
A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

author:Read Time Magazine

I would like to bring you a list of books to "kill time".

I hope that book friends will use a large mouthful of watermelon and a few pages of books in the hot summer~

Stealing half a day of leisure~

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

Reading & Writing

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

In 2024, 15 years have passed since Mr. Ji Xianlin passed away

In the past 15 years, many great things have happened in the world

These major events have stirred up layers of whirlpools

It reminds us all the time how rare it is to seek stability in this world

At the moment when the soul can't find an anchor point, when reopening Ji Lao's prose

only to find that a sense of security came to my face

This book "Reading and Writing" mainly contains Ji Lao's unique insights on reading and writing

His insights don't try to subvert your preconceived notions

It's eloquent, even with a bit of mischievous humor

For example, he said that reading Chen Yinke's book is like peeling bamboo shoots

Read layer after layer, so that you have to follow him

He said that writing prose must be "dismal in ingenuity"

In the dismal management, there are occasional magic pens, which are natural

is the highest level of prose

Ji Lao talks about reading and writing, it is indeed "the wise are happy, the benevolent are long, and the elderly do what they want"

Compared to the pile-up of flowery rhetoric

This kind of "freehand" prose that goes back to basics

It can also give us a sense of stability that we are out of the way and not frightened

Perhaps, this is the experience that only when you read famous works~

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

Nine Lectures on Confucian Self-cultivation

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

Self-cultivation is a homework that we can never finish in our lifetime

In an era where the pace of life is getting faster and faster

We are often disrupted by busy work

Receiving all kinds of disturbing messages all day long.

Numb and sober to feel

The vitality of life is withdrawn from the body

In the opinion of the author, Mr. Fang Zhaohui, this is caused by our failure to "cultivate self-cultivation".

And Confucianism is not always normative and dogmatic

It contains a lot of wisdom for self-cultivation

The author believes that self-cultivation is to dig out what is in line with our own nature and to fulfill our nature

Only in this way can "virtuous" be "gained"

The author combines his experience of more than 20 years of experience in teaching "Introduction to Confucian Classics" at Tsinghua University

Completed this book "Nine Lectures on Confucian Self-cultivation"

From the 9 aspects of keeping quiet, preservation, self-reflection, qualitative, governing the heart, prudence, respect, prudence, and sincerity

It describes the main areas of daily self-cultivation

Recommend it to everyone~

I hope that the friends can think about it and gain something~

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

"The Big Question"

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

Philosophy is often seen as an abstract and esoteric discipline

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with other specific disciplines – or even with our lives

In reality, philosophy is a discipline about thinking and cognition

Philosophy is all about trying to think

No matter what the object of our thinking is, we think about it all our lives, and it is impossible for us to stop thinking about it

The quality of our thinking is even a reflection of the weight of our lives to some extent

Philosophy, on the other hand, is different from ordinary thinking activities

It is not concerned with the "small problems" of appearances

Rather, it is an abstract "big problem"

Although philosophers tend to start from "small problems".

It will also exert the philosophical power of seeing small things

Only problems that are so thick and controversial that they are difficult to solve are the ones that really enter the philosophical horizon

For book lovers who love philosophy and thinking, I recommend this book "The Big Question: An Introduction to Concise Philosophy"

It constructs a bridge to the philosophical world

You can find in it almost all the "big problems" of the human world

About life, about love, about beauty, about truth, freedom, justice, morality......

