
Zeng Ruobing carried out "July 1st" visit and condolence activities (more)

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Zeng Ruobing carried out "July 1st" visit and condolence activities (more)

Zeng Ruobing carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 28, Zeng Ruobing, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities.

Zeng Ruobing successively visited and condoled with party members Zhou Chuanxin and Wang Benzong. Everywhere she went, Zeng Ruobing had cordial conversations with them, asked them about their family's living conditions, physical conditions and difficulties they encountered, encouraged them to take care of their health, strengthen their confidence, live a positive and optimistic life, sent them the party's care and warmth, and extended holiday greetings and blessings.

Zeng Ruobing pointed out that all relevant departments should always keep the well-being of old party members and party members in difficulty in mind, and do practical things and solve problems for them with heart and affection; It is necessary to earnestly care for and care for party members in difficulty, implement various security policies in detail, truly care more about ideology, life, and spirit, and help them solve the difficulties encountered in production and life in a timely manner.

Yang Guanglin carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 28, Yang Guanglin, Secretary of the CPPCC Party Group and Chairman of the CPPCC, visited the old party members, extended "July 1st" holiday greetings and best wishes to them, and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". Li Li, vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Pan Yuanzhong, secretary general, attended the meeting.

Zeng Ruobing carried out "July 1st" visit and condolence activities (more)

Tan Huijie is 73 years old this year, joined the party in 1974, and has been a party member for 50 years. Coming to the home of veteran party member Tan Huijie, Yang Guanglin asked about the old man's physical condition and family situation, thanked him for his contribution to the construction of his hometown and the party's cause, and asked the old man to take care of his health, continue to exert his residual heat, and continue to care about and support the party's cause and the development of Zhangjiajie.

First Instance丨Luo Jie, Second Instance丨Thorough Third Trial丨Produced by Zhou Heping丨Zhangjiajie

Zeng Ruobing carried out "July 1st" visit and condolence activities (more)

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