
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

author:Nanjing's Charming Campus

Nanjing Qingrun Primary School

Wind Ensemble

Both vertical and horizontal strokes are moist

There is a good sound in the cup

Take advantage of the summer time

Respond to the warm breeze

Turn blessings into melodious music

On this special day

Qingrun Primary School

ushered in a grand musical feast

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

Let's listen to it live!


On the afternoon of June 26th, the teachers and students of the Nanjing Qingrun Primary School Wind Orchestra held a special concert of "The Vertical and Horizontal Strokes are Clear, and the Good Music in the Cup" was held in the lecture hall of the school. The concert presented an audio-visual feast of the integration of Chinese and foreign music cultures with gripping melodies, exquisite interpretations, and long-lasting artistic conceptions. School leaders, teachers and student representatives, and parent representatives watched the wonderful performance together.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

It is worth mentioning

The school has designed it in an ingenious way

Exclusive admission to unique concerts

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

How to get a concert ticket:

Wind ensemble members have the right to invite friends to get tickets.

Some of the tickets are advertised by the class teacher, and the students will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Each student can bring one parent to the concert.

The lights get brighter

The members of the wind ensemble are dressed in neat costumes

Hand-held musical instruments

Take the stage with sonorous and powerful steps

A majestic and melodic ensemble "Shock Wave" kicked off the concert. All the students performed together, conveying the power and passion of music to every audience.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

The students of the 23rd Troupe brought the saxophone and clarinet to play "Little Star" in unison. When the warm and familiar melody sounds, it instantly evokes everyone's childhood memories.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

The flute solo "Hu Guangsheng" has a melodious melody and deep emotion, as if telling the audience a moving story hidden deep in the heart. The flute's beautiful timbre paints an emotional picture of music that is immersive.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

Subsequently, the 4 students of the 23rd Troupe played "Shanghai Tang" in unison.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

This is a classic piece of music

Take the listener back to that turbulent era

Feel its passion and heroism

The rich timbre of the upper bass horn

This history is vividly interpreted

Teachers and students reminisced about those eventful years together

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

The solo flute "Love Transfer" and the saxophone "On the Shore of Lake Baikal" were melodious, creating a calm and beautiful atmosphere for the audience.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

The flute of the 22nd Regiment played in unison "Chrysanthemum Terrace" and "Daylily Flower" made people fascinated and won bursts of applause.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

The melody of "Chrysanthemum Terrace" is soft and moving

The melody of "Daylily Flower" is fresh and elegant

The light tone of the flute

The beauty of nature is vividly displayed

Let the audience's heart gain peace

The clarinet solo "Sea and Sky" is full of strength and hope. The courage and hope in the song were passed on to everyone present, and everyone felt the freedom and dreams of the sea and the sky in the music.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

The saxophone performance "Slam Dunk" by Mr. Zhang Yihan of the Shan Sa Voice Department pushed the performance to a climax.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

This piece of music is full of passion and energy

Everyone felt like they were on the basketball court

Feel the charm of sports

The unique tone of the saxophone

The passion for this sport is vividly displayed

The scene was quiet in the vitality of youth

In the warm applause, the teachers of the Tongshengzhi Music Troupe performed "Singing the Motherland" together.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

Passionate melodies

Enthusiastic playing

Expressed the teachers

Deep love and best wishes for the Motherland

Teachers and students at the scene couldn't help but sing the motherland together

Sing about a bright future

After the passionate ensemble song "Steel Torrent", the event ended successfully. All the teachers and students of the wind orchestra took a group photo. This special concert is not only a phased achievement report of the school's wind orchestra, but also an aesthetic education practice to improve students' artistic literacy and enhance students' cultural self-confidence.

The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!
The clarinet ignites passion, and the concert of this primary school wind orchestra in Jianye District attracts fans with its strength!

In this concert

Every note feels like it has come to life

They beat and intertwine

It goes straight to the heart of the listener with a gripping momentum

The performers are highly skilled

Every detail is exquisitely interpreted

Everyone felt like they were in

A temple of music that transcends time and space and borders

Editor: Wang Ziwen

Choreographer: Li Yusi

Camera: Qian Zihan

© Nanjing's Charming Campus

The graphics and videos on this platform are all independently shot and produced by the "Charming Campus" column group. Without authorization, it shall not be reproduced, and the source must be indicated for reprinting. If other pictures and music used on the platform belong to the relevant rights holders, please contact us at any time to negotiate the authorization or deletion.

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