
Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

author:Hobbies and entertainment

Zhu Danwei took her girl to the primary school entrance test on Monday


Recently, the focus of the entertainment industry has focused on the celebrity couple of Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei. It turned out that they took their 6-year-old princess to a public primary school to take the entrance test. As soon as the news came out, social media exploded, and netizens watched and expressed their opinions.

Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

It was said that it was a sunny day, and Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei walked hand in hand on the way to school, both of them wearing casual clothes and looking relaxed. Their daughters snuggled up to their mothers, looking curiously from time to time. The warm picture of this family of three makes people can't help but envy when they see it.

Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!
Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

When I arrived at the school gate, I saw that many parents and children had gathered at the school gate to participate in the test. Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei lined up with their daughter, waiting for the test to begin. While waiting, Zhu Dan lowered his head and whispered to his daughter from time to time, while Zhou Yiwei looked at them with a smile on the side.

Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!
Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

The first experience of the little princess in school

Finally, it was their turn to enter the examination room as a family of three. The little princess looked a little nervous, but Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei gave her encouragement and support. The test includes some basic math, language and general knowledge questions, as well as some simple hands-on ability tests. Although the little princess was young, she behaved quite well and quickly completed all the tests.

Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!
Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

After the test, the little princess ran out of the examination room with an excited face and reported her performance to her parents. Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei both gave her a big hug and praised her for doing a good job. This scene was captured by the media and netizens present, and they all said that this family of three is really loving.

Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

Netizens are hotly discussed: the road to education for the children of celebrities

Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

As the news spread, netizens took to social media to express their opinions. Someone said: "Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei are really good parents, and they personally accompanied their daughter to take the entrance test." Some people also joked: "Is the little princess going to inherit the mantle of her parents and enter the entertainment industry?" ”

Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

However, some netizens put forward different views. They believe that the educational resources received by the children of celebrities are superior to those of ordinary children, which may lead them to an unfair advantage in future competition. In this regard, some netizens retorted: "The children of celebrities are also ordinary children, and they also need to receive a normal education." Moreover, the success of parents does not represent the future of their children, and each child should have their own choices and development paths. ”

Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

Controversial summary: The education of celebrity children has sparked heated discussions

The news that Zhu Dan and Zhou Zhou took their daughter to participate in the primary school entrance test sparked heated discussions among netizens about the education of celebrity children. Some people believe that the educational resources received by the children of celebrities are superior, which can lead to unfair competition; There are also those who believe that every child should have their own choices and development path, and that the success of parents does not represent the future of a child.

Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

The controversy of this topic lies in the fact that it touches on the sensitive nerves of society about the distribution of educational resources and fair competition. As a special group, the education of celebrity children will naturally attract more attention and discussion. However, we should also be aware that every child is an individual, and they should have equal educational opportunities and development space. Regardless of parental status, it should not be an obstacle or an advantage in a child's development.

Zhu Dan took the baby to school on Monday, netizens: This picture is too beautiful, I dare not watch it!

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