
Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!

author:Attack on the Demon King Entertainment

Bailu and Fan Chengcheng are both resident guests of Running Man, and since the two of them joined Running Man, they have added a lot of jokes to Running Man, which can be regarded as saving Running Man's ratings to a certain extent.

In private, the relationship between the two is also very good. There have also been collaborations on the stage, and they have gained a wave of CP fans because of this, but after all, men and women are different, and there are too many interactions, which will inevitably cause controversy.

Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!

Recently, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have both been sent to the hot search.

The reason is that some pictures of the interaction between the two were intercepted by netizens for trial, and some netizens felt that the two lacked a sense of boundary in the process of dating.

When he wanted to apply paint in the game, Fan Chengcheng went directly to Bailu's face, the distance between the face and the face was very close, and he directly smeared paint on Bailu's face, not treating her as a girl at all.

Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!
Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!

This photo was later uploaded to Chaohua, and Bailu's fans were even dissatisfied with it, thinking that it was nothing to show off.

Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!

When participating in the show, the physical contact between the two of them will be more frequent than that of other guests.

Sometimes when Bailu wanted to speak, Fan Chengcheng directly covered her mouth.

Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!

In fact, this has a lot to do with the personalities of the two of them, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng both have their own funny attributes, they are also young people, and it is normal to have fun.

Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!

It's just that when they play together, some behaviors are really not appropriate.

For example, this time, Bailu's legs already felt very uncomfortable, but Fan Chengcheng, who was playful, directly pulled the stool away, and Bailu's whole body fell to the ground, which provoked Bailu's fans to break their defenses in an instant.

is an insult to Fan Chengcheng.

Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!

The key thing is that Fan Chengcheng even knocked Bailu's injuries.

This is really inappropriate for Fan Chengcheng to do, after all, Bailu has been injured, and if he is not careful, he may even cause a serious accident.

There is also this picture of rolling in the mud, which has been complained by many netizens, and it has been said to be harassment.

Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!

This time, many passers-by chose to stand on Bailu's side.

Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!
Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!

Bailu was accused of being too close to male artists before, and even set up a female man, but he was ridiculed as a white man because of some remarks.

When filming the Agni Military Academy, the interaction between Bailu and Xu Kai was suspected of being in love because it had too no sense of boundaries.

Now the relationship with Fan Chengcheng is too close, and then he repeats the mistakes of the past.

Bailu and Fan Chengcheng have no sense of boundaries? The interaction was too diligent and was sent to the hot search, and the fans were noisy!

Anyway, everyone watches variety shows just for fun, and I personally don't think there's any need to be too online.

Seeing that the two fans quarreled like this, it is estimated that Fan Chengcheng and Bailu will have to avoid suspicion when they appear in variety shows again in the future.

I don't know if everyone thinks it's because netizens are overreacting, or if the two really lack a sense of boundaries? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.


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