
Hold up the happy "sunset red"! A series of activities for the Chongyang Festival were held in Hot Spring Street

author:The window of China's fragrant city

Golden autumn October cool, nine nine words heavy yang. In order to celebrate the 11th "Chongyang Festival", carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of respecting, loving, respecting and helping the elderly, and create an excellent atmosphere of caring for the elderly in the whole society, Hot Spring Street held a colorful, diverse and themed celebration for the elderly in the jurisdiction, sending blessings and laughter to the elderly.

On October 20, more than 32 people, including retired cadres of the elderly branch of the hot spring street organ, went to Tanjia Village, Baini Town, Chongyang County to carry out the 2023 celebration of Chongyang. During the ride, the person in charge of the agency introduced to the old cadres the development of various key work in the street since 2023, publicized the common sense of anti-fraud and healthy life, and improved the anti-fraud ability and healthy life awareness of the elderly. In Baini Town, the old cadres visited the villages of "livability", "industry" and "harmony and beauty", carried out the theme party day activities of the elderly party branches of street organs, and collectively studied the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Hold up the happy "sunset red"! A series of activities for the Chongyang Festival were held in Hot Spring Street

On October 20th, Hope Bridge Community New Era Civilization Practice Station and Xianning Aging Industry Association held a health and mental health knowledge lecture on "Warmth and Filial Piety", providing free health consultation and physical examination services for community residents, attracting the active participation of many community residents. Seniors who participate in the event will also receive free daily necessities such as warm slippers, toothpaste and water bottles.

Hold up the happy "sunset red"! A series of activities for the Chongyang Festival were held in Hot Spring Street

On October 20th, Xiaoqiao Village New Era Civilization Practice Station and District Health Bureau jointly launched the "Care for the Elderly, Warm Chongyang" free clinic activity in the square in front of Xiaoqiao Village Committee. Medical staff measure blood pressure, auscultate and examine local residents, provide medication advice for the elderly who take medication for a long time, answer in detail the relevant knowledge of common diseases and chronic diseases, and popularize the common sense of rational drug use. Medical staff have also carefully prepared knowledge booklets such as "Hypertension Recipes Should Be Avoided Leaflet", "Healthy Diet Manual for the Elderly" and "Blood Pressure Parameter Comparison Table" to facilitate residents to read daily. The skillful, exquisite technology and warm and thoughtful service of the medical staff have been unanimously praised by the villagers.

Hold up the happy "sunset red"! A series of activities for the Chongyang Festival were held in Hot Spring Street

On the afternoon of October 20th, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Riverside Community, together with the Xian'an District Women's Federation, the Dream Building Love Association and the Hot Spring Kindergarten, launched a themed cultural and artistic activity of "Our Festival, Spiritual Home-Respect for the Elderly, Filial Piety, and Love in Chongyang" in the small square of Central City. The dance "Filial Piety to Eternity", the song "Chinese Filial Piety", the poem "To Dear Grandparents" and the song and dance "Happy Chongyang Festival" placed children's gratitude to their elders and holiday blessings, and sent joy to the elderly in the jurisdiction.

Hold up the happy "sunset red"! A series of activities for the Chongyang Festival were held in Hot Spring Street

On October 21, the Nanchang Road Community Women's Federation, together with the New Era Civilization Practice Station and the Classical Chinese Studies Promotion Center, organized a home style tutoring activity of "Cultivating a Clean Family Style and Creating the Most Beautiful Family". Teacher Hu Shuangjiu introduced the Chongyang Festival and the Chinese tradition of filial piety and respect for the elderly, and taught the children to start from themselves, respect and care for their elders, and learn to be grateful. Under the leadership of the community, the children also went to the homes of the elderly living alone, competing to beat the back and massage their grandparents, take out their own hand-made love greeting cards, and send holiday blessings to the grandparents, so that the elderly can feel the warmth and care from the younger generation.

Hold up the happy "sunset red"! A series of activities for the Chongyang Festival were held in Hot Spring Street

On October 21, the 16-pool Community New Era Civilization Practice Station, together with Xianning Power Supply Company, the District Market Supervision Bureau and the community party branch, launched the "Love Autumn Mood Warm Sunset" elderly entertainment big PK and collective birthday party activity in Longquan Jiayuan Community, inviting the elderly over 70 years old with October birthday in the jurisdiction to participate. During the cultural performance, the children's dances were interspersed with Tai Chi Quan, Huangmei Opera, martial arts, and Tai Chi fans, and 12 programs were staged in turn, attracting applause from the residents. Accompanied by the happy birthday song, the staff put on birthday hats, cut cakes and distributed birthday gifts for 30 elderly people. "The show is good, the cake is delicious, I haven't celebrated my birthday so lively for a long time, I am very happy and very satisfied." Tasting chrysanthemum tea, Daddy Li said while smiling happily.

Hold up the happy "sunset red"! A series of activities for the Chongyang Festival were held in Hot Spring Street

On the morning of October 22nd, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Huatan Community held the "Enjoy the fun of sports, the infinite wonderful sunset" Chongyang Festival Fun Games for the elderly, and more than 200 residents participated in the activities. In addition to the wonderful waist drum performance, qipao show and aerobics program, the New Era Civilization Practice Station also set up 7 fun games such as chess, basketball, table tennis, glass beads, blowing candles, garbage sorting and dropping, and tug-of-war according to the interests and specialties of the elderly. Wonderful shows, interesting competitions are staged one after another, and the climax is full of cheers.

Hold up the happy "sunset red"! A series of activities for the Chongyang Festival were held in Hot Spring Street

On October 23, the Hot Spring Community New Era Civilization Practice Station and the Association for the Elderly jointly carried out a series of activities in the Hot Spring Community Party and Group Service Center to care for the "four high" elderly and create a happy old age life Chongyang Festival, carry out free blood sugar and blood pressure testing, oral free consultation and other activities, explain the "four highs" prevention for the elderly, and provide health guidance to the problems raised by the elderly.

Hold up the happy "sunset red"! A series of activities for the Chongyang Festival were held in Hot Spring Street

On October 23rd, the Xuefu Community New Era Civilization Practice Station, the Xuefu Community Women's Federation and the Xian'an District Chu Opera Troupe jointly launched the "Acura New Era, Joyful Chongyang" lighting action theatrical performance in the No. 4 Geological Brigade of Hubei Province, bringing a wonderful cultural feast to the elderly in the jurisdiction. 10 wonderful programs such as dance "Happy China Walk Together", douli dance "Wanquan River Water", "24-style Taijiquan", and sketch "Tomorrow Will Be Better" were staged in turn, and the scene cheered and cheered continuously.

Hold up the happy "sunset red"! A series of activities for the Chongyang Festival were held in Hot Spring Street

(Special Reporter: Wei Jun Editor: Zhang Qiongdan, Responsible Editor: Wu Wei, Editor: Xu Jun)

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