
Are the personnel of the eighth level of the management post of public institutions classified as the staff managed by reference to civil servants?

author:Help my brother talk about the workplace

Of course not. According to the provisions of the Trial Measures for the Establishment of Posts in Public Institutions, the posts of public institutions are divided into three types of posts: management posts, professional and technical posts, and service skills posts, each of which has a different post level and enjoys different wages and benefits.

In accordance with the spirit of Document No. 5 [2011] of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, the public institutions in the mainland are divided into three types. That is, public institutions that undertake administrative functions; public institutions engaged in production and business activities; Public institutions engaged in public welfare services.

Are the personnel of the eighth level of the management post of public institutions classified as the staff managed by reference to civil servants?

For public institutions that undertake administrative functions, gradually assign their administrative functions to administrative agencies or transfer them to administrative agencies; For those engaged in production and business activities, they will gradually be transformed into enterprises; For those engaged in public interest services, continue to retain them in the sequence of public institutions and strengthen their public interest attributes.

Public institutions engaged in public welfare services are subdivided into two categories: those that undertake basic public welfare services such as compulsory education, basic scientific research, public culture, public health, and basic medical services at the grassroots level, and where resources cannot or should not be allocated by the market, are classified as public welfare; Those undertaking public welfare services such as higher education and non-profit medical care, which may be partially allocated by the market, are classified as public welfare II.

For example, the current primary and secondary schools, scientific research institutes for basic research, primary health centers, county-level epidemic prevention departments, etc., belong to the category of public welfare, and the category of public welfare is basically a public institution that adopts full funding, also known as full funding; At present, institutions of higher learning, applied scientific research institutions, medical institutions at and above the county level, etc., because some resources are allocated by the market, take the difference to make up the difference, also known as the difference appropriation of public institutions.

Through this division, we have gained a basic understanding of the nature of public institutions. Among them, some of the public institutions that are now undertaking administrative functions have been classified as administrative organs and are managed with reference to the Civil Servants Law, that is, the so-called public participation management units.

Are the personnel of the eighth level of the management post of public institutions classified as the staff managed by reference to civil servants?

Since public institutions participating in public administration are managed with reference to the Civil Servants Law, their posts are no longer divided according to management posts, professional and technical posts, and work-service skill posts, but are set up with reference to the provisions of the Civil Servants Law.

The eighth level of management posts in public institutions is one of the levels of management posts in public institutions. According to the division of the management posts of public institutions, the comprehensive management posts of public institutions are divided into ten levels from high to low, also known as the staff system. Among them, the first-level staff belongs to the ministerial level, the second-level staff belongs to the deputy ministerial level, the third-level staff belongs to the department level, the fourth-level staff belongs to the deputy department level, the fifth-level staff belongs to the department level, the sixth-level staff belongs to the deputy department level, the seventh-level staff belongs to the main department level, the eighth-level staff belongs to the deputy section level, the ninth-level staff is equivalent to the first-level chief staff member, and the tenth-level staff is equivalent to the second-level staff member.

The channels of entry are also different, although the management personnel participating in public affairs are career establishments, they must take the civil service examination to enter, while the management posts of public institutions are to participate in the examination of public institutions, and the examination of public institutions is lower than that of the civil service examination in terms of the number of people recruited and the difficulty of recruitment.

In terms of the nature of work, the personnel of public institutions participating in public administration are managed with reference to the Civil Servant Law, and they enjoy the salary and benefits of civil servants, which belong to the iron rice bowl and do not need to sign an employment contract; The eighth level of management of public institutions is to be managed in accordance with the personnel management regulations of public institutions, and the practice is to compete for posts, and it is necessary to sign an employment contract.

Are the personnel of the eighth level of the management post of public institutions classified as the staff managed by reference to civil servants?

If, due to work needs, a staff member of a public institution at the eighth level wants to be transferred to an organ to serve as a civil servant, or a public institution member who participates in public administration, he or she may take up a leading position at the deputy section level in the same way as a transfer, or if he holds a rank of chief staff member at the level of a person at or above the level of a first-level officer, he does not need to take the civil service examination.

To sum up, the eighth level of management of public institutions belongs to the leading cadres at the deputy section level of public institutions, but they do not belong to the management personnel participating in public affairs. Participation in public administration does not refer to individuals, but to units. Only public institutions that participate in public administration will have management personnel who participate in public administration. For example, the trade unions, youth league committees, party schools of the county party committees, and party history research offices in mass organizations all belong to the management units participating in public affairs, and their staff members all enjoy the treatment of participating in public management.

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