
Venezuelan sinologist Liang Zhonglai: Venezuelan Chinese exchanges can be extended to more

author:I think you'll think of me too

Liang Zhonglai, an internationally renowned Venezuelan sinologist, has earned a reputation in the global cultural community for his extensive knowledge of Western and Chinese cultural studies. As an outstanding scholar, he upheld the responsibility of an envoy of cultural exchanges, and promoted the deepening of the friendship between China and Venezuela with his solid pen and ink and practical actions.

Venezuelan sinologist Liang Zhonglai: Venezuelan Chinese exchanges can be extended to more
Getting to know China: A cultural encounter

Mr. Leung's passion for China stems from his unwavering respect for Asian history. During his master's degree in Venezuelan history, he gained in-depth contact with Chinese civilization, which ignited his love for his motherland, China. In order to explore and understand the rich and diverse epics and traditional cultures of the mainland more deeply, he has invested a lot of time in in-depth study and research.

As the director of the Center for Asian and African Studies at the University of Los Andes, Liang Zhonglai had the privilege of conducting research in China. Through his active participation in various academic exchange activities, he has gained insight into the entire process of China's reform and opening up, and has personally experienced and witnessed this far-reaching and comprehensive change. This includes not only the rapid development of the economic sphere, but also, crucially, the profound changes at the cultural and social levels. As a result, he sparked a strong personal interest, and Liang Zhonglai traced back to the study of China issues, and continued to show the importance of attention.

Deep Dive: An Explorer of Chinese Culture
Venezuelan sinologist Liang Zhonglai: Venezuelan Chinese exchanges can be extended to more

Since 2012, Dr. Leung has been a professor of history at the University of Los Andes, with a focus on Asia, particularly China. His scholarly contributions cover a wide range of dimensions, including the origins of Chinese civilization, people's living conditions, world views, and recent economic development and political systems. In order to gain an in-depth understanding of China's current society, Professor Leung not only consulted a large number of academic materials and data, but also actively conducted field visits to explore the realities of the situation.

In 2018, Liang served as the secretary of the Venezuelan Society for Chinese Studies, actively leading and improving the in-depth cooperation between China and Venezuela in the field of culture. The organization has taken the opportunity of holding multi-disciplinary seminars, participating in international forums and signing agreements with the Association of American Enterprises to actively strengthen cultural exchanges between the two sides and successfully build a mutually beneficial and win-win communication channel.

Cultural Exchange: Bridge Builders
Venezuelan sinologist Liang Zhonglai: Venezuelan Chinese exchanges can be extended to more
Venezuelan sinologist Liang Zhonglai: Venezuelan Chinese exchanges can be extended to more

In July 2023, Mr. Liang Zhong attended the 3rd Symposium on Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations and the 1st Global Conference of Sinology Scholars in Beijing. This event deeply analyzed the current situation of domestic scientific research, so that he has a deeper understanding of the research topic. This valuable experience strengthened his determination to promote research in related fields in Venezuela. The research team led by him has been officially renamed "China's Modernization Process: Analyzing the Core of Reform and Opening-up", and has now attracted a number of PhDs in humanities.

Mr. Leung had a profound insight into the current situation, pointing out that the outstanding achievements made by the mainland in core fields such as science and technology have attracted global attention. There is an urgent need to delve into the secrets of China's rise and the strategies to deal with them in order to satisfy the public's thirst for knowledge and spirit of inquiry. This enthusiasm for knowledge and the enterprising spirit of exploration have undoubtedly become a powerful driving force to promote the exchange and integration of Chinese and foreign cultures.

Venezuelan sinologist Liang Zhonglai: Venezuelan Chinese exchanges can be extended to more
Future Prospects: A New Chapter in Cultural Exchange

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Venezuela and the mainland, Professor Liang Zhong made it clear that although the cultural exchanges between the two countries have been fruitful, the impact has not yet reached expectations. In order to improve this situation, he advocated deepening the study of Chinese language, and proposed to hold relevant academic seminars in Venezuela to enhance the influence of Chinese culture in Spanish-speaking countries and regions dominated by Spain, in order to enable people from all walks of life around the world to have a deeper and objective understanding and understanding of Chinese civilization.

Venezuelan sinologist Liang Zhonglai: Venezuelan Chinese exchanges can be extended to more
Venezuelan sinologist Liang Zhonglai: Venezuelan Chinese exchanges can be extended to more

Dr. Liang pointed out that in the future, the cooperation between China and Venezuela in the field of culture will focus on enhancing the influence of their counterparts and organizations, as well as expanding the coverage to Canada, Canada and Beijing, and other geographical regions. This in-depth and extensive cultural exchange has a positive effect on promoting world peace and prosperity.

Conclusion: The Power of Culture

Mr. Leung's bravery and hard work fully demonstrate the endless potential of cross-cultural communication. It's an influence that drives us to learn more about each other and help build international friendships. With the deepening of the multicultural environment in today's era, cross-cultural communication has gradually become a hub for communicating different national cultures, and has become an important power source for maintaining global harmony and stability.

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