
Hong Kong Gifted Program sets a record! The number of approved people is aggressive, soaring by about 247% compared to 2022

author:Hong Kong Youcai rice grain mother

In 2022, a total of 2,845 applicants were approved for the Scheme for Giftedness, representing a significant increase in the number of applications, with a total of 16,396 applications received, an increase of 206% compared to 5,365 applications in 2021.

A total of 2,845 applications were approved under the Hong Kong Gifted Talent Programme in 2022, up 42% from 2,004 applications in 2021, the highest number of applications ever approved.

I thought that the number of approved people in 2022 had reached its peak, and then compared the number of applicants and approved people in 2023, 2022 is just at the foot of the mountain.

According to the data provided by Director Sun Yuhan, as of 31 July this year, the Hong Kong Gifted Talent Scheme has received more than 40,000 applications and about 10,000 applications have been approved.

In the first half of this year, the number of approved Hong Kong talent and talent schemes was only 7,022, with an average of 1,170 cases per month.

This means that in the past July, nearly 3,000 Hong Kong talent and talent schemes were approved, a 150% increase over the average in the first half of the year.

This shows that the Hong Kong government not only welcomes top elites from the mainland to settle down in Hong Kong, but also welcomes new middle-class people from the mainland to settle in Hong Kong.

This is the welfare of our ordinary people!

Cherish it! Grasp the opportunities of the times!

In the 16 years from the launch of the Hong Kong Gifted Scheme in 2006 to the end of 2022, the Hong Kong Gifted Scheme has been subject to strict quota limits every year.

Initially, 1,000 quotas per year were relaxed to 2,000 quotas in 2021 and further to 4,000 quotas in 2022.

In 16 years, a total of only 20,000 quotas were made, and the cards were very strict, and the quotas were not used up every year, so after 16 years, a total of 16,000 people were approved.

Hong Kong Gifted Talent Programme

Identify the QR code ↓↓↓ Evaluation to view the results

A score of 80 or more is eligible

If you want to know more about Hong Kong identity, you can pay attention to the public number: Hong Kong Youcai Rice Granny Mama

Now, in just one month, 3,000 people have been approved for the Hong Kong Talent and Talent Scheme, which is equivalent to the number of people approved in the past three years.

If you think that the Hong Kong talent program is rotten and worthless, then you are wrong.

The time limit for the Hong Kong government to abolish the quota of the Hong Kong Gifted Talent Program is only 2023 and 2024.

After two years, it is likely that it will be tightened again, because if it is not tightened, too many mainlanders will rush in, Hong Kong will not be able to bear it, and public facilities and government finances will be overwhelmed.

Some people may ask, aren't mainland cities robbing people, if you grab people, you can sell land, and if you sell land, you will have money, why is Hong Kong still afraid of too many people?

In fact, this is mainly because Hong Kong has a different welfare system from the mainland, and in Hong Kong, as long as you become a Hong Kong resident, you can enjoy almost the same welfare benefits as Hong Kong permanent residents.

This means that your family goes to a public hospital to see a doctor, and almost all of the 15 years of compulsory education for your children from kindergarten to high school will be paid for by the Hong Kong government.

And if you are not earning millions a year, after deducting various items such as rent, mortgage, child support, parental support, etc., the salaries tax you can contribute to the Hong Kong government is actually insignificant.

Therefore, the quota of the Hong Kong government's talent and talent scheme cannot always be as unlimited as the Hong Kong talent pass program.

If we use the metaphor of investing in stocks, the Hong Kong high-talent plan is like buying cash cows such as Moutai, BYD, and CATL, and the Hong Kong talent plan is like buying a small company on the ChiNext board.

Which public fund have you seen that will be like a heavy position in Moutai, heavily allocated to the stocks of small companies on the ChiNext board?

Hong Kong Gifted Program sets a record! The number of approved people is aggressive, soaring by about 247% compared to 2022

If you also want to plan a Hong Kong identity for yourself and your family, here are four ways to consider:

1. Gaocaitong: There are 9 universities in the mainland that meet the category of the top 100 universities and may be expanded after a period of time.

2. Professionals: The threshold is low, the college is lower, but it needs to be hired by a Hong Kong company, and the requirements for the company are relatively high.

3. Study abroad: To study abroad, you need to go to Hong Kong to study for one year, and the time cost and other costs are relatively high.

4. Hong Kong talent: More flexible, do not need to go to Hong Kong to work and live.

Hong Kong Gifted Talent Scheme Application Requirements

Age: Applicants must be 18 years of age or older at the time of submission of their application under the Scheme.

Financial requirements: Applicants must demonstrate that they can independently support themselves and their dependents (if any) for their stay in Hong Kong without relying on public assistance (generally, proof of assets of 20w for individuals and 30w for families).

Good character: The applicant must not have a criminal record or a bad entry record in Hong Kong or elsewhere.

Language Proficiency: Applicants must have a good command of written and spoken Chinese or English (Chinese spoken in Putonghua or Cantonese).

Basic Qualifications: Applicants must possess good academic qualifications, generally requiring a university degree from a recognized university or higher education institution.

Only after meeting the basic conditions will you choose a set of scoring criteria to calculate your score and submit your application. The achievement score system is too demanding, and most people are still suitable for calculating their scores through the scoring system, and they only need to reach 80 points to submit an application (out of 245). Don't worry too much about whether your score will be too low, most people's scores are around 100-150, so don't worry too much, the score is only one of the approved factors, depending on whether your education has advantages and the industry is right.

