
South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!


Recently, there has been a remarkable phenomenon in South Korea, where some South Koreans have launched a massive campaign to defend their rights, and their demand is for China to return Fubao.

South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!

Fu Bao is a national treasure of the mainland, just because he was born in South Korea, which caused such a large-scale controversy.

South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!

However, they went so far as to let the mainland return Fubao, which is groundless and unreasonable.

South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the specific situation and relevant background of Fubao. Fubao's ownership and related arrangements are based on a clear set of agreements, regulations and cooperation frameworks.

South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!

China has always followed the principles of legality, compliance and reasonableness in its treatment of Fubao, and has given full consideration to the well-being of Fubao and the overall interests of relevant cooperation.

South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!

This kind of rights protection action by some people in South Korea not only lacks an accurate understanding of the facts, but also ignores established rules and agreements.

South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!

Such behavior is not only a disturbance to the normal order of cooperation, but may also have a negative impact on friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.

South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!

Netizens have expressed "anti-Tiangang" in this regard, which reflects the clear understanding and dissatisfaction of the general public with this unreasonable demand.

South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!

In international exchanges and cooperation, we should be based on facts, respect rules and agreements, and resolve issues and express demands through rational and lawful channels.

South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!

Rather than taking powerful but unreasonable actions to defend rights based on wrong perceptions and impulses.

South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!
South Koreans are defending their rights everywhere, and they actually let China return Fubao? Netizen: It's the opposite of Tiangang!

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