
Original Chang'e-6 successfully landed, many countries sent congratulatory messages, and the United States asked China to share the lunar soil

author:Master Drucker

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Original Chang'e-6 successfully landed, many countries sent congratulatory messages, and the United States asked China to share the lunar soil

Today, let's talk about a hot topic: Chang'e-6 has successfully landed! This is no ordinary success, it is the first feat in human history to take samples from the far side of the moon and return them safely! Think about it, we Chinese were the first to step on the mysterious back side of the moon and brought back the "baby", what a glory!

Original Chang'e-6 successfully landed, many countries sent congratulatory messages, and the United States asked China to share the lunar soil

But, guess what? This is a big matter that we Chinese are not only concerned about. Congratulatory messages have been sent from 20 countries around the world, and even 10 countries are eager to get a piece of the pie. Tsk, the story in this, that's interesting.

First of all, let's take a look at how awesome this mission is. Chang'e-6 not only successfully landed on the far side of the moon, but also collected samples and returned them safely to Earth. You know, the far side of the moon is a virgin land that humans have never set foot in! It's exciting to think about how many unknown mysteries and precious resources there are.

Original Chang'e-6 successfully landed, many countries sent congratulatory messages, and the United States asked China to share the lunar soil

The lunar soil samples collected this time are not ordinary soil. They may contain substances that have never been seen on Earth, and may be able to reveal the mysteries of the universe for us, and even promote technological leaps. No wonder so many countries are greedy!

Speaking of which, you may ask, "So many countries want it, will China share it?" "Hey, that's interesting.

You must know that among these 20 countries that have sent congratulatory messages, there are our old friend Russia, and there is also the United States, which has always been eyeing us. The attitude of the United States, in particular, is laughable.

Original Chang'e-6 successfully landed, many countries sent congratulatory messages, and the United States asked China to share the lunar soil

Remember the famous "Wolf Clause" in the United States? It is the same clause that once prevented China from participating in international space cooperation. But now? NASA's administrator actually said that as long as China is willing to share lunar soil for free, they will not see this as a violation of the Wolf Clause. Isn't this a blatant double standard?

What is even more interesting is that the United States wants to share lunar soil, and on the other hand, it is hyping up the so-called "Chinese space threat theory". At one point, the NASA administrator praised China's remarkable achievements in space flight, and at another warned that China and the United States were in a fierce "space race." This inconsistent attitude is simply laughable.

You may ask, "Why is America so nervous?" Actually, the answer is simple: they are afraid.

Original Chang'e-6 successfully landed, many countries sent congratulatory messages, and the United States asked China to share the lunar soil

Come to think of it, China's aerospace industry has advanced by leaps and bounds over the years! We have not only built our own Tiangong space station, but also made amazing progress in many fields such as Mars exploration and solar exploration. And what about the United States? The spacecraft they are proud of as a starliner has recently been launched due to technical problems that have left astronauts stranded on the International Space Station.

This huge contrast has made the United States feel unprecedented pressure. They are so anxious because they are afraid of losing their dominance in space.

However, this attitude of the United States precisely reflects its short-sightedness and arrogance. Space exploration should not be a zero-sum game, but a common cause for all mankind. China has always advocated the peaceful use of outer space and international cooperation. In this Chang'e-6 mission, four international payloads were carried, which fully reflects China's attitude of openness and cooperation.

Original Chang'e-6 successfully landed, many countries sent congratulatory messages, and the United States asked China to share the lunar soil

So the question is: how should China respond to the tangled attitude of the United States?

I believe that we should continue to stick to our own path. On the one hand, we need to maintain an open and cooperative attitude and be willing to share the fruits of space exploration with other countries in the world. On the other hand, we must also be vigilant against the bad intentions that may exist in certain countries, adhere to our principles, and not be led by the nose by others.

The most important thing is that we should continue to increase investment and maintain the rapid development of the aerospace field. As the saying goes, "strength is the last word", and only when we are strong enough can we gain the respect and voice we deserve on the international stage.

Original Chang'e-6 successfully landed, many countries sent congratulatory messages, and the United States asked China to share the lunar soil

Speaking of which, I wonder what you guys think? How do you think China should handle these complex international relations? How do we balance openness and cooperation with independent development?

The successful landing of Chang'e-6 is a moment worthy of the pride of every Chinese. It not only demonstrates China's strong aerospace strength, but also demonstrates China's growing influence on the international stage. Let us praise the brilliant achievements of China's aerospace industry, and look forward to going further and flying higher on the road of space exploration in the near future!

Original Chang'e-6 successfully landed, many countries sent congratulatory messages, and the United States asked China to share the lunar soil
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