
Yi said: the ability of the director of the hotel engineering department

author:Zhang Bobo
Yi said: the ability of the director of the hotel engineering department

First of all, as a novice supervisor who has just taken office, he usually has outstanding performance in professional work ability, so he is promoted.

However, there will be various problems with the problems of team leaders, the work assigned by superiors, and the work arrangements of subordinate employees.

The work tasks of the head of the engineering department

The main task of the manager is to lead the staff to complete: the maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment and the daily warranty work of the hotel, in order to complete these work, we must be familiar with the relevant systems, regulations, standard operating procedures of the hotel and the engineering department, etc., and complete the maintenance and maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment under the premise of standards, safety and norms, and solve the problem quickly and effectively for the daily maintenance work of the hotel;

The management ability of the head of the engineering department

As a grassroots manager, first of all, you must be familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of employees, know how to stimulate their potential and enthusiasm, effectively solve internal disputes, and direct the resource advantages of all parties to common goals; We should treat all people, things and things fairly, openly and fairly, and be able to have face-to-face conversations with employees in a cheerful manner; Even if there is a difference of opinion with the employees, there must be a sense of acceptance of different voices, and I cannot exist that I am the supervisor and I have the final say, and the creativity of my subordinates should be erased; The most terrible thing is: the management state of cowering and sycophancy that neither I nor my employees dare to say, can't say, and have no ability to say; A positive and enthusiastic attitude from the supervisor is crucial!

The responsibilities of the Head of Engineering are expanded

Clarify the job responsibilities of employees, so that they can truly understand the work content and goals, formulate a reasonable work plan, create a working atmosphere to achieve goals, patiently guide employees, and exchange work experiences with each other

The supervisor must find a way to imperceptibly improve the working habits and methods of employees, reasonably adjust the work plan, improve the efficiency of the project, and improve the quality and quantity of the team's maintenance work.

Self-management by the head of the engineering department

Self-management is through reasonable self-design, self-learning, self-coordination and self-control activities to improve personal quality and performance, and achieve departmental work goals.

Self-management is conducive to stimulating the enthusiasm of supervisors and employees, is the true embodiment and substantive development of people-oriented management, changes the one-way management of managers in traditional management and employees follow the instructions, and creates a good atmosphere of consistent work goals, win-win cooperation and attention to contributions.

Effectively solve the contradiction between supervisors and employees, improve management efficiency, and reduce management costs

The self-management of supervisors can promote the self-management of department employees through the adjustment and management system of the department.

The so-called management path is as follows:

Yi said: the ability of the director of the hotel engineering department

"Learning by doing, learning by doing" is the "management and improvement" mentioned in the above picture

You need to fill in the work log of the day before leaving the office every day, which is the homework that must be done to help you work smoothly and grow your ability.

The method is to record the daily work items one by one, think about the process and results of these work, retain the experience if you are satisfied, accumulate it and use it in the future, and think about improvement measures if you are not satisfied, and continue to carry it out consistently.

A work diary can help you reflect on your day's work and develop good work habits. Weekly work schedule: Develop a realistic goal plan based on the goals and requirements of the organization.

Yi said: the ability of the director of the hotel engineering department

Morning meeting record: The individual is responsible for reporting the implementation of the weekday work and the progress of the department's work tasks

For the department, the work log records everyone's work information for a day, and is the most efficient and convenient communication tool for the department.

Yi said: the ability of the director of the hotel engineering department

Post said: the word of the post person, the word of the family

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