
The state has repeatedly applied for salary increases for teachers, why is it repeatedly "air conditioned"? The reasons behind this are thought-provoking

author:Juichi Senda

When it comes to teachers, the banner is held high - this is the most glorious profession under the sun, carrying the lives of students and the future of the motherland, the engineer of the human soul, the pruner of the flowers of the motherland......

It should be a profession that should be respected and loved, not to mention love and respect, but teachers' salaries are not worthy of teachers' contributions.

The state has repeatedly asked teachers to raise their salaries, but why is it repeatedly "air conditioned"? The reason behind it turned out to be:

The state has repeatedly applied for salary increases for teachers, why is it repeatedly "air conditioned"? The reasons behind this are thought-provoking

The faculty is huge

According to relevant data, there are more than 18 million teachers in the country, which is more than the national population of many countries.

If you are given a big cake and divided it among ten people, everyone can eat enough, but if you give such a big piece of cake to a hundred or so people, then it is estimated that it will not be enough to stuff your teeth.

Assuming that each teacher is given a monthly increase of 200 yuan, which means 2,400 yuan per year, then the whole country will spend more than 400 billion yuan more throughout the year, how much pressure will this bring to the local finances?

This also explains why some localities only give bonuses to civil servants and other public institutions, but only to teachers.

Therefore, it is difficult to increase teachers' salaries because of the large number of teachers.

The state has repeatedly applied for salary increases for teachers, why is it repeatedly "air conditioned"? The reasons behind this are thought-provoking
The state has repeatedly applied for salary increases for teachers, why is it repeatedly "air conditioned"? The reasons behind this are thought-provoking

Teachers are a vulnerable group

Neither income nor power

Teachers are a vulnerable group, why do you say that?

Because public schools are non-profit organizations, nine-year compulsory education is free; At the same time, schools are different from hospitals, teachers cannot generate income like doctors, and salaries are linked to the efficiency of departments.

Teachers have no direct source of income, and their salaries are all based on local financial allocations, and the income of teachers in places with better local finances is okay; The local finances are not good, and the first people who cannot pay their salaries must be teachers.

We often hear the phrase "teachers' salaries are not lower than those of civil servants", which is only talking about "salary", not "total income".

One is a teacher and the other is a civil servant, who has the higher salary and bonuses?

The answer is needless to say, as a leader, can you allow or "endure" the wages of your employees to be higher than yours?

Therefore, it is a large number of teachers who resign to take the civil service examination, but the civil servants give up the administrative department to take the teacher examination, maybe I am lonely and have never heard of it.

From this point of view, it is enough to prove that teachers are in a relatively disadvantaged group, and rural teachers are basically a disadvantaged group among the disadvantaged groups.

The state has repeatedly applied for salary increases for teachers, why is it repeatedly "air conditioned"? The reasons behind this are thought-provoking
The state has repeatedly applied for salary increases for teachers, why is it repeatedly "air conditioned"? The reasons behind this are thought-provoking

Differences in professional titles and regional differences are generalized

Teacher group salaries are "represented" by a small number of high salaries

Regional differences lead to different teachers' salaries in different regions, such as coastal or more developed cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, etc., teachers' salaries are relatively high, and there are rumors that teachers' annual salaries are hundreds of thousands.

However, in underdeveloped areas such as the central and western regions, teachers' salaries are relatively low, and teachers in these places are also called teachers, and they will also be considered to have an annual salary of hundreds of thousands.

In the same way, the salary of the teacher group is back to being paid by the high professional title to the "representative".

Teachers' salaries are closely linked to professional titles, and our local deputy senior professional title salary can be 7,000 a month, but junior professional title teachers are only more than 3,000.

However, less than 10 percent of the teachers are very few, but among the social population, their high salaries represent 60 or 70 percent of teachers with junior professional titles.

The teaching profession is a profession of conscience, and teachers are a civilized group, not to mention that "when a talent meets a soldier, it is unreasonable to say it", even if teachers can "explain clearly", are they willing to say it if they are in a vulnerable group? Do you dare to say it again?

Teachers' salaries have always been given by the local government, and teachers will receive as much as they want, and it does not mean that it is reasonable and reasonable to exist.

If teachers are always in such a weak position, and have been "represented" by a few people in this way, one day, the bubble will be destroyed and the whitewashed prosperity will disappear.

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