
The Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism carried out the party spirit education activity of "enhancing the cultivation of party spirit and establishing a correct view of political performance".

author:Guangyuan Cultural Tourism

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping's cultural thought and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions for visiting Sichuan, further enhance the ideals and beliefs, party spirit cultivation and comprehensive ability of leading cadres, and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the leadership team, on the afternoon of June 3, the leading group of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism went to the Guangyuan City Cadres Correct Political Performance Concept Education Base to carry out the party spirit education activity of "Enhancing Party Spirit Cultivation and Establishing a Correct Political Performance View". Yang Changhong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, Li Jia, Director of the Bureau, and other members of the leadership team and county-level cadres (researchers) participated in the event.

The Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism carried out the party spirit education activity of "enhancing the cultivation of party spirit and establishing a correct view of political performance".

"Who are the two lines of Gu Baizhi? 300 long ranges, 100,000 trees. In the activity, everyone followed the footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping, listened all the way, thought all the way, and harvested all the way, learned in detail about the development process of the ancient Shu Road and the situation of planting cypress and cypress, and conscientiously understood the correct concept of political achievements of "benefiting the people" and the value orientation of "dripping water through stones, and working for a long time", and deeply understood the core essence of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions to visit Sichuan.

The Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism carried out the party spirit education activity of "enhancing the cultivation of party spirit and establishing a correct view of political performance".

"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China...... Fight for communism all your life, be ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party. In the Evergreen Garden, Yang Changhong, Secretary of the Party Group of the Bureau, led all party members to raise their right hands and clench their fists, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and expressed their sincere feelings for the party with the Zheng Zheng oath.

The Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism carried out the party spirit education activity of "enhancing the cultivation of party spirit and establishing a correct view of political performance".

Subsequently, Yang Changhong gave a vivid micro-party lesson with the theme of "Enhancing Party Spirit and Establishing a Correct View of Political Performance". Yang Changhong pointed out that ideals and convictions are the spiritual pillar and political soul of communists, and strengthening ideals and convictions and adhering to the spiritual pursuit of communists have always been the foundation for communists to live and live. It is necessary to continuously enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve the "two maintenances", always maintain the political character of loyalty to the party, dare to take on the mission of the times, adhere to the original intention of serving the people, live up to the ardent expectations and missions given by the municipal party committee and municipal government, and build an iron army of Guangyuan Culture, Guangzhou, and Brigade.

Yang Changhong demanded that the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team should be vigorously enhanced. Unity is the premise of all work, is the city's culture, radio and tourism system at all levels of organizations can work together, in a new starting point to forge ahead the key, to strive to create a harmonious internal atmosphere, to create a unity and coordination, cooperation and work together of a strong leadership collective; It is necessary to resolutely build a strong line of defense against integrity, always cultivate the virtue of government, always think about the harm of greed, always have the heart of self-discipline, unify "standing up" and "standing up", truly adhere to honesty and self-discipline, build a strong ideological line of defense, leave no regrets and shining footprints of struggle in the new era and new journey, and create glorious achievements worthy of the times and the people.

Yang Changhong stressed that today's party spirit education activities are of great significance, the purpose is to let everyone keep in mind the political responsibility and historical mission of Communist Party members, continue to maintain the advanced nature of Communist Party members, and effectively play the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist Party members, and devote themselves to cultural and tourism work with more enthusiasm. Truly transform the great power of thought into a powerful driving force for entrepreneurship, and contribute to the construction of Dashu Road international cultural tourism destination and health resort.

Stepping on the bluestone slab that was smoothed by the ancients, General Secretary Xi Jinping's cordial words and earnest entrustment are still in my ears. As cultural travelers in the new era, everyone has expressed that they should keep in mind the entrustment, conscientiously understand the "four value orientations" of the millennium ecological civilization construction of Cuiyun Corridor, accurately understand its ideological connotation, power source and practical enlightenment, grasp the "golden key" to arm the mind, guide practice, and promote work, and firmly shoulder the major political responsibility for the high-quality development of Guangyuan cultural tourism.

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