
【Service Station Dynamics】The veterans service station of Taoyuan Community, Daxue East Road Street, Saihan District, carried out the theme activity of "sending the party constitution and wearing the party emblem" for retired military party members

author:Saihan District Veterans Affairs Bureau
【Service Station Dynamics】The veterans service station of Taoyuan Community, Daxue East Road Street, Saihan District, carried out the theme activity of "sending the party constitution and wearing the party emblem" for retired military party members
【Service Station Dynamics】The veterans service station of Taoyuan Community, Daxue East Road Street, Saihan District, carried out the theme activity of "sending the party constitution and wearing the party emblem" for retired military party members

On the occasion of the July 1st Party Day, the Armed Forces Department of Daxue East Road in Saihan District and the Taoyuan Community Veterans Service Station in Daxue East Road Street, Saihan District carried out an activity full of respect and warmth, sending retired servicemen's preferential treatment cards and party constitution to the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aiding Korea in the jurisdiction, and wearing the party emblem for them.

At the event site, the staff visited the home of the veteran soldier Yuan Ziguang with reverence. He also had a cordial conversation with the veteran, asked him in detail about his physical condition and living conditions, and listened to his stories about those war-torn years and heroic battles.

【Service Station Dynamics】The veterans service station of Taoyuan Community, Daxue East Road Street, Saihan District, carried out the theme activity of "sending the party constitution and wearing the party emblem" for retired military party members

When he handed over the retired soldier's preferential treatment card to Yuan Ziguang, his eyes flashed with tears of excitement. This preferential treatment card is not only a symbol of honor, but also the recognition and care of the party and the state for his great contributions to the country and the people.

The delivery of the party constitution made Yuan Ziguang feel the warmth and strength of the party again. He held the party constitution tightly, as if he had returned to those years of burning passion, and his heart was full of loyalty and belief in the party.

And when Minister Wang of the Armed Forces Department of Daxue East Road Street wore the party emblem for Yuan Ziguang, the atmosphere was solemn and sacred. The party emblem shines on Yuan Ziguang's chest, reflecting his firm face and witnessing his glorious course of selfless dedication to the party, the country and the people throughout his life.

【Service Station Dynamics】The veterans service station of Taoyuan Community, Daxue East Road Street, Saihan District, carried out the theme activity of "sending the party constitution and wearing the party emblem" for retired military party members

This activity not only sent material care and spiritual comfort to the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, but also created a good atmosphere of respect for retired soldiers and respect for the profession of military personnel in the community. The community veterans service station will continue to care for the veterans, and constantly improve the level of service guarantee, so that they can truly feel the warmth of the party and the government.

【Service Station Dynamics】The veterans service station of Taoyuan Community, Daxue East Road Street, Saihan District, carried out the theme activity of "sending the party constitution and wearing the party emblem" for retired military party members

Contributed by: Taoyuan Community Veterans Service Station, Daxue East Road Street, Saihan District

【Service Station Dynamics】The veterans service station of Taoyuan Community, Daxue East Road Street, Saihan District, carried out the theme activity of "sending the party constitution and wearing the party emblem" for retired military party members

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