
If the void is not replenished, the body will be blocked! One trick of traditional Chinese medicine, the qi dissolves dampness, and the meridians are unblocked and replenished to the end!

author:Dr. Lee, the descendant of Qi Huang

There are often fans and friends in the background, saying that they are obviously very weak, dizzy all day long, can't lift their spirits by doing anything, their legs are like filled with lead, they can't walk, occasionally feel numb in their hands and feet, and their faces are not good-looking, but as soon as they take the tonics, they keep getting angry, either their gums are swollen and painful or their faces are acne, I really don't know what to do?

If the void is not replenished, the body will be blocked! One trick of traditional Chinese medicine, the qi dissolves dampness, and the meridians are unblocked and replenished to the end!

In fact, this is mostly a blockage in the body! There are many factors that cause blockage of the body's meridians, and today we are talking about the two most common types in clinical practice: dampness and qi stagnation.

First of all, let's talk about the internal resistance of moisture

As the saying goes, nine out of ten people get wet. Moisture is the blockage of garbage caused by poor water metabolism, just like the silt in a river, which accumulates more and more. The dampness continues to condense into more viscous phlegm and dampness, affecting the flow of qi and blood in the body. Therefore, the tonic that is eaten in not only cannot be delivered normally, but also aggravates the blockage of the body's meridians, resulting in phlegm, dampness, stasis, heat, and fire.

If the void is not replenished, the body will be blocked! One trick of traditional Chinese medicine, the qi dissolves dampness, and the meridians are unblocked and replenished to the end!

Therefore, if you have the characteristics of heavy dampness, such as fatigue and weakness in the limbs, dizziness, phlegm in the throat and eyes, abdominal distention, loose stools, lack of energy, thick and greasy tongue coating, and obvious tooth marks on the tongue, you can refer to Erchen Tang or Xiangsha Liujunzi Tang to add and subtract to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, and wait until the body meridians are unobstructed, and then the tonic effect is good.

If the void is not replenished, the body will be blocked! One trick of traditional Chinese medicine, the qi dissolves dampness, and the meridians are unblocked and replenished to the end!

The second is stagnation of liver qi.

The liver is the blood bank in our body and the commander of the body's qi. If the liver has a small temper and does not work well, the operation of qi will be disordered. Qi is the handsome of blood, and if the qi is chaotic and unsmooth, the blood operation will naturally be affected, and it will become slow and weak, so that the transportation and absorption of tonic medicine will be affected.

If the void is not replenished, the body will be blocked! One trick of traditional Chinese medicine, the qi dissolves dampness, and the meridians are unblocked and replenished to the end!

What kind of manifestations will people with liver qi stagnation have? They usually feel that their breasts are swollen, they are irritable and irritable, they are prone to insomnia at night, they want to sigh from time to time, and their tongues are visibly bulging. At this time, if you want to effectively replenish qi and blood, you must first soothe the liver and regulate qi, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Bupleurum Shugansan or Xiaoyaosan.

If the void is not replenished, the body will be blocked! One trick of traditional Chinese medicine, the qi dissolves dampness, and the meridians are unblocked and replenished to the end!

That's all for today's sharing, if you also encounter similar problems, you must seek medical attention offline in time for syndrome differentiation and treatment. We'll see you next time.

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