
The first anniversary of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication: a reliable, accessible and amiable museum

author:The Paper

Shanghai is the window of the intersection of modern Chinese and Western cultures, an important town of the press and publishing industry, and the birthplace and original aspiration of the Communist Party of China, which has accumulated rich historical materials and memories for the press and publication industry since modern times. A year ago, on June 30, the first professional museum of press and publication in China, the China Modern Press and Publication Museum, was officially opened to the public, becoming a new cultural coordinate in the long cultural context of Shanghai.

On the morning of June 30, the anniversary event was held in the lecture hall of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication. The deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee weighed and put forward three suggestions: the first is to give full play to the important role of the museum's collection of red documents and revolutionary cultural relics, enhance historical credibility, revitalize historical scenes, and let the people feel the hard work and great achievements of the Chinese nation since modern times; The second is to implement the policy of "protection first, strengthen management, excavate value, effectively utilize, and make cultural relics come alive", and do a good job in the protection of cultural relics and research and interpretation with systematic thinking; The third is to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the public with multi-functional and three-dimensional services, dig deep into the educational function of museums, and guide more young people to actively understand and actively participate.

The first anniversary of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication: a reliable, accessible and amiable museum

Group photo of guests at the anniversary event

Two important donors came to the event site to participate in the cultural relics donation ceremony. Sun Ge, the nephew of Ge Gongzhen, the founder of mainland journalism historiography, donated a 20-page manuscript of "An Overview of the League of Nations" written by Ge Gongzhen after his visit to Europe in the late 1920s, as well as newspaper clippings from news reports about Ge Gongzhen's visit to Geneva to cover the meetings of the League of Nations. The "Overview of the League of Nations", which has not been published, is a precious manuscript detailing the organizational form and operation of the League of Nations, advocating that China should actively use this institution to protect the rights and interests of the mainland, promote international mutual assistance, and seek world peace.

The first anniversary of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication: a reliable, accessible and amiable museum

Sun Ge donated the manuscript

The first anniversary of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication: a reliable, accessible and amiable museum

Sun Ge donated newspaper clippings

Wu Fuming, a member of the China Collectors Association, donated four sets of historical documents to the museum, including the receipt of newspaper and periodical fees of the Shanghai News Unified Service in the early days of liberation, the membership certificate of the "Shanghai Lead Printing Industry Association" of Zhengtai Xinji Printing Office in 1947, the receipt of the share payment of Wen Wei Po in 1947, and the stock of the new children's bookstore in 1955.

According to the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication, these precious donations have witnessed the past social life, industry style and life history of the predecessors of journalism, and provided solid materials for the museum's future research, display and education work.

The first anniversary of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication: a reliable, accessible and amiable museum

Wu Fuming donated the receipt of the newspaper and periodical fee of the Shanghai News Unified Service in the early days of liberation

The first anniversary of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication: a reliable, accessible and amiable museum

In 1947, Zhengtai Xinji Printing Institute "Shanghai Lead Printing Industry Association" membership certificate

The first anniversary of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication: a reliable, accessible and amiable museum

1947 Wen Wei Po share payment receipt

The first anniversary of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication: a reliable, accessible and amiable museum

1955 New Children's Bookstore Stock

A lot of heavy news was also announced at the scene. For example, the first exhibition since the opening of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication, "When the Stars Shine: Pei Duofei and the Times", will be unveiled in August. In cooperation with the Budapest Museum of History and the Museum of Literature of Pei Duofei, and co-organized by the Beijing Lu Xun Museum (Beijing Memorial Hall of the New Culture Movement), this exhibition introduces a large number of precious objects related to Pei Duofei, including manuscripts, utensils and clothes used during his lifetime, and bronze statues, etc., to comprehensively sort out the translation process of Pei Duofei's works in China and their important position in Hungarian literature and culture.

At that time, Pei Duofei's magnificent life, the artistic achievements of nearly 1,000 poems, and the extensive influence of the Chinese literary world will be presented in the exhibition, combined with rich cultural and creative products and educational activities, to bring an immersive cultural experience to the audience.

The first anniversary of the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication: a reliable, accessible and amiable museum

Rendering of "When the Stars Shine: Pedolfi and the Times".

In terms of a series of lectures, next, the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication will join hands with YOUNG Study, a national reading brand of Yangpu District Library, to launch a series of lectures on "Seeking Knowledge and Reading Club". It is planned to launch a series of lectures such as Science Illustrated and Pei Duofei, and plan lectures on topics such as Lu Xun, writing, and reading in combination with the annual exhibition of the Edition, and invite experts, scholars, and industry leaders to share on the spot.

In the past year, the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication and Shanghai Xinhua Publishing Group have worked together with Dongyi Art Museum in the "Calligraphy and Qin Long Art Exhibition", and the "AR Digital Exploration of the Beauty of Qiuci Cultural Heritage" wearable devices and smart mobile interactive content, which have been recognized by the audience. In December 2023, the "Ideological and Political Classroom for Employees" jointly built by the two parties was unveiled, and the two sides have continued to deepen the construction and operation of the ideological and political classroom in the past six months, providing solid support for the all-round development of employees. At the event, the two sides also signed an agreement on party building and joint construction, and unveiled the practical education base of Shanghai Wenhui Xinmin Institute of Continuing Education, marking further in-depth cooperation and opening a new chapter of comprehensive cooperation.

The China Museum of Modern Press and Publication said that they will take the first anniversary of its opening as a new starting point to continuously consolidate the work of cultural relics, improve the level of interpretation, optimize public services, and build a reliable, accessible and amiable high-level museum.

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