
TV series "Time is Just Time": Xu Mengxin, the happiest woman in the play, why did she do this?

author:Yan Yifan



TV series "Time is Just Time": Xu Mengxin, the happiest woman in the play, why did she do this?

The hit drama "Time is Just Right", why does Xu Mengxin, the happiest woman in the play, want to be so heavenly?

Her husband Lao Jia loves her very much and spoils her as a princess.

Lived in a luxurious villa with a nanny at home.

Every day, I live a day when I stretch my hands with clothes and open my mouth with food.

And her highly educated sister and brother-in-law's family, although they live a miserable life every day, their relationship is very good.

Achieve each other, and never sacrifice anyone.

If anything happens at home, we actively discuss and solve it.

Even if it can't be solved, it's a shared responsibility.

Lao Jia is sophisticated and all-encompassing, and he is very good to his wife and his wife's family.

Every time Lao Jia accompanies his wife back to her parents' house, she brings countless gifts to her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Even neighbors' gifts will be brought, and the number of gifts will be exhausted.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is the rich wife that everyone envies.


TV series "Time is Just Time": Xu Mengxin, the happiest woman in the play, why did she do this?

But in Xu Mengxin's heart, she is just a strong woman who has been deprived of her life pursuit and career by childbirth.

For the sake of her children and family, she gave up her beloved career as a designer very early.

After Xu Mengxin lost her interest and work, her life was empty and lonely.

In order to pass the boring days, I once thought about integrating into the circle of rich wives.

But after integrating, I found that the content of the rich wife's circle chat did not have any nutrition and value.

The so-called rich wife circle is to gossip about other people's private lives all day long.

Under such an environment, she was suspicious all day long, and she also found a private detective to check on her husband.

After two rape incidents, both of which came to naught, she realized that she didn't know herself at all.

Since Xu Mengxin returned to the family, she has lost her former high-spirited strong woman.

It is not easy to become suspicious all day long, and to suffer from gains and losses.

Since she became pregnant, she has given up her thriving career and her talented and enterprising self.

As a result, everyone now forgets that she used to be a very powerful professional woman.


TV series "Time is Just Time": Xu Mengxin, the happiest woman in the play, why did she do this?

Everyone mistakenly thinks that all Xu Mengxin's current happiness is given to her by her husband, not what she deserves.

Even her own subconscious thought she was nothing more than a careerless fertility machine.

In fact, when a person forgets what he set out for in the first place, forgets his original intention, and lives the days of the walking dead, this feeling is not pleasant.

Over time, it will destroy a person's fighting spirit and hard work.

Everyone is an individual, just give birth to a child and take maternity leave, and never quit your job to be a stay-at-home mother.

Stay-at-home motherhood is nothing short of a disaster for career-minded and capable women.

Men don't think that they can afford to support the whole family, and they can let their wives be stay-at-home mothers, so that they can take it for granted that they can despise each other's contributions.

The relationship between the couple and the whole family is not good, and when the pace of the two people is not consistent, there will be problems in the marriage.

Everyone thinks that Xu Mengxin is doing it, and she has a good life, but she has to divorce her husband.

But who understands that a woman who once shined in her career, had ideals and dreams, and focused on the hardships of her family?

Who doesn't want to make a career and contribute to society?

Leave something in this world, proof that we were once in this world.

We came to this world, even if it is short-lived, but it has the meaning of our existence.

Don't be like the poem written by Xu Zhimo: "Gently I go, just as I come gently." ”

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