
From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

author:Xiao Jiu said entertainment

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Text: Xiao Jiu said entertainment

Editor|Xiao Jiu said entertainment


Zhao Wei was once a well-deserved superstar, and became the focus of the entertainment industry with the role of "Little Swallow" in "Huanzhu Gege". 's career is thriving, and she has won the title of powerful actress. However, in recent years, she has fallen into Waterloo and has been banned completely.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Her inconsistencies in words and deeds sparked public outrage and cost her dearly. The reason for the ban is still the focus of speculation in the entertainment industry, but her future has been bleak, and she has been spurned by public opinion and has become the talk of netizens.

Zhao Wei's "pro-Japanese" turmoil: aroused national sentiment and seriously damaged her image

Zhao Wei caused an uproar. It is said that she wore a dress printed with the Japanese flag and "Heianyasu" during a certain shoot, a move that immediately sparked public outrage and was accused of being "pro-Japanese".

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

That was no joke, because in China, the hatred of Japan is deep-rooted! Especially the survivors of the Nanjing Massacre, who have gone through hardships and have an unfathomable hatred for the Japanese army that invaded China.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Of course, this incident caused a lot of turmoil, and Zhao Wei's reputation was greatly damaged. Although her studio tried to shirk responsibility, and even mentioned that Zhao Wei's grandparents were old revolutionaries, none of this has calmed the public anger.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

What's even more surprising is that Zhao Wei actually looked more confident afterwards, as if she didn't take this matter to heart at all. Even in her own films, she used some actors who were alleged to be Taiwan independence elements!

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

This is like adding fuel to the fire, causing netizens to be indignant. Although the film's official Weibo issued a statement in support of these actors, the anger of public opinion has burned to the peak.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

In the end, the official Weibo of the Communist Youth League came out to angrily denounce Zhao Wei, saying that she had disregarded national sentiments and had gone so far as to cooperate with Taiwan independence elements! This caused Zhao Wei's image to suffer a serious blow, and her reputation plummeted.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

And Zhao Wei's artist Zhang Zhehan was also violently boycotted by netizens because of some pro-Japanese remarks and weddings held at Japanese shrines. The image was damaged, and the career was overshadowed.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

This series of events made people begin to question Zhao Wei and her artists. As the boss of the company, shouldn't Zhao Wei conduct a certain degree of background investigation on the artists who signed the contract? Such negligence is simply intolerable!

Zhao Wei: From the overlord of the entertainment industry to the ups and downs of the business world, the price of self-centeredness

When she was a child, she was the little naughty person who was not afraid of things and loved to fight. Some people say that her parents were too tolerant of her and let her mess around. As a result, when she grew up, this wayward personality became her label.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

The entertainment industry is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but she unceremoniously challenges public opinion, is self-centered, and even once allowed her driver to beat her partner, simply not taking other people's feelings into account.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Zhao Wei, when she was a girl, was pushed onto the entertainment stage by her star uncle Wei Qimin. She has not experienced too many setbacks, and she has been accustomed to the care and protection of others since she was a child, causing her to become more and more self-conscious, and only see herself in her eyes.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

No matter how wrong she committed, there was always someone to block her arrows, which made her more and more unscrupulous. The most jaw-dropping thing is that she actually let her driver deal with her partner, which is a cold-blooded behavior that is rare in the entertainment industry.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

With the exposure of one scandal after another, Zhao Wei was gradually abandoned by the audience. In order to maintain a life of luxury, she set her sights on the business world. So, she opened a joint venture with her friend Zou Xue, and seemed to want to escape from the shadow of the entertainment industry.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

However, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and Zhao Wei, who doesn't know how to do it, thinks that everything is under control, but in the end, she stumbled all the way and almost lost her life in the shopping mall.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Zou Xue, an obscure media worker, once reached out to Zhao Wei when she needed it most. However, this friendship was eventually seen by Zhao Wei as a tool to be exploited.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

At the beginning of the cooperation, it may be out of friendship, but in the mall, friendship has become a struggle of interests in the blink of an eye. Zhao Wei not only did not feel grateful to Zou Xue for her efforts, but blamed her for the bar's decline.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

The turning point of the matter came after Zhao Wei and Zou Xue turned their faces. When Zhao Wei asked the driver to treat the pregnant Zou Xue, the saliva of public opinion instantly drowned her.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Although she quickly distanced herself from the driver, it was already too late. The audience was furious, they realized Zhao Wei's selfishness and cold-bloodedness, and their disgust with her reached its peak.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

The audience's outrage was not unfounded. Zou Xue's help to Zhao Wei should not be underestimated, if it weren't for her, Zhao Wei might have become a street rat.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Zhao Wei took all this for granted, and even blamed Zou Xue for the failure of the bar, which is disgraceful.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Stars in the entertainment industry are sometimes like children who have picked up cheap and well-behaved, they will only enjoy the efforts of others, but they do not know how to be grateful and reciprocate.

Zhao Wei: From the peak to the trough, the warning behind the scenery

There is a peerless star, her name is like a shining sun, shining in every corner of the entertainment industry, that is Zhao Wei. Back then, she became a household name superstar because of her role in "Huanzhu Gege", and her brilliance was dazzling and unmatched.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

The twist of fate is always unexpected. Zhao Wei's star career was eclipsed a few years later, and a series of "pro-Japanese" scandals were exposed, which made her condemned and blamed by all walks of life, and the film appointments were canceled one after another, and her career was in jeopardy.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

This once popular superstar has now become a "street rat" in the mouths of the public, and this drastic transformation is caused by a series of misbehaviors and wrong decisions.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Zhao Wei was not only severely criticized by public opinion, but even the artists under her were boycotted and opposed by the public because of some inappropriate words and deeds, which made her career face unprecedented challenges.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Zhao Wei, who used to be infinitely beautiful, is now facing many obstacles to her career and the estrangement of fans, and her aura is no longer there.

And when her works were banned by the whole network and fans dispersed, it also marked that the public's attitude towards her shifted from worship to spurning. Such changes make people have to reflect on the changes in the entertainment industry, and no one can always stand at the top.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Zhao Wei suffered a heavy blow in the public opinion turmoil, and the popularity and fan base she once accumulated were gone, which is undoubtedly a huge harm to a once beautiful star.

From "Chinese superstar" to "no such person", Zhao Wei has become a rat crossing the street?

Perhaps, this is also a warning, reminding every star that no matter how brilliant the scenery is, they must be cautious in their words and deeds, because fate is unpredictable, and a momentary impulse or wrong decision may make all the success go to waste.


Between Zhao Wei's brilliance and silence, we see the impermanence and cruelty of the entertainment industry. She used to be a superstar and became the focus of attention with the role of "Huanzhu Gege", but the controversy and turmoil in recent years have made her pay a heavy price.

From the world of entertainment to the world of business, the cost of self-centeredness is clear. Zhao Wei's story warns every star to always remember the importance of being cautious in words and deeds. On the road of chasing the halo, we should stick to the moral bottom line and cherish the hard-won reputation and honor.

Because of the impulse or wrong judgment, it can ruin the glory of a lifetime. In this ever-changing entertainment industry, only humility and prudence can protect the dream of stardom in your heart and win eternal respect and love.

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