
The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

author:Mature Ming Moon Nws


The size of China's territory, its vast territory, and its large population make the West envious of China, which has left a large amount of territory in ancient times, which is now part of other countries, and now there is a remnant territory that is being invited, this mysterious and quaint territory is the Republic of Tuva in the north of Xinjiang.

In the north of the continent in the Central Siberian region there is a mysterious ethnic group inhabited, that is, the northernmost nomadic people of the mainland, the Tangnu Ulianghai people, this ethnic group once provided a lot of resources for the mainland during the Qing Dynasty, but when the Qing Dynasty was weakened, it was colonized by Russia, and this nation became part of Russia.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

The Republic of Tuva has a unique geographical environment, known as the "Pearl of the Arctic Ocean", which is rich in resources and unique natural conditions, but also because of the particularity of the Central Siberian region, this territory has also been contested by nomads and countries, and the name of this place has changed many times.

The most well-known name in the territory of the Tangnu-Ulianghai is the Tuva region, and after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, it became known as the Siberian Cossack Republic, which later became part of Russia.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

This mysterious people and territory have also experienced many times of rule by other countries, but because the geographical location of this territory is very special, it once became an independent government in China, but later the collapse of a war, also caused this territory to change its ownership, and was eventually colonized by the Soviet Union, although most of the people here are Chinese, but their attitude towards China is very cold, so are these people really Chinese?

The natives of Tangnu Ulianghai in this place have all left, who are the people there now?

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

A special environment beyond human imagination.

It is understood that the Republic of Tuva, located in the northwestern part of the continent in the central Siberian region of Russia, is bordered by the land of Mongolia to the west, the Altai Mountains to the east, and the border of Xinjiang to the south, but it is adjacent to the Arctic Ocean to the north.

The geographical environment here is very special, so it is known as the "Pearl of the Arctic Ocean, the ten-year-old frozen land", because the local climate is cold, frozen all the year round, not suitable for farming at all, so it is a paradise for nomads from ancient times to the present, it is an excellent place for them to graze, and it is also a paradise for hunters to find prey.

Historically, this land has also been ruled by the state, at the beginning of the Han Dynasty, it was included in the territory of the mainland, and during the Han Dynasty, this land was not a centralized system, but was called the "Western Regions Protectorate".

At that time, it was the minister of the Han Dynasty who personally came to the local capital to protect it, and in addition to holding some positions in the local area, he also had to prepare some daily things, such as personnel and materials.

With the reform and unification of the political system, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty innovated and changed the situation, and directly converted the place of the capital to the government, also called the local government, but the government followed the centralized system, and the local power was the feudal system, so the reform of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was only in vain.

After the failure of the reforms, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty divided the region into seven kingdoms, including this territory, and the region on the border between China and Mongolia and the Mongolian steppes were once united into one country, which made the Republic of Tuva very incredible.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

During the Western Han Dynasty, the countries in Central Asia were very strong, and even the Roman Empire did not dare to act rashly, especially during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty did not have much strength in Central Asia, so they went to some of these countries to obtain resources.

Among them, there is the place of Tangnu Ulianghai, the resources here are abundant, especially the heads, there are many of them, it is a very unique product in the local area, when the Qing Dynasty has been fighting for a long time, so the national strength is very weak, and the conquest of other countries is basically at a disadvantage, but Tangnu Wulianghai is very strong, their land area is very small, but their national strength is very strong, and they are also one of the wars in many countries and regions.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

At that time, even the Crimean Peninsula was devouring other countries, but it did not swallow the Lower Tangnu Ulianghai region, so the Qing Dynasty knew that their heads were famous, everyone was twice as man, and they were also strong on one side.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty invited the Tangnu Wulianghai people to the country in order to be able to eat well and dress warmly, and their food and furs were also famous, and many of the people in the Qing Dynasty were poor, or homeless people who lost their homes in the war.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

The homeless people are not only people who struggle with hunger and cold, but also people who have lost their homes in the war, many of them are orphans, people who have lost their loved ones, all such people definitely do not want to live, they are directly struck by lightning and buried next to their fiancées, in order to satisfy their own desires, they are not looked down upon by these people, they give their furs to some people like the homeless people in exchange for food.

And the place of these people is the place of the Tangnu Ulianghai people, for the safety of the country, for the people of their country to be able to eat well, dress warmly, and even live, so the Tangnu Ulianghai people have naturally become the strong backing of the country.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

In order to raise the resources of Tangnu Ulianghai and raise food for feeding, almost everyone in the whole country has a share, and the country's annual tax revenue is consumed by 20 percent, and the gold and silver wealth is concentrated in the hands of state officials, and the people are getting poorer and poorer year by year, and they can even afford to support themselves, and the country's gold and silver wealth is gone.