Although it claims to be "concise", it is intended to be "primary"

But it's 400 pages thick and has a whopping 520,000 words

This shows the solidity and profundity of the philosophical system

But don't worry too much

This book contains a wealth of basic information and vivid examples

It's not boring, it's fun

It is a systematic cognitive philosophy, a masterpiece that has been passed down to three generations in one book~


A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

Kyushu Tianxia: Chinese Culture and the Chinese

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

It's a loosely structured book

It's as loose as wisps of agarwood

What it's like to read this book

It's like Xu Zhuoyun, Ge Jianxiong, Ge Zhaoguang, Li Xueqin, Peng Lin, He Zhaowu, Feng Jicai, and Fan Heping 8 bigwigs chatting by the gazebo in the evening

And we're just a kitten lying next to us

I listened to them gossip without a ride

Listen to them talk about history and culture

From the origin of China, to the Chinese's view of the world

From the core of national culture, we talk about the impact of modern culture on traditional culture

From the cultural challenges we face, to the survival of modern people

In the loose chatter, a picture scroll about Chinese culture slowly unfolded~

We can glimpse it curiously, or savor it carefully

If you are happy to hear it, you can meow twice to express your happiness

In this way, until the middle of the moon, everyone returned happy

Although it is a casual conversation, the book is also very informative

Ethnicity, History, Geography, Culture, Archaeology, International Relations, Myths and Legends......

The form is scattered and the spirit is gathered

On the whole, it looks like a cultural SPA

Satisfied without feeling tired~

Highly recommended!

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

Reading and Drinking: A Book That Leads Us to Read

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

Books are an important carrier for human civilization to be passed on from generation to generation

For a lot of in-depth readers

Reading, like eating, sleeping, and breathing, is a natural thing

Reading doesn't even have a purpose, reading is an end in itself

Before opening the book

I never thought that "Dream of Red Mansions" would appear in a one-page catalog with "Existentialist Cafe".

The Book of Songs and Mathematics and Philosophy are far away

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" will be connected to "Nonviolent Communication"


But after reading the book

I understand that the book has left traces

The books I have read, no matter how large and disorganized

It's all stored in the depths of our spirits

Forming our own "Tao" about reading

"Reading and Drinking" is such a peculiar book

Its theme is communication and sharing

Focusing on 12 classic readings of ancient and modern Chinese and Western books, 5 guides dismantled and tasted with their own "Tao".

You can see the "distant similarities" that transcend the meaning of the book

Seemingly unrelated books

But it can arouse the same spiritual pleasure in the reader

As it declares itself: it is a book that leads us to a book

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

"Jiangsu Food Context"

A must-have book for summer relief! It is recommended to eat it with watermelon!

When we taste the food

The main evaluation is its "color and fragrance"

There are very few books that elevate food to the level of "context".

Unlike cultural representations, the context is necessarily thick and long

It is the bones of a place and the coquettish of a thousand years

Therefore, the context cannot be taken lightly

However, this 16-page tome of 660,000 words can afford the name of "food context".

This book is a masterpiece at first glance

Even if you only look at the catalog, you can also know the exquisite idea of the author, Mr. Shao Wankuan

In the "first part", it starts from ancient times and ends in the Republic of China period

Wrote about the past and present life of Jiangsu food

In the "second part", according to the geographical features of Jiangsu, it is divided into four districts: Nanjing, Huaiyang, Suzhou, Xi, and Xuhai

It also describes all the ingredients of Jiangsu's rivers and lakes, plains and hills, sea, land and air animals and plants

The way of eating and drinking of the writer

Write about the food style of the salt merchants

From cultural heritage to global dissemination

From anecdotal writing to the innovation of the times


It completely subverts the superficial perception of Jiangsu cuisine

I was finally able to comprehend Mr. Wang Zengqi's narration of his hometown food

Why is that kind of affection sincere and full of nostalgia?

In short, this "Jiangsu Food Context"

It is worth savoring for every friend who loves life and food~!

I hope you can be in today's book list

Find a place to relax

Feel every inch of joy that reading brings us~

Source: WeChat public account "Shuimu Reading Hui"

Editor: Jing Chen

[Disclaimer: This number is the official public welfare account of "National Reading Promotion", and this article is reprinted for the purpose of conveying more information. If there is a source label error or other inaccuracies, please contact us. We will correct it in a timely manner. Thank you]

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