Friends who feel that they meet the conditions and can apply for the Hong Kong Gifted Program may wish to do an assessment for themselves ↓↓↓

If you want to know more about Hong Kong identity, you can pay attention to the public number: Hong Kong Youcai Rice Granny Mama

Hong Kong High-end Talent Pass Scheme

As long as the following conditions are met, you can apply, and the first time you are approved Gao Cai Tong can obtain a 2-year stay in Hong Kong qualification, without being subject to other conditions of stay;

Hong Kong Gifted Program sets a record! The number of approved people is aggressive, soaring by about 247% compared to 2022

How to choose a good consulting service firm?

Should I find an intermediary to apply for Hong Kong talent? Actually, I think it's necessary! Because professional things are left to professional people, they have countless experience, which can increase your pass rate!

Hong Kong talent intermediaries are the best for themselves, and there is no such thing as ranking, if there is also a gimmick for merchants to take a false ranking online to attract customers!

Personal advice is that it is better to choose a large institution

Large companies generally have a relatively long established history, provide customized services, and have a high pass rate. Generally, multiple people handle all cases together, which is more efficient, and large companies are more experienced in dealing with various difficult diseases. Generally, they will have a presence in Hong Kong to facilitate direct communication with the Immigration Department.

The company pays more attention to its own word of mouth and pays more attention to the pass rate than the number of signings. If you do a good job, there will be relevant customers to make recommendations, these customers can bring a steady stream of cases, they can 996 or even 007 efforts to serve customers, after all, large companies need word of mouth and customers to recommend customers.

Service cost: 4~60,000+, not through the charge of 1.5-20,000.

Pass rate: Large companies have a higher pass rate, with a pass rate of about 80%.

Why did so many middle-class elites choose Galaxy Group?

Galaxy Group has provided tens of thousands of new middle-class people with Hong Kong talent program, high-talent access, Hong Kong study abroad, Hong Kong professionals and other services to settle in Hong Kong, as well as back-end renewal, Hong Kong school selection, business registration and other services. Galaxy deserves to be chosen, and the middle-class elite deserves Galaxy's professional and meticulous service.

Galaxy Group has provided tens of thousands of new middle-class people with Hong Kong talent program, high-talent access, Hong Kong study abroad, Hong Kong professionals and other services to settle in Hong Kong, as well as back-end renewal, Hong Kong school selection, business registration and other services. Galaxy deserves to be chosen, and the middle-class elite deserves Galaxy's professional and meticulous service.

01. Galaxy Group was established in 2006 and has focused on Hong Kong identity for 17 years.

02. Galaxy Group is the largest Hong Kong identity company in China, with 800+ employees, 100+ information technology production and research teams, and 100+ copywriting teams. Headquartered in Shenzhen, there are offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

03. Galaxy has successfully won Hong Kong status for thousands of customers, and has obtained a wealth of approved cases. In the first half of this year, Galaxy helped 1,600+ customers obtain quotas for Hong Kong status, including Hong Kong talents, talents, professionals and study abroad programs. In the first half of the year, more than 1,000 people were approved as Hong Kong talents! A further 460 approved customers were added in July.

04. Galaxy Hong Kong identity application approval rate is high: 80%+ of the approved customers in the current month account for the approval results of the month.

05. Galaxy provides supporting follow-up services: For the subscribed users, it provides a number of follow-up services in Hong Kong, such as business, home purchase, children's education, life and travel, etc., making one-stop trips to Hong Kong worry-free and labor-saving.

06. Galaxy prices are unified and transparent, and there are no random charges. The specific price details can be added to my WeChat (yhdoc28) for detailed consultation.

07. Galaxy selects applicants who are suitable for applying for Hong Kong status, and will never fool customers for the sake of signing orders. Not everyone can apply for Hong Kong status, and the consulting team will conduct a professional assessment of each client who comes to consult. For customers whose qualifications do not meet the qualifications to apply for Hong Kong status, Galaxy dares to say "no" to customers, and will never make money in order to sign orders, fooling customers who do not meet the requirements to say yes.

08. Galaxy Dare to guarantee 7 days no reason refund service

09. Galaxy company's self-developed customer management system ensures the security of user information, tens of thousands of customers recommend Galaxy to friends around them, because they trust Galaxy.

There are four main ways to apply for Hong Kong identity:

01. Gao Caitong: Quickly get Hong Kong identity

Launched at the end of 2022, it is fast and has a high pass rate

02. Hong Kong Talent Scheme: the largest number of places to apply

There is no quota limit, the success rate is high, the review speed is fast, the threshold is low, you can apply for a bachelor's degree, and some industry conditions can be relaxed to junior college.

03. Study in Hong Kong: Improve yourself and take Hong Kong identity.

If you get an offer from the school, you can apply for Hong Kong identity, go to Hong Kong for one year of graduate study, and you can get a visa. The threshold is low, as long as you have a bachelor's degree, you can apply.

04. Hong Kong Quality Talent Admission Scheme: flexible and cost-effective renewal

If you are interested in Hong Kong status, you can test which application method is suitable for you, and you can apply for it with 80 points

If you want to know more about Hong Kong identity, you can pay attention to the public number: Hong Kong Youcai Rice Granny Mama

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