Even the country's officials have recently wanted to expand their territory, so before they directly led troops to fight and declare unification, the Tangnu Ulianghai region was the territory of the mainland, but the local people lived in poverty, so they became the backing of the state.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

The history of change, the residual complex.

It was part of the Qing Dynasty, but after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the area was incorporated into Russia, but Russia was still hungry at that time, and in 1917 Russia finally issued a constitution and established a socialist government.

The Qing Dynasty has been collapsed at the end of the Qing Dynasty, so the ruling power of the Qing Dynasty can never be taken back, but the good of the people should not be lost, so after the collapse of the Qing Dynasty for six years, the common people grasped the initiative, took their destiny in their hands, and established the People's Republic of China.

As soon as the People's Republic of China was founded, the Tuva region was treated as a Chinese dependency, and not only that, but in order to demonstrate the friendly relations between the mainland and the Soviet Union, China was also the initiative of the Soviet Union.

At that time, although the Soviet Union was staring at this place, it did not do anything, and our country believed that the Soviet Union neither attacked nor occupied, and we believed that this land should still belong to us, and China's attitude towards the Tuva region made the Soviet Union very dissatisfied, and it became more and more cold to the Chinese state.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

Until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and as Russia also abandoned the Soviet Union, the foreign policy of our country also changed, and a vote was held in the region, but the result of the vote was clear, most of the people voted with Russia.

Although China's attitude towards Russia is still the same as before, Russia is two-faced, no matter how China behaves, they do not trust China, not only that, in retaliation, they have built a 62-kilometer border wall along the border, which makes China directly lose the territory of this place.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

But as China's economy grew stronger and Russia's long-standing political corruption led to a collapse in the economy, they reversed course for nearly three decades, and in 2006 Russia voluntarily ceded the territory and returned it to the mainland, Xinjiang.

But the severance of diplomatic relations with Russia is also to make China more concerned, the United States launched a financial crisis and chose to sever diplomatic relations with China, so Russia gloated, feeling that it finally did not have to bear the pressure of the financial crisis alone, and finally the Soviet Union was broken, so the Republic of Tuva finally became part of Russia.

Now only the beautiful women remain here.

The Republic of Tuva is now part of Russia, and most of the people who live here are Russians, but the history of this territory was not washed away by the captives, the descendants of the Donnu-Ulianghai people live there, and today the Republic of Tuva is not only the homeland of the Tangnu-Ulianghai people, but also their nomadic land.

They have their own habits of riding, herding, and wandering, which makes them feel comfortable, but this way of life also makes them extremely self-isolated, and not only do they not accept the international situation, but even the international situation has lost interest in them.

So they are very cold to the people on the Chinese side, and even the descendants of the Tangnu Ulianghai people despise Chinese culture.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

Although many people now live in the north, and many live a nomadic life, they have embraced Russian culture, so almost all of them are illiterate, even doctors and teachers are few, only small children can go to school, and their teachers also speak Russian.

Most of the modern Vatu people were born in Russia, and the resources here are not abundant, so some Vatu people are worried that they will have a difficult birth, so they choose to go to Russia to give birth.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

The locals also expressed great incomprehension and disgust at this behavior, but their lives were no better than those of outsiders, there was no music in their country, there were no movies, except for herding sheep, they just slept, and their lives were outrageously simple.

Since a nation and a country like them are also maintaining such an international situation, then China will naturally not maintain any international situation with them, China has always been very concerned about the Tuva region, but the Tuva region is very indifferent to China, as early as 1991, China has a friendly attitude towards the Tuva region, and domestic politicians have gone here to express their support for the local officials and soldiers.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

Although the Tuva region has also experienced compromises from the United Nations International Office, the people of Vatu are still very cold, and the attitude of Chinese is "brainwashed".

Relations between the two countries have always been tense, but with Chinese warplanes and missiles surface-to-ground, one after the other, the Tuvan people have become more fearful, and Tuvan officials and military personnel have gradually accepted China's friendly attitude.

However, when Chinese officials and military personnel came to carry out the mission, they were forcibly expelled by the Russian military without exception, and China has always wanted to repair the international situation with the Tuva region, but China finally abandoned the Tuva region due to the Russian side.

The territory that China only lost in 1994 is now full of beautiful women, and whether the locals still have a Chinese complex

In 1994, China and Russia both reached an agreement that China would give up the Tuva region and support the Tuva region as part of Russia, and Russia would compensate China for trade and military purposes.

So figure

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