
Xundian United: Strengthen the front-end governance of petitions and build a solid foundation for harmony and stability

author:Xundian Fusion Media
Xundian United: Strengthen the front-end governance of petitions and build a solid foundation for harmony and stability

Since the beginning of this year, United Township has taken the initiative to create stability as the main line, fully learned and made good use of the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, and has always taken the channel-sparse, cohesive, and quality and efficiency improvement as the focus of the petition work, comprehensively consolidated the foundation of the petition work, and strived to achieve the masses "visit at most once" and "run at most one place". Up to now, a total of 23 cases of 12345 hotline have been accepted, 23 cases have been completed, and the completion rate of all kinds of mass petition matters transferred by higher-level departments is 100%, the masses are highly satisfied, there are no overdue letters and visits, and the overall social situation of the township is harmonious and stable.

Xundian United: Strengthen the front-end governance of petitions and build a solid foundation for harmony and stability

We should do responsible petitions and pay attention to resolving contradictions. Closely centering on the work idea of legalizing the work of letters and visits, relying on the comprehensive management center, the United Township Letters and Visits Work Office has been set up, which is mainly responsible for the reception, registration, assignment, investigation and handling, and statistical summary of letters and visits from the masses, so as to achieve one acceptance, separate handling, and overall promotion. For cases assigned by the county level and key letter-or-visit cases, implement a system of responsibility for case leaders and case-handling personnel, complete and report within a time limit, and ensure that all letter-or-visit cases are settled, everything is explained, and the case has a result. Regularly carry out contradictions and disputes investigation and resolution actions, with the main leaders of the township party committee and government taking the lead in grasping the general, linking the leaders and village cadres to be specifically responsible, and the township cadres and workers participating, shifting the focus downward, entering the village and entering the household, comprehensively understanding the voice of the masses, feeling and resolving contradictions and disputes, and dealing with various problems. Solidly carry out the "open visit" activity, with the commander of the theater, the deputy commander, and the main leaders of the township communicating face-to-face with the petitioners, understanding the demands of the petitioners, coordinating and solving problems, and receiving 2 visits in 2024, which will be accepted and completed in a timely manner, and the satisfaction of the masses will be 100%.

Build a rule of law team to ensure the timeliness of petitions. Stand firmly on the position of the masses, firmly establish the feelings of the masses, take the lead in the township comprehensive management center, give full play to the front-line forces at the grassroots level such as judicial offices, police stations, cadres stationed in villages, village mediators, and legal experts, carry out the study of laws and regulations such as the "Regulations on Letters and Visits" and the "Measures for the Implementation of the Responsibility System for Letters and Visits", and enhance the ability and ability of cadres to use legal means to solve new situations, new contradictions, and new problems that arise in the course of reform, development, and stability. At the same time, we will actively promote the integration of departmental functions and complement each other's advantages, and promote the realization of the resolution effect of "combining legal principles and solving problems". For the handling of letter-or-visit matters, the whole process of follow-up is carried out, and the effectiveness is asked to ensure that the masses report that the problems are "explained in everything, and every case has an echo, and everyone can be implemented". In addition, extending the tentacles of petition work, combined with the monitoring of poverty prevention, regularly carry out all-round and no blind spots, and 16 grid members and 25 team members stationed in the township have "transformed" into information collectors, convenient waiters, hidden danger investigators, and policy speakers, serving the "big people's livelihood" with "small incisions", solving big problems with "small grids", and realizing the goal of "making small, early, and changing" in the petition work.

Xundian United: Strengthen the front-end governance of petitions and build a solid foundation for harmony and stability

Adhere to the "integration of five governance" and build a co-governance petition. Adhere to the integration of "politics, rule of law, rule of ethics, autonomy, and intelligent governance", integrate points, lines, and areas, build a solid line of defense for good governance in rural areas, and settle in the center of "for the people". Adhere to the leadership of political leadership and party building, form a joint force of letters and visits for co-governance of regional co-ordination, combination of sections and blocks, linkage between upper and lower levels, and integrated development, and use the leadership of party building to hold a thousand problems. Carry forward the spirit of the rule of law, relying on special actions such as "popularizing the law and strengthening the foundation" and "protecting the buds with a sharp sword", carry out activities to study the law, send the law, and explain the law with cases, create a strong atmosphere in the whole township, and truly spread the concept of rule of law petitions and the concept of peace and security to the grassroots level, to the cadres, and to the people. Actively select typical role models such as "self-improvement stars" and "good people around you", make good use of the power of "key groups", advocate the new trend of "virtue is rewarded, good people are rewarded, civilized and honest", guide the masses to do good, do good, spread good deeds, and constantly improve the level of spiritual civilization construction. Standardize village rules and agreements, improve villagers' councils, innovate the "three stresses and three comments" work method, and ensure that the masses are allowed to participate and invite the masses to make judgments without reason, and to use mass public opinion to force petitions to return to the rule of law. Create an intelligent governance model, publicize the telephone numbers of township and village cadres, set up a petition service column, and create a bottom-up two-way working mechanism for finding problems and solving problems from top to bottom through online collection and offline visits, so as to ensure the timeliness and quality of problem solving.


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