
Russian media article: China's development model has world significance

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On November 24, the Russian KM.RU website published an article titled "Light from the East - The Chinese Model For the World", saying that China's development model is of world significance. The author is Sergei Grazyev, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The full text is excerpted below:

China's economic miracle has left us with far-reaching political wealth: waiting for a favorable moment. The current situation makes people feel that this "time" has come, and the measures proposed by China now are not the subjective will of the Chinese leaders, but the objective evolution of the historical process that is once in a century and is updated in tandem with the global scientific and technological and economic pattern.

In the course of this evolution, new global leaders have been identified, a standard development management system has been formed, and the old leaders have lost the ability to lead humanity forward according to the previous model. For Americans, this effectively means that their model of securing economic advantage has failed.

The Chinese model is very effective, not only in countries led by the Communist Party, but also in other political systems. Chinese proposal to enrich the concept of the Belt and Road Initiative with content, significance and specific projects, which reflects the desire for extensive cooperation between Europe and Asia to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

What is the New World Economic Order? First, it integrates the interests of all sectors of society internally and externally on the basis of the principles of mutual benefit, consideration of the interests of partners, solidarity in dealing with challenges and threats, and inclusiveness. In the Soviet era, political ideology took precedence over economic interests, so although we built factories around the world at that time, we ended up with nothing. Chinese explicitly adheres to the principle of mutual benefit and considers its own interests while assisting other countries.

The second is voluntary. This is a very important issue: the refusal to use force and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

Finally, a complete world economic order is premised on the restoration of international law, which has been completely destroyed by the American ruling elite. Voluntary, mutually beneficial and strict adherence to international obligations – these three pillars are the foundations of a new order.

What are the advantages of Chinese? Today's China proposes to establish a social credit system that is fully in line with contemporary technology. It is a system that uses technologies such as artificial intelligence and is difficult to manipulate and fake.

By the way, some U.S. experts recently admitted that Chinese have surpassed them in the field of artificial intelligence. Chinese has positive qualities and creates a good image. If all people were like this, then from the point of view of following the moral code, a very different society would emerge. China's social credit system is being established and improved.

It goes without saying that the new world economic order will abandon the inertia of liberalism and focus on development, reproduction and the improvement of social welfare. Countries in this system regard scientific and technological progress as the main factor driving economic development.

Source: Reference News Network

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