
The Chaoshan girl complained that "the nanny wants to be my sister's mother-in-law" rushed to the hot search, and netizens fried the pot: step on the point

author:Delightful lark K
The Chaoshan girl complained that "the nanny wants to be my sister's mother-in-law" rushed to the hot search, and netizens fried the pot: step on the point

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A blogger in Shenzhen complained that the housekeeping aunt introduced the object to her sister Netizen: This is to step on a little to find a daughter-in-law, right?

A blogger in Shenzhen complained about the housekeeping aunt he invited on the Internet, the reason was that the aunt kept selling her son to her sister, and also inquired about the bride price and dowry, and got rid of a "door-to-door looking for daughter-in-law" posture, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

The Chaoshan girl complained that "the nanny wants to be my sister's mother-in-law" rushed to the hot search, and netizens fried the pot: step on the point

The reason for the incident is this, because the blogger is busy with work, he invited a housekeeping aunt to come to the house to help with cleaning, originally thought it was just an ordinary employment relationship, but I didn't expect this aunt to keep asking the blogger's sister about her personal situation in the process of work, and her words were full of expectations for the future "daughter-in-law".

The housekeeping aunt turned into a "matchmaker", asking her daughter-in-law to have a house and a car in Shenzhen, and to be considerate of her family

This housekeeping aunt seems to be well versed in the truth of "fat water does not flow into outsiders' fields", after learning that the blogger's sister is not yet married, she began to introduce her son endlessly, and listed a series of mate selection criteria: "It is best to have a house and a car in Shenzhen, and be considerate of the family and not spend money", this remark made the blogger and his sister feel very speechless, and netizens also said: "This is to find his son a daughter-in-law who does not want a bride price, preferably in Shenzhen, and then marries a house and a car, and has to be considerate of the family and not spend money!" "Why is it very easy for many nannies with sons to bring themselves into the role of mother-in-law? ”

The Chaoshan girl complained that "the nanny wants to be my sister's mother-in-law" rushed to the hot search, and netizens fried the pot: step on the point

In the face of the "enthusiasm" of the housekeeping aunt, the blogger could only euphemistically refuse, saying that "my sister is demanding", and the aunt did not retreat in spite of the difficulties, but moved out of the regional stereotype and asked: "Aren't you Chaoshan girls very pragmatic and family-oriented?" This remark not only made the blogger feel uncomfortable, but also aroused the disgust of many netizens, who thought that the aunt was too self-righteous and had no sense of respect for others' boundaries at all

During working hours, "fishing" chatting, and the quality of housekeeping service is worrisome

According to the blogger's description, this aunt is not only late and early to leave, but also often calls and chats during working hours, and even mops the floor, washing slippers and other basic housework is not done, a total of 4 hours of cleaning time, but the time to really work is pitiful

The Chaoshan girl complained that "the nanny wants to be my sister's mother-in-law" rushed to the hot search, and netizens fried the pot: step on the point

What made the blogger even more angry was that the aunt also tried to secretly take pictures of the door and door number of the blogger's house, the reason was that she "wanted to see feng shui", which completely touched the blogger's bottom line, and also made netizens strongly condemn the aunt's behavior, believing that she had seriously exceeded the bottom line of professional ethics as a housekeeper

Is the "wonderful" housekeeper who is invited for 5,500 yuan to work or to "find a daughter-in-law"?

Coincidentally, another blogger also shared his experience of encountering a "wonderful" housekeeping aunt, who spent 5,500 yuan to hire an aunt to take care of her daily life, only to find that this aunt is the same as the "broken mouth" housekeeping aunt mentioned above, not only likes to point fingers at her life, but also often hints with various eyes that she should do housework by herself

The Chaoshan girl complained that "the nanny wants to be my sister's mother-in-law" rushed to the hot search, and netizens fried the pot: step on the point

For example, when a blogger wants to eat leeks, the aunt will say "I don't eat leeks, you can make it yourself"; When the blogger wants to eat leftovers, the aunt will deliberately make a mixture of "cold beef and leftover bones", and say, "If you don't eat it, I will eat", this "yin and yang" attitude makes the blogger feel very broken, feeling that he is not inviting an aunt, but "finding a mother-in-law to come to the door"

The lack of "sense of boundary" of the housekeeping aunt has aroused heated discussions among netizens

In recent years, there have been many discussions about the lack of "sense of boundaries" of housekeeping aunts, and some housekeeping aunts tend to overly intervene in the lives of their employers at work, such as inquiring into privacy, judging lifestyles, and even trying to interfere with personal feelings, which not only makes people feel uncomfortable, but also easily leads to conflicts and disputes

The Chaoshan girl complained that "the nanny wants to be my sister's mother-in-law" rushed to the hot search, and netizens fried the pot: step on the point

So, why does the housekeeping aunt have the problem of missing a "sense of boundary"? This is related to the lack of professionalism and service awareness of some domestic aunts, who do not realize that they have an equal employment relationship with their employers, but put themselves in the position of "masters" and dictate the lives of employers

It is also related to the stereotype of the domestic industry in society, which has long been regarded as an "inferior" profession, which has led some domestic aunts to have a psychological inferiority complex, and then seek a sense of existence and value by interfering excessively in the life of their employers

How to avoid "weird" housekeeping? It has become a trend to choose a regular platform and a young aunt

Faced with the problem of the lack of "sense of boundary" of housekeeping aunts, how can we avoid "stepping on thunder"? When choosing a housekeeping service, try to choose a formal housekeeping company or platform, and sign a perfect employment contract to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties to avoid disputes in the future

The Chaoshan girl complained that "the nanny wants to be my sister's mother-in-law" rushed to the hot search, and netizens fried the pot: step on the point

In the process of communicating with the housekeeping aunt, you should be polite and respectful, but also be clear about your bottom line and needs, such as what can and cannot be done, to avoid the aunt being overly involved in her own life

Some netizens also shared their own experiences, believing that choosing a young housekeeping aunt may be a good choice, because young aunts are generally better educated, have a stronger sense of service and boundaries, and are more able to understand and respect the employer's personal lifestyle

The housekeeping industry is calling for more respect and understanding

Housekeeping aunts are the "behind-the-scenes heroes" who facilitate our lives, and their labor should be respected and recognized, which does not mean that they can intervene in the life of their employers without borders, and only on the basis of mutual respect and understanding can housekeeping truly bring us comfort and convenience

The Chaoshan girl complained that "the nanny wants to be my sister's mother-in-law" rushed to the hot search, and netizens fried the pot: step on the point

Have you ever met a "wonderful" housekeeping aunt? What do you think about the "sense of boundary" problem of housekeeping aunts? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views

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