nation.

One evening, Li Wen stood on the pier and looked out at the Yangtze River in the distance. His heart was filled with emotion and pride. He thought of those comrades-in-arms who had fought for the cause of the New Fourth Army, and remembered the hardships and sweat they had paid for their beliefs and ideals. He felt as if he was part of this history, a part of it.

At this moment, a ship laden with cargo slowly approached. The ship's crew disembarked one after another and interacted with the people on the dock. Li Wen looked at their busy figures and cheerful smiles, and his heart was full of hope and longing. He believes that with the joint efforts of everyone, the future terminal will be more prosperous and beautiful.

This story tells us that no matter how times change, the spirit and faith of the New Fourth Army will never become obsolete. As long as we uphold our beliefs and ideals, unite as one, and make joint efforts, we will certainly be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges and realize the great rejuvenation of the country and the nation. At the same time, this story also shows us the strength and hope of young people. They have unlimited potential and creativity, and as long as they are given opportunities and platforms, they will be able to create a better future.

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