
The dust has settled! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed Chen Meng's singles qualification, and Wang Manyu was not selected and waited for another 4 years

The dust has settled! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed Chen Meng's singles qualification, and Wang Manyu was not selected and waited for another 4 years

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2024-06-29 01:31Creators in the field of sports

The 2024 Paris Olympics is approaching step by step, and the Chinese Olympic Committee has officially confirmed the list of athletes participating in the table tennis event, which is consistent with the lineup announced by the national table tennis not long ago, and the controversial Chen Meng and Wang Manyu dispute has also come to an end: Chen Meng is sure to get the singles and team qualifications, while Wang Manyu only participates in the team competition, and if he wants to participate in the singles, he can only wait for another four years.

The dust has settled! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed Chen Meng's singles qualification, and Wang Manyu was not selected and waited for another 4 years

The list of athletes who will go to the Paris Olympics for the national table tennis has been announced as early as May 14 this year, among which Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha are three, Fan Zhendong and Chen Meng are in singles and team, Ma Long and Wang Manyu only participate in the team competition - compared with other places, Chen Meng's selection in women's singles and Wang Manyu's defeat are undoubtedly the most controversial content.

In fact, as early as 2023, the Table Tennis Association has announced the method of Olympic selection, but in 2024, the women's singles plan will be revised, and if there is no such decision, Wang Manyu is likely to get the women's singles qualification to Paris before the WTT Saudi Grand Slam in May, but she will be rejected according to the revised method.

The dust has settled! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed Chen Meng's singles qualification, and Wang Manyu was not selected and waited for another 4 years

Because the two plans may lead to completely different results, many fans who support Wang Manyu have raised questions and dissatisfaction with the national table tennis, and even advertised in the New York square in the United States, and the conflict is escalating, but even so, there are still many people who still hope that the ITTF and the Olympic Committee will intervene in this matter.

Soon after, in the first batch of Olympic invitation lists of the ITTF on June 18, Wang Manyu beat Chen Meng and qualified with the world's second ranking, but this list needs to be confirmed with various associations: in other words, whether Wang Manyu can play or not is still up to the national table tennis.

The dust has settled! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed Chen Meng's singles qualification, and Wang Manyu was not selected and waited for another 4 years

On June 28, the Chinese Olympic Committee announced the list of table tennis players who went to Paris, and in the end no changes were made, Wang Manyu still missed the singles, and Chen Meng kept his position - although this result was expected by many people, it still caused a lot of public opinion and pushed the two national table tennis stars to the forefront again.

Now it seems that no matter whether the selection of national table tennis is reasonable or not, Wang Manyu's failure to participate in this year's Olympic singles has become a foregone conclusion, and the next thing to do is to try to calm down and prepare for the upcoming team competition. As for whether she can get the singles place in four years, it is really difficult to predict, after all, the competition in the national table tennis team is fierce, and a new generation may stand up and seize power at any time.

Let's just sit back and wait for the Paris Olympics to be over.

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  • The dust has settled! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed Chen Meng's singles qualification, and Wang Manyu was not selected and waited for another 4 years
  • The dust has settled! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed Chen Meng's singles qualification, and Wang Manyu was not selected and waited for another 4 years
  • The dust has settled! The Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed Chen Meng's singles qualification, and Wang Manyu was not selected and waited for another 4 years

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