
The marginalization of the North Korea policy and the establishment of the policy of "neutrality": Fuji resigned and Fokker became acting minister. Although the United States adopted a relatively active policy toward North Korea at the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and North Korea, the United States

author:Wen Shi Tianxu

The marginalization of the North Korea policy and the establishment of the policy of "neutrality": Fuji resigned and Fokker became acting minister.

Although the United States adopted a relatively active policy toward the DPRK at the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and the DPRK, the downgrading of the rank of the US Minister to the DPRK and the resignation of Blessed Land marked the adjustment of the US policy towards the DPRK.

Since then, the United States has ended its relatively active policy toward North Korea since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and North Korea, and its policy toward North Korea has begun to be marginalized. After becoming U.S. Minister to the DPRK, Fukuchi actively implemented the U.S. policy toward North Korea that supported Korean independence and had no intention of interfering in Sino-DPRK relations when U.S. interests were not infringed.

At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the US government, Fudi provided various suggestions to Emperor Gaozong in his personal capacity. In addition, Fukuchi did not forget the established policy of developing trade with the DPRK, and used his close relationship with Emperor Gaozong to win certain commercial and trade interests for the United States.

In 1883, American businessman W. Townsend D. Townsend established the first rice processing plant in Incheon and quickly monopolized the rice processing industry in the region.

In July 1884, the U.S. trading company was awarded a timber cutting contract worth $300,000 to $500,000. In September 1884, Thomas A. Edison was awarded a contract to erect electric lights at the palace.

In terms of religious propagation, the U.S. Secretary of State ordered Blessed to "act as a good mediator and persuade North Korea to treat all missionaries well." Despite the fact that the decree opposing the spread of Catholicism had not yet been formally repealed, Gojong expressed support for the construction of church schools and hospitals in Seoul.

On September 15, 1884, Horace Allen, the first American missionary, was sent from China to Korea by the Presbyterian Church of America. As a medical missionary, Blessed appointed Allen as an embassy doctor as a "cover" to help his mission.

Although Fukuchi largely and fully implemented U.S. policy toward Korea during his tenure, he suddenly received an order from the U.S. government on July 14, 1884, to downgrade the Minister in Korea.

The order states that "in accordance with the Foreign and Consular Appropriations Act approved on July 7, 1884, for the current fiscal year, the rank of United States Minister to Korea was downgraded from Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Minister Resident in Korea without a change in salary." ”

In response, the U.S. Secretary of State Hope explained to the North Korean government that "this change does not imply that the U.S. government has contempt for the dignity of North Korea or wants to increase government funding, but that Congress wants to make the diplomatic service more uniform in grades and salaries." ”

Fudi felt very incomprehensible about this decree of the US government. After days of deliberation, Blessed Land replied on September 17, "Thank you to the President for reappointing me as Permanent Minister to North Korea." ...... If I've been successful, it's that I've devoted myself to expanding U.S. influence in North Korea and opening up new areas of U.S. trade.

I am happy to have been in office long enough to see these things done and to benefit from these achievements. But I must say that, in a way, Congress cut off my source of power.

It seems to me that Congress must have considered that the change in rank did nothing to lose the office, and that its importance could only be measured by the service that the minister in the office could provide to his country.

But for those who are proud that the United States has sent a first-class minister, the reason for the change is unexplained.

This change must have left a bad impression on them. In their view, a decrease in the rank of a minister means a decrease in its importance and influence.

In addition, for those who will soon succeed to the post of minister, the problem of insufficient salary needs to be considered. Living in the East is expensive, especially in North Korea compared to China and Japan. ...... For this reason, I must resign from this position. At the same time, Fudi said it would remain in office for a while until the government had "further instructions."

Regarding Fukuchi's resignation, the U.S. government expressed great regret and noted that "in order to avoid embarrassment and misunderstanding by the North Korean government, Fukuchi can leave his post and return to the United States with the permission of the government."

Then, due to the Kashin coup, Fukuchi eventually returned to the United States via Japan in early January 1885. Shortly after returning to California, Mrs. Fudi may have died due to the intense pressure she endured during the Kashin coup.

Since then, Fukuchi has also ended his diplomatic career and has not been in the public eye again.

The marginalization of the North Korea policy and the establishment of the policy of "neutrality": Fuji resigned and Fokker became acting minister. Although the United States adopted a relatively active policy toward North Korea at the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and North Korea, the United States
The marginalization of the North Korea policy and the establishment of the policy of "neutrality": Fuji resigned and Fokker became acting minister. Although the United States adopted a relatively active policy toward North Korea at the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and North Korea, the United States
The marginalization of the North Korea policy and the establishment of the policy of "neutrality": Fuji resigned and Fokker became acting minister. Although the United States adopted a relatively active policy toward North Korea at the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and North Korea, the United States

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