
The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

author:Ahsan talks about popular science


With the development of the world's first holographic light field three-dimensional display photography technology with a scale of more than 10 billion pixels and the full analog photoelectric intelligent computing chip, the scientific and technological level has also been greatly improved.

In terms of energy, the construction of the "Linglong No. 1" nuclear power reactor independently developed by the mainland has officially started.

It is reported that the mainland's "Linglong-1" is the world's first onshore commercial modular small reactor, which is not only small in size, but also high-efficiency and multi-functional.

It can generate 1 billion kilowatts, enough to power 520,000 homes.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

The first pile of main control rooms was opened.

As the "brain" of nuclear power engineering, various monitoring and control equipment are installed in the main control room of the nuclear power reactor, which can carry out human-computer interaction, accept control instructions, and monitor the operation status of the nuclear power reactor.

In order to improve the operational efficiency and safety of the main control room, the control system used in the main control room has been continuously updated, from the early analog control system to the digital control system currently in use.

Compared with analog control systems, digital control systems are more flexible in terms of control, can be connected to other equipment, and are easier to monitor fluctuations in control parameters, and easier to diagnose and repair, so it is easier to improve the operational efficiency and safety of nuclear power reactors.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

In the mainland, so far there have been six generations of 34 commercial nuclear power units put into operation, but from one generation to six generations, almost all nuclear power plants use similar control room control systems, most of these control systems use the technology of the nineties, outdated technology is bound to seriously affect the performance of nuclear power plants, so the emergence of new technologies to update the control system of the main control room is urgently needed.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

There has been a lack of technical support in this area, so there is an urgent need for a more advanced digital control system technology to replace the outdated analog control system technology, but people do not need to wait too long, the latest digital control system technology in the main control room of the mainland's "Linglong No. 1" nuclear power reactor has been officially launched.

It is reported that the digital control system technology used in the main control room of "Linglong No. 1" adopts a new control concept, which is more advanced than other digital control system technologies.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

At the same time, the integrated analog and digital dual-use control concept is also a major feature of this new system, which is leading in the world, and has independent and controllable software and hardware systems, as well as better functions and performance, and will inject strong impetus into the future nuclear power technology innovation in the mainland.

The main control room takes radiation and disaster prevention safety as the core, and will also be built in accordance with intelligent control and safety protection technology standards, so it basically meets the development needs of nuclear power in the future in terms of function and performance.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

The system will greatly improve the management, operation and maintenance of nuclear power projects in mainland China, and will have a unique competitive and spillover advantage in the world.

The official opening of the "Linglong No. 1" main control room is very exciting, which not only makes people sigh that China's scientific and technological level is really too high, but also makes people feel extremely excited about the future development of China's scientific and technological level.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

Breakthroughs in multiple fields.

There is no doubt that the birth of the "Linglong-1" nuclear power reactor once again demonstrates the mainland's technological strength and innovation ability in the field of nuclear energy, and also proves once again that the mainland is a leader in the field of nuclear power, which can provide more size and safer nuclear power solutions for countries around the world.

In addition to the breakthroughs in the field of nuclear energy, Continental has also made many remarkable breakthroughs in other fields, such as all-analog optoelectronic intelligent computing chips.

The chip is the world's first all-analog optoelectronic intelligent computing chip, and its birth breaks the shackles of traditional chip architecture, which can be said to be a milestone breakthrough.

In terms of all-analog optoelectronic computing, the computing performance that supports the energy consumption of the whole architecture has been improved by five times, and the energy consumption has been improved by zero errors, so the chip has ultra-high computing speed and ultra-low power consumption.

The all-analog optoelectronic intelligent computing chip can be said to be a product that integrates the technology of Zhanran's domestic chips, and its indicators in terms of computing speed and power consumption exceed other chips on the market at home and abroad.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

At the same time, it also has the culmination of artificial intelligence technology, which is expected to usher in a huge leap in the development of artificial intelligence technology in the future, and full analog optoelectronic computing technology is expected to be widely used in various industries and fields.

With the advent of all-analog optoelectronic intelligent computing chips, it is conceivable that the development of AI technology will usher in a new breakthrough in the future, which will play a leading role in the innovation and development of artificial intelligence.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

At the same time, there are still many unknown possibilities waiting for us to explore in various fields, and we look forward to more achievements in China in the coming time.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

Move forward in scientific and technological innovation.

In the current context of global economic development, China, as a major country with strong scientific and technological innovation capabilities, is setting off one unprecedented wave of change after another for the economic development of China and even the world.

It is to promote the technological innovation of all walks of life, to contribute to China's innovation and development, and to make an important contribution to the global economic development.

Since ancient times, the mainland has always pursued the ideal of becoming a strong country in science and innovation, and in the history of science, there are many famous scientists on the mainland, and their achievements are the glory admired by the whole world.

Under the ancient scientific accumulation and good scientific and technological atmosphere of the mainland, scientific and technological innovation is moving forward every day, and breakthroughs in various fields continue to witness the rapid rise of the mainland in scientific and technological innovation.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

The strength of scientific innovation shows us to be excited, and at the same time, it also pours hope for the development of global science, which is worthy of our future development, and looks forward to better scientific and technological innovation achievements to bring the trend of innovation again.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?


Although the Linglong-1 nuclear power reactor has many advantages in terms of miniaturization, people should also have a long-term vision, not only to see its advantages, but also to see the risks that need to be borne behind it.

For example, how to deal with nuclear waste and how to ensure the long-term safe and stable operation of nuclear power reactors are all directions that need to be explored.

The construction of nuclear power plants is not simple, and the various risks cannot be ignored, and in the future, the government, enterprises and scientific research institutions will need to work together, so we must believe that the mainland's scientific and technological innovation strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

Whether it is a breakthrough in the fields of massive pixels, holographic light field three-dimensional display photography technology, or full analog computing chips, it is the performance of the mainland in scientific and technological innovation, the continuous progress of the mainland's scientific and technological innovation, and the source of power to promote the continuous development of the mainland's economy.

The world's first! China's independent research and development "Linglong No. 1" was officially launched! Is the United States going to be red again?

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