
Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

Another year of Magnolia Awards, and another star-studded feast. The award ceremony was splendid and dizzying.

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun were both crowned kings for the second time and became the biggest winners of the night. Hu Ge won the title of Emperor with his superb acting skills in "Flowers", which is the second time he has won this honor after "Langya Bang". When Zhang Xiaofei announced Hu Ge's award, the audience applauded. Hu Ge looked very calm, got up and bowed to everyone to thank him. However, his partner Tang Yan reacted even more excitedly, first covering his mouth and shining eyes, and then stretched out his hands to high-five Hu Ge in celebration, which reminded people of the tacit interaction between Mr. Bao and Miss Wang in "Flowers".

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

However, Hu Ge's award also caused some controversy. Many netizens think that the veteran actor Fan Wei performed better in "The Long Season" and should have won the crown. Fan Wei not only missed the award ceremony, but also missed the award in the end, which disappointed many fans. Some people even questioned whether the Magnolia Award was more biased towards Shanghainese actors. But having said that, Hu Ge's performance in "Flowers" is also remarkable, he interprets the role of Ah Bao very well, showing the image of a small person struggling to move forward in the tide of the times.

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

In terms of heroines, Zhou Xun defeated Tang Yan, who was very popular, with "Imperfect Victim", and won the trophy again. This is the second time that Zhou Xun has won the Magnolia TV after "Red Sorghum". When Zhou Xun was announced to be awarded, the audience burst into warm applause. Zhou Xun wore reading glasses to the stage to accept the award, looking a little nervous, and his ominous appearance made people laugh. Xiao Song Jia, Wang Renjun and others in the audience all showed expressions of appreciation, which shows that Zhou Xun's acting skills have been recognized by his peers.

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

However, Zhou Xun's award also caused some controversy. Many people think that Tang Yan's performance in "Flowers" is even better and should have won this award. Some people question whether the Magnolia Award does not give young actors a chance. But think about it carefully, when Tang Yan was shortlisted before, everyone said that Magnolia was biased towards Shanghai actresses, and now they say that they don't give young people a chance, isn't it a bit of a double standard? In fact, when Tang Yan applauded Zhou Xun in the audience, she smiled very naturally, obviously sincerely wishing the other party.

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

In addition to the Emperor Vision, other awards also have their own highlights. "Flowers" was arguably the biggest winner of the night, winning a total of 5 awards, including Best Chinese TV Series, Best Actor, Best Screenplay and Adaptation, Best Art and Best Cinematography. The success of this drama is not only the credit of the actors, but also the result of the joint efforts of the entire crew. Director Wong Kar-wai's unique style is fully reflected in this drama, which perfectly presents Shanghai's Naxi Senian in front of the audience.

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

The best director was won by Xin Shuang, the director of "The Long Season". When accepting the award, Xin Shuang shared an impressive detail. He said that when the last episode was broadcast, when the elderly Wang Xiang shouted to his younger self "Look forward, don't look back", the entire barrage was swiped by "Look forward, don't look back". At that moment, the creator and the audience met in those six words, and the resonance was so deafening.

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

In terms of Best Supporting Actor, Ning Li won the Best Supporting Actor for "Under the Prosperous City", and Jiang Yan won the Best Supporting Actress for "South to North". When Jiang Yan heard that she had won the award, her expression management instantly lost control, and her facial features were twisted together, looking very surprised and excited. This authentic response gives a sense of how much she desires and cherishes this award.

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

There were also some interesting vignettes at the awards ceremony. For example, Chen Xiao and Liu Yifei won the title of "Overseas Promotion Ambassador of Chinese TV Programs". The interaction between the two on stage is reminiscent of their wonderful performance in "Menghualu". However, Chen Xiao lowered his eyebrows and remained silent throughout the whole process, and his figure also lost a lot of weight, which made people think of the marriage rumors he was involved in recently.

Hu Ge and Zhou Xun Magnolia "two seals", but the micro-expressions of the stars on the scene are another kind of rivers and lakes

Overall, although there are some controversies in this year's Magnolia Awards, there is no shortage of wonderful moments. Whether it is winning an award or accompanying the run, each actor has put in his own efforts. As Hu Ge said in his acceptance speech, being an actor is the happiest profession of the entire crew, and without the crew, there would be no honor. This award ceremony is not only an affirmation of outstanding works and actors, but also a review of the entire TV industry. I believe that in the future, we will see more excellent works emerge and bring more wonderful audio-visual feasts to the audience.

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